I've just finished post #76, and anxiously await the next installment. Horo35, your photos are great, as are the rest of them. In the post where you show the bar where Jack and Ennis go for a drink, you said you didn't take a photo of the inside "...due to patrons staring at me." When my nephew was about 15, he became interested in photography to inhance his 24-hrs-a-day consuming interest in trains and wanted me to teach him to use a better camera than a point-and-shoot (I am a photographer). And the first rule was never let the on-lookers decide what you will or won't photograph; 2nd one was to not be shy about asking people to move if they were not wanted in the shot. One day, a few weeks later, we were at the train museum station in Sacramento (CA) and he asked me to take the picture (because he was embarrased by the crowd) but I told him to do it himself and pay no attention to them....lo and behold, he steped around looking for the shot he wanted (I had turned my attention elsewhere) and suddenly heard him ask everyone in the way to please move back. They did. And his photo won the photo contest at his school. I wasn't there to see him get his award, but my sister said he thanked me for encouraging him with his photography. e has since won many "train related" contests.
So, to you I also say: photograph what you want, wherever it may be and don't be concerned by on-lookers.
If I was as good with the computer as I am with a camera, well, who knows....