Jeff, I can sort of understand the need for a maid. Affluential California family, well-paid architect as bread-winner, big house, lots of big rooms, six kids, with four of them being teenagers probably changing clothes 3-4 times a day, regular meals to fix for eight people (what are the odds of them all wanting the same thing -- ever???), doctor's appointments, sports teams, after-school activities, clubs they belonged to, grown-up social events to attend, etc. etc. etc. I could see where old housewife Carol might need two more hands at the ready, since they could afford it. Whatcha think now?
Atreyu, I was wondering if we could expand this post to include favorite Brady Bunch episode, if you don't mind?
Mine, without a doubt, would be the Davy Jones of the Monkees coming to meet Marsha episode. I was soooooo in love with his British accent, I was DYING when he kissed her on the cheek at the end. Wasn't until years later that I found out he was only like 5' tall. I'm a fan of tall men, myself being 5'9", so that kind of put a bittersweet, after-the-fact tarnish on it, but all the same, at the time, I would have KILLED to be Maureen McCormick.