Author Topic: The playlist on Heath's funeral unraveled...  (Read 24087 times)

Offline Ellemeno

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Re: The playlist on Heath's funeral unraveled...
« Reply #20 on: February 13, 2008, 04:04:08 pm »
Celebrating The Life Of Heath Ledger - Here Comes the Sun


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Re: The playlist on Heath's funeral unraveled...
« Reply #21 on: February 13, 2008, 04:10:56 pm »
In memory of Heath Ledger - These Days by Powderfinger


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Re: The playlist on Heath's funeral unraveled...
« Reply #22 on: February 13, 2008, 04:22:25 pm »
Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd - Heath video tributes




Brokeback Mountain specific:


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Re: The playlist on Heath's funeral unraveled...
« Reply #23 on: February 16, 2008, 01:28:07 pm »
You may find the imagery of this video...interesting...

The Shins - Past and Pending[youtube=425,350][/youtube]

As someone sets light to the first fire of autumn
We settle down to cut ourselves apart.
Cough and twitch from the news on your face
And some foreign candle burning in your eyes

Held to the past too aware of the pending
Chill as the dawn breaks and finds us up for sale.
Enter the fog another low road descending
Away from the cold lust, you house and summertime.

Blind to the last cursed affair pistols and countless eyes
A trail of white blood betrays the reckless route your craft is running
Feed till the sun turns into wood dousing an ancient torch
Loiter the whole day through and lose yourself in lines dissecting love.

Your name on my cast and my notes on your stay
Offer me little but doting on a crime.
We've turned every stone and for all our inventions
In matters of love loss, we've no recourse at all.

Blind to the last cursed affair pistols and countless eyes
A trail of white blood betrays the reckless route your craft is running
Feed till the sun turns into wood dousing an ancient torch
Loiter the whole day through and lose yourself in lines dissecting love.

Yes, indeed, I found it outstanding, John. Especially at the beginning where the young man in the brown coat is taking pictures of a lone house that looks a little like the one at Lightning Flat. Who was that older man in the car, d'you think? Methinks it was his father. All duded up in a fancy shirt to go across the bridge.

And fabienne--outstanding photo and review of Neil Young!! I also listened to his "Emperor of Wyoming" recently. That's Ennis, to me, and Heath.
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Re: The playlist on Heath's funeral unraveled...
« Reply #24 on: February 18, 2008, 01:29:41 pm »
Yes, indeed, I found it outstanding, John. Especially at the beginning where the young man in the brown coat is taking pictures of a lone house that looks a little like the one at Lightning Flat. Who was that older man in the car, d'you think? Methinks it was his father. All duded up in a fancy shirt to go across the bridge.

And fabienne--outstanding photo and review of Neil Young!! I also listened to his "Emperor of Wyoming" recently. That's Ennis, to me, and Heath.

I'm downloading that as we speak! Thanks for recommending it...

Anybody else have specific memories of the songs on the playlist of Heath's memorial?

Offline jstephens9

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Re: The playlist on Heath's funeral unraveled...
« Reply #25 on: February 25, 2008, 04:09:14 pm »
Thanks so much for posting these songs. I want to make a CD of them in remembrance of Heath. I am familiar with the songs except for "These Days" by Powderfinger. I do know that I have read that Heath was a big fan of the Beatles. I also read he was a big fan of Ben Harper who he knew. I believe the other songs fit very well into how I have read Heath was, how he lived, and how he saw the world. I think he was a very intense person as well as a very peaceful person. I have also read that his family (I believe it was his family) said that he was an old soul in a young man's body. That reminds me of the song "Old Man."

I have felt this before and I think it may sound strange to some people so I have just thought maybe it was my imagination. It might be or it may be that I find them to both be admirable people who left us way too young. I see some pictures of Heath particularly the ones where he has those round glasses on and he reminds me of John Lennon. I do think it is possible that both of them did view the world in similar ways, both lived life in similar ways, and both were very peaceful people who did not really seek the type of fame and fortune they found. I may be totally off base, but when I read that Heath's favorite group was the Beatles it made me think even more.

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Re: The playlist on Heath's funeral unraveled...
« Reply #26 on: February 26, 2008, 03:31:37 am »

I have felt this before and I think it may sound strange to some people so I have just thought maybe it was my imagination. It might be or it may be that I find them to both be admirable people who left us way too young. I see some pictures of Heath particularly the ones where he has those round glasses on and he reminds me of John Lennon. I do think it is possible that both of them did view the world in similar ways, both lived life in similar ways, and both were very peaceful people who did not really seek the type of fame and fortune they found. I may be totally off base, but when I read that Heath's favorite group was the Beatles it made me think even more.

They were both unconcerned with how speaking what they believed would affect their careers.
They were both especially loving daddies.  (Well, John was with his second child.)
They both eschewed playing it safe in their art forms by sticking with formulas that had worked, but instead kept exploring new directions. (Well, John did in early and mid-career.)

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Re: The playlist on Heath's funeral unraveled...
« Reply #27 on: February 26, 2008, 03:00:28 pm »
This was apparently the 'play list' of Heath's funeral...

What an amazing list of songs...

"These Days" - Powderfinger
"Wish You Were Here" - Pink Floyd
"Superstition" - Stevie Wonder
"Times Are A-Changin'" - Bob Dylan
"Seven Nation Army" - White Stripes
"The Past and Pending" - The Shins
"Here Comes the Sun" - The Beatles
"Happy Ever After" - Ben Harper
"1979" - Smashing Pumpkins
"Old Man" - Neil Young
"Come Together" - The Beatles

Old Man just happens to be one of my all-time favourite songs. I also heard it in "Lords of Dogtown" and it makes me smile. It probably also has a meaning because of Heath's Old Man River tattoo.

Come Together - The Beatles:
"Got to be a joker he just do what he please."

Here Comes the Sun - The Beatles:
Little darling, it's been a long cold lonely winter
Little darling, it feels like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun
and I say it's all right

Wish you were here - Pink Floyd:
We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year,
Running over the same old ground.
What have you found? The same old fears.
Wish you were here.

These Days - Powder Finger:

This life well it's slipping right through my hands
These days turned out nothing like I had planned

Do you have any special memories associated with any of these songs?

Certainly do, as music has always been there for me in good and bad times.
I can remember sitting doing my homework to "wish you were here" The first vinyl I ever bought was Pink Floyd,and used to save my pocket money till I had collected all they had ever recorded.
I rmember sobbing to the bob dylan track,over and over again after a painful breakup.

The beatles,come together got me right from the first hypnotic beat.I much preferred their later work to the more "pop" earlier stuff.Here comes the sun always reminds me of John Lennon,another who died too young.

Neil young I loved but preferred other tracks,like the needle and the damage done.At the time I was concerned about my brother who was dabbling in controlled substances.
The white stripes I only saw for the first time at the live 8 concert and was immediately hooked.I love it when I discover new groups and music.

Happy ever after I only became aware of when I discovered Heath's fascination with the musician.So now that just makes me cry.

I read (alluding to another post) that Heath actually played the didgeridoo(sorry if  incorrect spelling) on an interview,and than got the interviewer to try and play it as well.
I have wracked my brains to remember which interview it was,but to no avail.So the playing of it at his funeral seems very apt.
I hope someone knows me well enough tp play the songs that mean much to me at my funeral.

I Thnk just maybe my older son might know.Inspite of his many problems we have a common bond at least with music.

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Re: The playlist on Heath's funeral unraveled...
« Reply #28 on: February 26, 2008, 09:46:48 pm »
Me too, me too  :)  Floyd was my favorite for a lot of years, and at one point I owned every record.  "Wish You Were Here" was one of my favorite Floyd songs.

"Needle and the Damage Done" is my favorite Neil Young track as well.  Hopefully your brother has gotten past that okay.

Here is the link to a post on this site with the Heath didgeridoo info:,16738.210/topicseen.html

Thanks for the link,it reallywas driving me nuts,Yes thang god my brother is noe the cleanest living person I know.He moved to Japan when he was in early twenties and they simply take NO prisoners with drugs.
He thrn tried alcohol but 5 years ago gave that up along with smoking.
He now lives between tokyo and the mountains for half the year,and in I ndia with his wife nd child for the other half.too complicated to explain.He is really a bit of a loner.
.It was a constant worry for me as I was stupidly(in hindsight) protecting my paarents who thought he wa gods gift.Fortunately now it has rurned full circle and he helps me with my many emotional problems and as mentioned in y blog bipolar son
Thanks again,
yuo're a sweetie for your concern
Is this site just not filled with good souls.
I love it

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Re: The playlist on Heath's funeral unraveled...
« Reply #29 on: February 28, 2008, 06:24:38 pm »
"1979" - Smashing Pumpkins

Heath's date of birth was 4 April, 1979.
First off, I love that song!
Second 1979 was my first year as a teenager! Very important to me!
Third, on April 4th of this year I will be attending my Second Gay Rodeo. Had it not been for Heaths portrayal of Ennis I would not have gone to my first one much less my second one.
I owe all these amazing changes in my life to him. I hate to sound like some star struck stalker freak but it's true.
Watching Brokeback almost a year ago (4/10/07) changed my life. I saw in Ennis who I was and who I was destined to become if I didn't change. I don't think anyone else could have portrayed that role in a way that would have hit me so hard.
So again I say "Thank you Ennis/Heath for showing me the way".
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