Chuck probably can't get away with using Brokeisms without cleaning them up some, in his urban environment. But I can get away with it here in my Western town. People who know much better say odd things all the time here, and, besides, most people know me as an eccentric anyway.
Same thing might obtain here. My friends think I'm eccentric, and I suppose they're correct. Nobody else around here goes out Saturday night in Western garb.
My friend Phil started calling me Cowboy Jeff, but evidently that was too long, so he shortened it to C.J.--like C.J. Craig, the press secretary on
The West Wing. 
This afternoon I phoned to make a dinner reservation for myself for this evening. When whoever it was who answered the phone asked for the name for the reservation, I said, "Just put down C.J. Phil will know who that is since he's the one who gave me that nickname."

I kind of like having a nickname, at least that one, anyway.