Author Topic: Something, or things, we are proud of.  (Read 8175 times)

Offline isabelle

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Something, or things, we are proud of.
« on: June 06, 2006, 08:11:57 am »
As some of you may have noticed, I have on occasions bitched about France (I'm French), saying it is by and large a homophobic, racist country... And it is. But something is happening here of which I am proud, and proud to be part of it.

Roughly 75% of the people here are more and more openly racist and xenophobic; our government, whose head (Chirac) is a clown, and a corrupt one, is right wing veering to the extreme. So they are naturally prone to heeding the people's growing sympathy for the National Front, our own neo-nazi party. To the point of advocating what that party has been advocating since it appeared on the political scene in the 1980's, ie, massive deportations of "non-French", understand mostly "non-whites". So the Minister of Interior has been speeding up deportations of immigrants who have not been granted asylum here when they risk being killed or jailed once they return to their countries of origin. They are deported even when they have children who were born in France, including when the partner/spouse is French.

Now, I am ashamed of this. BUT, an association was created last year, initiated by teachers but now made up of people from all walks of life. It has launched a nationwide petition stating that those who sign it promise to protect those people and their children who risk deportation and their lives. We are fully aware that it is against the law, and that we may be jailed for it.

24,000 have signed this petition in just ONE week! I am proud of all those people, and those who are to sign yet. I have signed the petition; this country is well-known for having had more collaborators with the nazis than resistants during WWII, so this might be a drop in the ocean, but I am hoping it will turn into a tidal wave. Just to show we've moved on since the 40's.

What are you proud of?
« Last Edit: June 06, 2006, 03:45:19 pm by isabelle »
" - I'm vegan now."
"-Vegan? I thought you were still Church of England"

Offline YaadPyar

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Re: Something, or things, we are proud of.
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2006, 08:22:36 pm »
Simply this - being a part of this place.  I am always touched by the sincerity of each one on whatever journey they are taking to keep moving forward with humor, wit, insight and honesty.  We are all so different, but all trying.
"Vice, Virtue. It's best not to be too moral. You cheat yourself out of too much life. Aim above morality. If you apply that to life, then you're bound to live life fully." (Harold & Maude - 1971)


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Re: Something, or things, we are proud of.
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2006, 08:25:30 pm »
What are you proud of?

My family!  My son, my wife, my mom, my siblings, and YOU ALL!   ;D


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Re: Something, or things, we are proud of.
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2006, 09:02:47 pm »
What are you proud of?

I am proud of:

* Being a survivor of life's tempests with my heart and my integrity intact
* of having know the love of two good men
* of my boys, that they are smart, compassionate, and caring people
* of my family, my brothers are the greatest, my neices and nephews are all stellar folks
* to live in a country where we are free to publically speak our minds and hold our own counsel without fear of     governmental reprisals, where the standard of living even for the poorest citizen is higher than it is in MANY other parts of the world

and I am proud to call many on this forum my friends

Offline isabelle

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Re: Something, or things, we are proud of.
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2006, 01:54:42 am »
Sorry, I did not mention this forum, and being proud to be part of it, because for me it goes without saying. But it might still sound good to hear it.

Vick, even in France we are (still) allowed to speak our minds without fear of reprisal  ;)

Update on my OP: the Minister of Interior has obviously been impressed by the number of signatures of that petition; he announced yesterday that 2000 people would be granted citizenship when they have kids who were born in France, have always been to school in France, and cannot speak their parents' language (extremely mean, that last one, if you ask me). But still, it shows you can do things that count, out there! I would have lost all human dignity in my own opinion, had I not signed. May sound pompous, but it's very important to me to "act as I wish every single person would act" (Montaigne, 16th century French philosopher).

" - I'm vegan now."
"-Vegan? I thought you were still Church of England"


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Re: Something, or things, we are proud of.
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2006, 02:55:20 am »
Vick, even in France we are (still) allowed to speak our minds without fear of reprisal  ;)

LOL I know that!  ;)  Certainly never meant to imply otherwise.  However, sadly  :'( there are still many places in the  world where the people do not enjoy the freedoms that we in US, Canada and those of you in the European Union often take for granted.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2006, 06:52:47 am by vkm91941 »


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Re: Something, or things, we are proud of.
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2006, 04:04:02 am »
bumping in the hopes of inspiring others to share their blessings with us   ;)
« Last Edit: June 09, 2006, 11:16:51 am by vkm91941 »

Offline Sheyne

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Re: Something, or things, we are proud of.
« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2006, 08:12:08 am »

Sorry, I so rarely give myself credit for anything, so I'm going to say, in the face of the day I've just had, that I am very proud of myself.

I have a little boy in my class (8 years old) who was a terrible behaviour management case. The principal of the school was tearing her hair out. She'd tried suspension, counselling, meeting with his dad.. EVERYTHING. And by some wonderful stroke of luck, his teacher (a hormonal, emotionally-bankrupt icicle of a woman) fell pregnant and they began to hunt for her replacement. They replaced her with me, after they watched - with their jaws on the floor - me interacting with him and not only had he sat and talked with me for nearly 5 minutes without a single swear word or violent outburst, but he was actually laughing.

They asked me what I did. I replied "I asked him how his day was". They seemed flummoxed that something so simple could delight a child like Barton, but it did. They hired me. Since I took over the class, he hasn't been to the principal's office once, let alone suspended or been in trouble.  See, I asked this little boy a few questions about his life and discovered quickly that all he wanted was a woman to come into his life who liked him and cared about him, who wasn't going to reject him or leave him, like his mother did.

And I am really proud of myself for making this little boy, (who is easily the smartest child in my class), relaxed and safe and happy and not only loving school, but achieving academically. The other teachers are astounded at the change in him. In the staffroom on Tuesday, the other teachers were gushing about how fantastic his behaviour is these days. One bitch, well overdue for retirement, remarked loudly "Oh so they eventually medicated him, huh? What's he on, Sheyne?" and it was with great delight that I sat back and let my teacher aide reply "Oh, he's not medicated, Jackie. Its amazing that caring for a child has the same effect as Ritalin, but that's all it is".

*sheyne beams*  ;D
Chut up!

Offline Pipedream

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Re: Something, or things, we are proud of.
« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2006, 09:21:21 am »
Sheyne! That's the nicest thing I've read in a while. You can really be proud of yourself, teacher!!  :-* 

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Re: Something, or things, we are proud of.
« Reply #9 on: June 09, 2006, 09:46:22 am »
It's not even 8:00 in the a.m. here and I'm all blubbery already!  :D I'm so proud for you Sheyne, Victoria, and Isabelle! There are many things I'm proud of but right now I'm proud to call myself a Bettermost Brokie, one of the best people on Earth, and a citizen of the Earth!
"chewing gum and duct tape"