Author Topic: Social Conditions in Great Britain  (Read 7308 times)

Offline souxi

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Social Conditions in Great Britain
« on: February 03, 2008, 09:58:47 am »

Hoax Ledger caller traced to the UK

February 3, 2008 - 11:47AM


A hoax caller who reportedly tried to swindle cash out of Hollywood stars by posing as Australian actor Heath Ledger's grieving father has been traced to the United Kingdom.

Reports in the UK say New York Police have traced the con-artist to the seaside town of Scarborough in northeastern England.

The conman phoned Tom Cruise asking for emotional support and tried to convince John Travolta to pay for his air fare from Australia to the United States, earlier reports said.

The man began pulling the stunt just hours after 28-year-old Ledger died in his Manhattan apartment and also contacted Mel Gibson, Halle Berry and Christian Bale.

US police sources told the UK's The Sun newspaper that two numbers - a landline and mobile - had been tracked down to a dingy block of bedsit flats in the Yorkshire seaside resort of Scarborough.

The mobile was said to be registered to a 35-year-old local man.

A police source told the newspaper: "How would a nobody in that flat have the numbers of two of the world's biggest film stars?

"Investigators are also asking what was his motive. It's bizarre.

"All roads currently lead to this man. And he may soon get a knock at his door."

New York police are leading the inquiry but North Yorkshire detectives may be drafted in, The Sun said.

How the hell did some lowlife living in Scarborough, get hold of celebrities phone numbers??  ???
I hope they throw the book at him, bastard.  >:(

Offline optom3

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Social Conditions in Great Britain
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2008, 10:42:14 am »
How the hell did some lowlife living in Scarborough, get hold of celebrities phone numbers??  ???
I hope they throw the book at him, bastard.  >:(

Untill 2 years ago I used to live in The U.K ,believe me it is full of lowlife.Also the tabloid papers there are worse than a flock of vultures.Most of what they report has not even any slightest vestige of truth.Hence the reason there are so many libel cases against the press over there.I gave up on the papers there.
They are merely fodder for the masses,who have to live their lives vicariously through others.This story will probably end up being Scarboroughs only claim to fame.

Offline souxi

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Social Conditions in Great Britain
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2008, 10:53:42 am »
Untill 2 years ago I used to live in The U.K ,believe me it is full of lowlife.Also the tabloid papers there are worse than a flock of vultures.Most of what they report has not even any slightest vestige of truth.Hence the reason there are so many libel cases against the press over there.I gave up on the papers there.
They are merely fodder for the masses,who have to live their lives vicariously through others.This story will probably end up being Scarboroughs only claim to fame.

When you say it,s full of lowlife, do you just mean Scarborough or the UK generally? Yes the tabloid papers are crap I,ll give you that one, especially the sun, the news of the world, the daily mirror, and the worst one of all IMO, the daily sport. THAT paper is nothing more than a cheap porn rag. You wouldn,t wipe your **** with it it,s that bad.
I,m usre not all the residents of Scarborough are lowlife. It makes a lot of it,s money through the tourist trade. People go on holiday there year after year, it,s very popular as a seaside town.

Offline optom3

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Social Conditions in Great Britain
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2008, 11:30:27 pm »
When you say it,s full of lowlife, do you just mean Scarborough or the UK generally? Yes the tabloid papers are crap I,ll give you that one, especially the sun, the news of the world, the daily mirror, and the worst one of all IMO, the daily sport. THAT paper is nothing more than a cheap porn rag. You wouldn,t wipe your **** with it it,s that bad.
I,m usre not all the residents of Scarborough are lowlife. It makes a lot of it,s money through the tourist trade. People go on holiday there year after year, it,s very popular as a seaside town.

I realy mean the u.k in general I do not mean to offend anyone,after all I lived there for over 40 years.In that time I witnessed the disintigration of a once,I think country.We can no longer fly our flag in support of eg soccer matches in case it offends anyone of another country.We are no longer allowed to have a nativity plays at school and I am talking 5-6 year olds here,unless it offends other religious sects.

The streets of most inner cities are filled with marauding gangs of hooded violent and drumken teenagers and younger ,who can and do kill.Most recently an 11 year old just on his way back from soccer practice.
My exhusband is a teacher of psychology at college and even when he had a chair thrown at him,the only form of punishment available to him was to send the boy home for the rest of the day.Because of political correctness and the human rights bill.Those in authority have little means of control.Your kid does not like his punishment he rings socilal services and the parents are monitored.
My ex summed it up when he said that so many kids in the U.K had almost become feral.Roaming free,creating havoc and with the full knowledge that little can be done about it.
I think I just wish that we who use to and those who still do live in the U.K ,could still have a sense of pride in their country,in the way so many Americans do.
I also wish that the much abused socilal security system could be modified to weed out those who simply never intend to work and indeed are proud of it.I witnessed that ethic in my practice .where the poor pensioner with meagre savings having worked all their lives, had to make do with specs held together with tape ast hey could ill afford new ones.
In contrast those who had never worked and had no intention of so doing glibly and with little or no thanks grabbed their new free specs.

OK rant over. and full apologies to anyone in Scarborough ,

I meant no offense,Possibly engage brain before opening mouth.

Offline souxi

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« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2008, 03:42:00 am »
Wow you sure do paint a nice picture of the UK. ::) Yes I grant you some inner city parts of the UK like Manchester, Leeds Birmingham and Nottingham arn,t particulaly nice places, and the outskirts of Glasgow are an absolute dump, but then again, when I,ve watched TV and seen rundown parts of the States, much the same could be said for there too. I mean one thing we don,t have over here, or not that I,m aware of anyway, is the violent gang culture that they have in many cities in the States, like St Louis and Chicago to name but 2. I,ve watched Ross Kemp on gangs, and when he leaves the more affluent part of one city and ventures into the other, poorer side, the people there live in slums and poverty and the gang violence is awful. Yes we do seem to have these gangs of feral kids roaming the streets, again in some parts of the UK that I mentioned. It,s usually the parts where there is high unemployment. They have nothing to do and they get easlily bored, so crime seems like an attractive option. They hang around on street corners, or go joyriding. But not all of the UK is like that. It certainly isn,t where I live. Places like Cornwall, Devon, North Yorkshire, Cumbria, and the Highlands of Scotland are beautiful, and do very well via the tourist trade.Just don,t tar us all with the same brush. Your going to get "lowlifes" in any part of the world, it,s just life, but that doesn,t put people off visiting the States or the Uk, or even places like Jamacia, where Kingston especially is rife with gangs. Scarborough is ok as I said, it,s just the odd few who spoil it for everyone else, but again, you get that in all corners of the world. Of course don,t forget good old Whitby in the north of England, Dracula country. I,ve never been to Whitby, but I,d love to go on a Dracula hunt. Northumberland is also beautiful, especially the beaches at Bamburgh, and the views from Bamburgh Castle are spectacular. Have I encouraged any visitors from across the pond now lol.  ;D

Offline optom3

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Social Conditions in Great Britain
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2008, 11:04:45 am »
Wow you sure do paint a nice picture of the UK. ::) Yes I grant you some inner city parts of the UK like Manchester, Leeds Birmingham and Nottingham arn,t particulaly nice places, and the outskirts of Glasgow are an absolute dump, but then again, when I,ve watched TV and seen rundown parts of the States, much the same could be said for there too. I mean one thing we don,t have over here, or not that I,m aware of anyway, is the violent gang culture that they have in many cities in the States, like St Louis and Chicago to name but 2. I,ve watched Ross Kemp on gangs, and when he leaves the more affluent part of one city and ventures into the other, poorer side, the people there live in slums and poverty and the gang violence is awful. Yes we do seem to have these gangs of feral kids roaming the streets, again in some parts of the UK that I mentioned. It,s usually the parts where there is high unemployment. They have nothing to do and they get easlily bored, so crime seems like an attractive option. They hang around on street corners, or go joyriding. But not all of the UK is like that. It certainly isn,t where I live. Places like Cornwall, Devon, North Yorkshire, Cumbria, and the Highlands of Scotland are beautiful, and do very well via the tourist trade.Just don,t tar us all with the same brush. Your going to get "lowlifes" in any part of the world, it,s just life, but that doesn,t put people off visiting the States or the Uk, or even places like Jamacia, where Kingston especially is rife with gangs. Scarborough is ok as I said, it,s just the odd few who spoil it for everyone else, but again, you get that in all corners of the world. Of course don,t forget good old Whitby in the north of England, Dracula country. I,ve never been to Whitby, but I,d love to go on a Dracula hunt. Northumberland is also beautiful, especially the beaches at Bamburgh, and the views from Bamburgh Castle are spectacular. Have I encouraged any visitors from across the pond now lol.  ;D

Yes I do paint a black picture sorry,
I used to live in a very affluent area of cheshire,hate to admit it but footballers wives terrritory.We moved after a lady in the next road got attacked in her front drive and
robbed at knife point.
Untill we moved my husband insisted I keep the car locked untill the electronic gates had closed.This was how the lady who was attacked got caught out.Do not get me wrong it was alovely area but I never felt safe after that.Previously we had had 3 cars stolen. which is why we eventually gor the electronic gates.

We then moved to a farmhouse in the country,absoloutely stunning,I used to look out at the cheshire hills and pinch myself.It truly was idyllic,however because it was such a tiny village (local school had only 60  kids 5-12) there was nothing for some of them to do so even in the heart of the countryside we had gangs hanging around.

I realise I sound bitter but,if I tell you that I even got attacked in my test room at work,maybe you can understand how it all just mounted up.

I began to feel safe nowhere.
I  know the states is not perfect,but living in a gated community gives me some peace,and also because you have to drive everywhere,at least where I live ,I know my kids will be dropped off by me,and collected by me.Even at the mall there are plenty of police to ensure minimum of trouble.

I too love Scotland,it is where my parents come from and although I do not miss England I do miss our Scottish holidays,We strongly condsdered moving to Scotlland and indeed looked at many places there to settle.However the cold was just too much for the arthritis that plagues me.and also the rural areas where we looked just had little in the way of jobs.The heat here in Sarasota has vastly helped with the arthritis.

I used to be so proud to live in England,every time I heard our national anthem the hairs on my neck would stand up,but for me too much has changed.

I apologise really sincerely if I have offended anyone, and would say to anyone planning a visit,yes parts are beautiful very much so,The cheshire countryside in spring,the highlands of Scotland and,the east coast of Scotland from St.Andrews up.Warwickshire,Cornwall,the yorkshire countryside.I could go on.

It just became a place I could no longer feel happy in.I guess what happens to you personally cannot help but colour your opinions.
 please realise that what I am saying is only my opinion based on whats I have either experienced personally or witnessed'

feeling contrite,for being so negative about my birth country,and hope I have made some ammends with this post,

Offline Kelda

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Social Conditions in Great Britain
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2008, 03:48:09 pm »
Wow you sure do paint a nice picture of the UK. ::) Yes I grant you some inner city parts of the UK like Manchester, Leeds Birmingham and Nottingham arn,t particulaly nice places, and the outskirts of Glasgow are an absolute dump, but then again, when I,ve watched TV and seen rundown parts of the States, much the same could be said for there too. I mean one thing we don,t have over here, or not that I,m aware of anyway, is the violent gang culture that they have in many cities in the States, like St Louis and Chicago to name but 2. I,ve watched Ross Kemp on gangs, and when he leaves the more affluent part of one city and ventures into the other, poorer side, the people there live in slums and poverty and the gang violence is awful. Yes we do seem to have these gangs of feral kids roaming the streets, again in some parts of the UK that I mentioned. It,s usually the parts where there is high unemployment. They have nothing to do and they get easlily bored, so crime seems like an attractive option. They hang around on street corners, or go joyriding. But not all of the UK is like that. It certainly isn,t where I live. Places like Cornwall, Devon, North Yorkshire, Cumbria, and the Highlands of Scotland are beautiful, and do very well via the tourist trade.Just don,t tar us all with the same brush. Your going to get "lowlifes" in any part of the world, it,s just life, but that doesn,t put people off visiting the States or the Uk, or even places like Jamacia, where Kingston especially is rife with gangs. Scarborough is ok as I said, it,s just the odd few who spoil it for everyone else, but again, you get that in all corners of the world. Of course don,t forget good old Whitby in the north of England, Dracula country. I,ve never been to Whitby, but I,d love to go on a Dracula hunt. Northumberland is also beautiful, especially the beaches at Bamburgh, and the views from Bamburgh Castle are spectacular. Have I encouraged any visitors from across the pond now lol.  ;D


excccuuuuuusssseee me Miss Souxi - I think thats a vast exaggeration! You've got a Glaswegian born girl's back up now!!!  :P

Have you ever actually lived in Glasgow!?! Or been to the outskirts of Glasgow you know so much about!?

Well I have, and I work for the Scottish regeneration agency for Scotland - in Glasgow and have done for over 5 years.

There are more nice areas than bad Glaswegian areas. (Although granted there are areas that are bad - and have gangs)

PS - I think Souxi - you're right - there is pockets of this type of behaviour in every country...

Anyway!!! perhaps we should start a new thread on this? It could make an interesting thread and perhaps people arent finding it buried here....

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Offline souxi

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Social Conditions in Great Britain
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2008, 03:55:15 pm »

excccuuuuuusssseee me Miss Souxi - I think thats a vast exaggeration! You've got a Glaswegian born girl's back up now!!!  :P

Have you ever actually lived in Glasgow!?! Or been to the outskirts of Glasgow you know so much about!?

Well I have, and I work for the Scottish regeneration agency for Scotland - in Glasgow and have done for over 5 years.

There are more nice areas than bad Glaswegian areas. (Although granted there are areas that are bad - and have gangs)

PS - I think Souxi - you're right - there is pockets of this type of behaviour in every country...

Anyway!!! perhaps we should start a new thread on this? It could make an interesting thread and perhaps people arent finding it buried here....

Nice to see I havn,t lost my talent for getting peoples backs up then Kelda lol. :laugh: No I have NEVER lived in Glasgow nor would I want too. I drove through the outskirts and all I saw were VAST concrete blocks with people living in them. I,m sorry but it was a dump, the part I saw anyway. Maybe the inner part isn,t so bad I don,t know.  I never went back to find out. These few posts that have gone slightly off topic have been moved to anything goes I think. So we can carry it on there.  :)

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Re: Social Conditions in Great Britain
« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2008, 04:59:26 pm »
Nice to see I havn,t lost my talent for getting peoples backs up then Kelda lol. :laugh: No I have NEVER lived in Glasgow nor would I want too. I drove through the outskirts and all I saw were VAST concrete blocks with people living in them. I,m sorry but it was a dump, the part I saw anyway. Maybe the inner part isn,t so bad I don,t know.  I never went back to find out. These few posts that have gone slightly off topic have been moved to anything goes I think. So we can carry it on there.  :)


Where do you live now Souxi? You live in a residential area  in a big town if I remember correctly?

Living in the residential areas in Glasgow is no different...

Therer are concrete blocks in most big towns and cities in the UK - I wouldn't say Glasgow is unusal in that respect. And yes, you're quite right about the part you saw - but not all of Glasgow is a 'dump' I can assure you.....!

To prov my piont... and there my rant will end....!  :laugh: Here are some examples of inner city life in Glasgow thats just normal life not big cathedrals or anything that are featured in the city bus tours....

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Re: Social Conditions in Great Britain
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2008, 12:44:07 am »
Untill 2 years ago I used to live in The U.K ,believe me it is full of lowlife.Also the tabloid papers there are worse than a flock of vultures.Most of what they report has not even any slightest vestige of truth.Hence the reason there are so many libel cases against the press over there.I gave up on the papers there.
They are merely fodder for the masses,who have to live their lives vicariously through others.This story will probably end up being Scarboroughs only claim to fame.

This Texas boy has visited the UK many times since the early 1970's and as recently as 2006. I have always found the UK hospitable, with interesting places to visit, and friendly helpful people. I have visited London and the South, the Midlands and the North, Scotland, and Ulster to find some long lost kinfolk. Always the Brits go out of their way to be helpful and seem to love my country US southern accent. I look forward to returning again.