Like "Morris". See the film; it's important.
I put it on my "To watch" list on my iPhone. Whenever I add something to that list I do it using the microphone. So I pronounced the movie the British way, and apparently Siri speaks British English, because it added "Maurice" to the list.
Actually, I hate Siri, and long ago had replaced her with the male voice, who's no more useful than she was. I thought maybe the male voice was British and that explained it. So I called up the Siri function, which offered (in writing) to help me with anything from "what time is sunrise in Paris?" to "how long do greyhounds live?" I hit the mic icon.
ME: How do the British pronounce Maurice
SIRI GUY (in robotic voice): Interesting question. Katy.
That was it. No further information on that topic. No "you got me!" or "that's a tough one." I can report, however, that greyhounds live about 11 years.
When I hear
Mo-REESE, I picture someone like Samantha's father. When I hear
MORE-is, I picture someone more along the lines of another '60s sitcom star.