Author Topic: OT: Distinguishing Mandy & Mandy  (Read 6678 times)


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OT: Distinguishing Mandy & Mandy
« on: April 03, 2006, 04:38:26 pm »
Alrighty. Clarissa (Elle) suggested in a PM that myself & the other Mandy (littleguitar) start a thread distinguishing ourselves, since she has some trouble remembering who's who (and she's likely not the only one). It makes sense that people might get us confused. We are similar in many ways; similar tastes, almost the same age, both in University, both writers..etc. Clarissa suggested we both answer a number of questions, so here I go:

username & how I chose it: On the IMdB CT board & TOB it was "dmmb". Which is strange, I'm not sure why it ended up being that. I created my name a long time ago (long before BBM) just so that I could read through the forums. So I can't even quite remember why it ended up being "dmmb". I didn't start posting on the forums 'til BBM. The 'd' probably coincides with the 'd' from my university e-mail that was automatically added on to my initials. So MMB are my initials, well actually my UNI omitted my second middle name, so my actual initials are MMRB. So anyway, I kept "dmmb" for here so people would recognize me, and I decided to add on Mandy for the hell of it.

last initial: B. So you could just call me Mandy B. I'm not sure what littleguitar's last initial is. I usually call her MandyI, or other-Mandy, or fellow-Mandy, or my bizarro-world twin, hahaha.

location: St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada (the oldest city in North America  :)). I bet that's how most people distinguish us already. One's a Newfie (though not technically, I guess, since I was born in Labrador), and one's American.

age: 22

vocation: 4th year UNI student, English degree, graduating next month (I believe MandyI is graduating then too - see what I mean by "bizarro-world twin"  :P). Then I'm doing a second degree (in French), and then considering Law School, who knows!? I like school  ;D

main interests re BBM: I've been a huge Jake fan for a while and I've always been fairly fond of Heath, and when I first heard of the movie sometime mid-last year, I immediately read the short story and fell in love! And then I though "WOW, I can't WAIT to see Jake & Heath as Jack & Ennis". I secretely obsessed about BBM for months before I was able to see it, which wasn't until mid January here in St. John's (and I refused to download it, I wanted to lose my BBM virginity in theatre, I wanted to experience it on the big screen, in all its beauty). I lurked around TOB for the longest time, reading about other people's obsessions and yearning more and more for BBM. I've seen it several times now, and I am sooo glad I came to TOB and then found my way to CT and into all of your lives  :-*

main interests re the rest of life: Hmmm, well I'm a fairly easy-going person. It takes a lot to shock me, and I'm very accepting & open-minded. I adore movies of all genres really. I just love relaxing with a good movie. I worked at a video store for several years back in my home town and boy, that was awesome! Music is another passion of mine. I play saxophone (baritone) & guitar. I love all kinds of music (metal, rock, alternative, just about everything really). I love learning new languages. I speak French & Spanish (and a little Portuguese, but not very much!!). I'm straight (slightly bent) and have been with my BF 3.5 years. I LOVE reading, writing (poetry & short stories mostly, though I plan to write a novel & screenplay someday), painting, anything artistic really; I just love expressing myself in different ways. I grew up as the youngest & only girl (3 older brothers) so I learned early on how to be tough & independent. I love playing games (video games, board games, card games..etc). Most of all, I love having good, meaningful conversations with interesting folks (like all of you!)

Wow, I wrote A LOT. Sorry for boring everyone! I feel all naked and exposed, lol. Hopefully Mandy (littleguitar) will post her responses shortly, to compare & contrast.

BTW, Clarissa, I feel so special that someone cares enough to ask us to start a new thread about this. Thank you hunny, it really does mean a lot *MUAH*  :) :-* ;D

Offline Chanterais

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Re: OT: Distinguishing Mandy & Mandy
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2006, 04:51:43 pm »
Don't feel naked, lovely Mandy.  Here, take my coat.  No, wait, better yet, I'll get naked too!  We can go skinny dipping in the lake!

In all seriousness, you're an interesting chica.  I feel comforted knowing that there are some other fellow Canadians out there, like you and Nicole (and Nicole and Pierre, naturellement)

How many Newfies does it take to change a lightbulb?
« Last Edit: April 03, 2006, 04:57:37 pm by Chanterais »

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Re: OT: Distinguishing Mandy & Mandy
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2006, 05:02:08 pm »
Hmm, this should be helpful. Thanks Mandy B.!

(So you won't feel naked anymore, here, I got an extra blanket so you don't freeze your ass off when the fire dies down!)


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Re: OT: Distinguishing Mandy & Mandy
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2006, 05:10:23 pm »
How many Newfies does it take to change a lightbulb?

lol, I've heard many different vairants of this joke. Perhaps: "Two - one to bite the old bulb out of the socket and the other to hammer the new bulb in."

A prof of mine told our class a joke once about a mainlander who was visiting Newfoundland and said a Newfie joke at a party full of Newfoundlanders. My prof responded with this joke: "What is blue & black and floats in the St. John's Harbour?"  A: "A mainlander who tells Newfie jokes". lol

Oooh, I love skinny dipping  ;D

Courtney - Thanks girl, I couldn't quit my hammerin'!


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Re: OT: Distinguishing Mandy & Mandy
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2006, 05:45:48 pm »
Where's my bizarro-twin? Mandy, get your fabulous butt in here and start talkin'!!

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Re: OT: Distinguishing Mandy & Mandy
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2006, 08:33:39 pm »
LOL sorry it took me so long to get here... I have a paper due tomorrow and though it's been torture I've been trying my hardest to stay away from the board!

Well Mandy B (I'm glad you mentioned this was your last initial, I always just thought I was Mandy A and you were Mandy B...) I'll tell my life story now so that you don't feel so alone...

username and how I chose it: well, my full name is Amanda Lynn which sounds similar to mandolin the little guitar type instrument. So, little guitar has been a family nickname of mine since I was a baby though only my dad really calls me that now.  Now most of my friends call me Minch (my last name is Mincher...) and my buddies on here call me Mandster or Mandy 1

location: St. Louis, MO in the midwest, home of toasted ravioli, thin crust pizza and gooey butter cake (oh, and the Arch...)

age: 21

vocation: I'm a creative writing (fiction, short stories mostly) major at a uni here in st. Louis.  I graduate May 13th and right now I'm waiting to hear from grad schools.  I applied to a few creative writing programs and hopefully at least one will accept me... LOL if not, guess I'll be sticking with my current job for a while! I work in a contemporary art museum as a gallery assistant

main interests re BBM: Well, I read the short story a long time ago and loved it.  Then, probably about two years ago, I found out they were making it into a movie with Heath and Jake and I became obsessed immediately... I've always like both Jake and Heath and thought they would be perfect (especially Jake, but Heath blew my mind when I actually saw him...)  I didn't want to check imdb until after I saw it because I didn't want anything spoiled, but almost the minute I got home from the theatre I was online and the obsession began  ::) I seriously cannot believe that was four months ago! I swear, I'll be lucky if I don't flunk out this semester because of this movie! My senior portfolio is due wednesday but you know I will be watching the DVD tomorrow instead of working on it!

Main interests in life: I'm a lit nerd from way back.  I have a really bad habit of buying books that I will never have time to read so now I have so many books that they've spilled off my bookshelf and line the walls and floor of my room.  I'm also a movie junkie and have netflix but still make regular trips to blockbuster.  I have two older brothers and an older sister and one nephew.  I'm easy to get a long with... I like to travel... LOL I really don't know what else to write in this section so if you want to know something, just ask! I'm not shy  ;D

wow, that felt really self indulgent, but was kind of fun...
‘cause the truth is, I already give him everythin’ I got to give, more than I ever even knew I had; ‘n it all for him, all of it, him who is my brother, my father, my child, my friend, my lover, my heart, my soul; my Ennis.

-- del Mar Painting, Ch. 48 by b73


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Re: OT: Distinguishing Mandy & Mandy
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2006, 08:46:24 pm »
LOL - you thought 'B' was for, like, A & B? Hehe.

Thank you for coming and discussing yourself! We have more in common than I even realized. (I also worked at a museum - well, in an artifact hall that was part of a larger unit, 3 older siblings, also a lit nerd & a movie junkie, the travel thing, not including the other similarities in my first post)  ;D

Your description of your username is adorable! I love it!

Yeah, mine felt indulgent too.

BTW - STILL waiting on your pic, miss Mincher!!!!  >:(


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Re: OT: Distinguishing Mandy & Mandy
« Reply #7 on: April 03, 2006, 08:52:12 pm »
Excellent - Mandy and Mandy - mystery solved!  Great to hear all the interestin details 'bout both ya'll.  We will have nametags at the BBM convention anyway to cut down on confusion!

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
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Re: OT: Distinguishing Mandy & Mandy
« Reply #8 on: April 03, 2006, 10:40:11 pm »
LOL - Good to hear, Celeste. PS - I would TOTALLY participate in a BBM convention if such a thing every happened.  ;D

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Re: OT: Distinguishing Mandy & Mandy
« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2006, 10:49:58 pm »
Hey Mandy B!

Don't feel bad about the Newf jokes (as a mainlander who worked with a lot of Newfie's with great senses of humour, I've told my share, I have to admit) - I get a constant barrage of lawyer jokes, so I totally know how you feel. 

Most repeated lawyer joke that lawyers hear on a semi-daily basis:

What do you call a thousand lawyers at the bottom of the ocean?

A good start.   Hardee Har Har.
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