Author Topic: The "ABCs of BBM": Round 965! (Rules in first post)  (Read 6691708 times)


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The "ABCs of BBM": Round 965! (Rules in first post)
« on: April 03, 2006, 10:58:45 pm »
 ;D  :)  ;D  :-*  ;D  ;)
The "ABCs of BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN" Game!  :laugh:

Greetings to EVERYONE at the "BetterMost" Forum! ;D

The "ABCs of BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN" game -- in its second incarnation -- is anything and everything BBM:  the story, the screenplay, the movie, the characters, the locations, the actors, the props, the reviews, the awards, the interviews, the ads, the dvd and so forth.  

This "ABCs" introduction is separated into three parts.  We will update and revise it as needed.  As in the original "ABCs of BBM" game, we welcome your suggestions.  This forum scenario at "BetterMost" is better than IMDB.  Among many other features here, U can actually see in one glance the "answers" and the "explanations".  


01.  The "ABCs" game follows the alphabet "A" to "Z" and then the alphabet repeats itself "A" to "Z" ad infinitum.  Every completed A to Z is called a "round".

02.  Please put your answer only in the "subject" line, using this format:  "A" is ________

03.  Your description or explanation of your answer goes in the "text body" or "message area" of your post.

04.  U cannot repeat answers.  Thus, U must check prior answers to verify that your intended word has not been used previously.  

05.  U must always skip at least two turns; otherwise your answer is not in play.  Player should then delete their voided answer. (Round announcements do not count as a turn.)

06.  The "XXX" factor at the "ABCs of BBM".  
(A) Our "gong" is the XXX and it applies to:
      1) any answer that is wrong
      2) any answer that is repeated
      3) any game letter that is out-of-order  
      4) any player who goes out-of-turn
      5) any answer that is a second entry
(B) Any player can -- and will -- "XXX" another player's answer for any of the reasons stated above in (A) and replace the answer, if appropriate, with their own.  For example, XXX - Bareback.  The hyphen separates the "XXX" from the challenged word.  Description of why it was XXX'd must also include the original word, the original player's name and the round number.  The original XXX'd answer and its post should be removed by the original poster as soon as possible (asap) after viewing for a tidier playing board.  Replacing an XXX'd answer does not count as a turn for that player.
NOTE:  This rule no longer pertains.

07.  If it's a quote, to indicate such, please use "quote" marks.

08.  Words that end in "ing" or the contracted "in'" are considered to be the same.  In other words, the playing of the word "willing" would rule out the playing of the word "willin'" and vice versa.

09.  "Lucise's Law":  Your answer word must be in English unless it is a popularly known foreign language word like "pronto" or "puta" (Spanish) or "ciao" (Italian) or a single word part in a well-known foreign language phrase such as "bon" or "soir" (from the French bon soir) or "danke" or "schoen" (from the German danke schoen).


10.  U may use the first or last name of a BBM character, actor or crew person.

11.  U may use the name of a BBM-related thing such as a city or town like Cheyenne or Riverton or a brand name such as GMC or BetterMost.

12.  U may use only one word of a "quote".  Please highlight just that word.  

13.  If your answer is a common word such as "turkey", use "lowercase" letters in your answer.  Even if the word is capitalized because it starts a sentence, it will not be capitalized for game purposes unless it is a proper noun.  (See 14.)

14.  For proper nouns such as "Brokeback" or "Mary", use an initial "capital" letter in your answers.  

15.  Hyphenated words such as heart-to-heart are considered as one attached word.  Thus, hyphenated words are one word.  

16.  "Ekeby's Edict":  Compounded words are not a one-word answer unless they are hyphenated or attached words.

17.  The letter "X" is an "xception" as to how it is played.  For an "X" word, U may use a word that begins with the spelling "ex" such as "exception", and play it like this:  "X" is xception.  Of course, real "X" words are preferred.

18.  Moderators may delete (a) wrong, (b) duplicate or (c) otherwise voided answers, or (d) any unnecessary posts to maintain the clean look and smooth flow of the "ABCs" game and an unconfused playing board.  Where feasible, moderators may first send the "ABCs" player a PM (private message) to notify them of such and give them chance to cure.

19.  Moderators are permitted to make corrections in spelling, capitalization, grammar, punctuation, syntax, etc. on any poster's "subject line" or in their "answer text" a.k.a. "message area".  

20.  Moderators reserve the right to modify a "subject line" or "message area" to conform with our expressed format or established guidelines.

21.  When a "Round" is over, a new round must be announced in a separate post.  The new round can be announced by the player who posted the "Z" answer -- or the "W" answer as of Round 654.  If the poster of the last letter in a round declines to announce the new round, it may be announced by any ABCs player; said player may also post the "A" answer in the new round, provided he or she has not posted either of the last two letters played.  

22.  "Lee's Law":  If a player posts their "A" answer and has inadvertently overlooked announcing a "round", it does not result in the removal of the "A" post or subsequent posts.  However, the "round" should be announced as soon as noticed.  Announcing a round is an "ABCs" game tradition.

23.  Expletives are deemed acceptable as "ABCs" answers or in "ABCs" game posts but only when quoted directly from the short story, the movie itself, or any of the screenplay versions of BBM.  

24.  A word played as a proper noun and therefore capitalized may be played in its lowercase (uncapitalized) form and vice versa.  Thus, the word "Signal" (as in Signal, Wyoming, the name of a town) is different than the word "signal" (as in sign or gesture).  The posting of one does not rule out the posting of the other.  

25.  (NEW) Political references are not allowed and will be removed without notice or explanation.

26.  (NEW) The moderators have the right to determine whether a posted image is offensive or not.  Images found to be offensive will be removed without notice or explanation.

27.  As of Round 362, the letters "K", "Q", "Y", and "Z" are no longer in play.  For purposes of the game, the alphabet consists of the following letters:  
A complete round consists of 22 letters now, instead of 26; thus, a new round announcement follows the posting of an "X" word.

28.  As of Round 551, the letter "J" is no longer in play.  For purposes of the game, the alphabet consists of the following letters:  
A B C D E F G H I  L M N O P R S T U V W X
A complete round consists of 21 letters now, instead of 22.

29.  (NEW) As of Round 654, the letters "V" and "X" are no longer in play.  For purposes of the game, the alphabet consists of the following letters:  
A complete round consists of 19 letters now, instead of 21; thus, a new round announcement follows the posting of a "W" word.


30.  To enjoy the "ABCS" game "better most", please review some of the prior answers to become familiar with the game format.      

31.  Before posting an answer, please check the "ABCs of BBM" Words Played file to make sure that your intended word has not been played previously.  Click here: Words Played

32.  It is highly recommended (and probably downright essential now that the game is in its advanced rounds) that you use the edit/find function on your computer when checking the answer list to verify whether a word has been played.  PM a game moderator if help is needed with regard to using edit/find.

33.  To =communicate= with other players at the "ABCs" game, please use the following suggested code headings and place your message below the heading:

any pertinent remark or worthwhile observation
a positive gesture to the "ABCz" game or another player(s)
any legitimate critique of the game procedures or any player(s)
correcting any misinformation posted in an answer or a comment
any query about the game or what another player wrote or did
a response to a moderator or another player's question
any reasonable idea for the game or another player(s)
indicating a special happening such as 500 posts
something "off topic" or just pertaining to one player or a few players
congratulating the players as a group or a solo player or the "ABCs" game
special wishes for a holiday, birthday, anniversary, etc.


The "ABCs of BBM" game is challenging, interesting, educational, popular and fun. :)  Special thanks to Administrator Phillip M. Dampier ("PMD"), who, on April 3, 2006 -- and several occasions since -- has fully accommodated this #1 BBM game here at the BetterMost Forum.  Thanx, PMD!


"ABCs of BBM" Moderators
Will * Will-U
Fran * Fran
Sandy * memento
Ann Marie * AnnMarie

« Last Edit: October 04, 2014, 05:45:40 pm by southendmd »


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Round 1! - "A" is Academy
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2006, 11:00:26 pm »
"A" is for Academy as in the Academy Awards show.

"BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN" ("BBM") was nominated for more Academy Awards than any other 2005 movie!  It was nominated for a whopping 8 awards!!!!!!!!  BBM proudly won 3 of those 8 Oscars -- though we all know that it earned and deserved more, e.g., Best Picture!

Congratz 2 BBM!  Nice seeing Ennis & Jack 2gether @ the A/A show.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2007, 01:15:03 pm by Fran »

Offline amh

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B is Brokeback
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2006, 11:15:53 pm »
As in Brokeback Mountain, of course! :)

Or as Fran would say, since I stole her post, "As in Brokeback Mountain, Ang Lee's masterpiece, which continues to touch lives, open hearts, and expand minds worldwide."

« Last Edit: May 28, 2006, 12:43:46 am by Will-ABC »
:-* This ain't no rodeo, cowboy.

Offline Fran

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C is Cassie
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2006, 11:16:49 pm »
As in Cassie Cartwright, who hopefully has more "fun" with Carl.

« Last Edit: December 16, 2006, 02:52:26 am by Fran »

Offline two_bloody_shirts

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D is for del
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2006, 11:23:39 pm »
Ennis's family name is del Mar.

« Last Edit: June 12, 2006, 09:31:04 am by Fran-E »
Love.  You have a problem with it?


Offline DeeDee

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E is elk
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2006, 11:26:52 pm »
With Ennis & Jack with the elk, it's just like in the old days, when the man went out and hunted for dinner to feed, well, the other man.  ;) ;)
« Last Edit: April 28, 2006, 11:46:36 am by Will-ABC »
In America sex is an obsession.  In other parts of the world it is a fact.

Marlene Dietrich

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F is for Farm
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2006, 11:45:14 pm »
as in Farm and Ranch Employment where "they came together on paper as herder and camp tender."
« Last Edit: May 20, 2006, 04:25:45 pm by Fran-E »
"Laß sein. Laß sein."

Offline two_bloody_shirts

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G is for girls
« Reply #7 on: April 03, 2006, 11:53:11 pm »
Alma Jr and Jenny/Francine, Ennis's pride and joy.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2006, 04:26:04 pm by Fran-E »
Love.  You have a problem with it?


Offline littledarlin

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H is for heaven
« Reply #8 on: April 03, 2006, 11:55:41 pm »
As in, "anything interesting up there in heaven?"
« Last Edit: May 20, 2006, 04:26:21 pm by Fran-E »
We can hug on November, caress and nice oak.

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I is invoices
« Reply #9 on: April 04, 2006, 12:27:07 am »
Lureen is going through piles of invoices when Jack asks her if she has seen his blue parka.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2006, 07:25:38 pm by Fran-60614 »