Yay, me too! I found this on eBay!

Definitely will be worn on major 'Heathdays'!
Also, again:
NOW the link is working--here is your 'Woodstock'--on 42nd Street, that is, from East to West! 
Awesome! Thanks for posting the pic's! Nice Ebay find! I'll have to find something for warm weather too.
It looks like I won't be visiting my friend in NYC anytime soon. He lives in AZ most of the time and gets back to NYC every 2 or 3 months. He got back together with his ex-wife a few months ago. So he go's back to NYC with her. The place is too small for 3, and I would truly be the 3rd wheel. She has now accused my friend and I of having an affair while she was separated from him (her doing)! LOL! I thought she might be insane, but wow, even I didn't see that coming. I feel bad for him because he really loves her, but how much insanity can a person cope with?