Author Topic: Messages From The Heartland  (Read 2193981 times)

Offline David In Indy

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Re: Messages From The Heartland
« Reply #310 on: October 15, 2006, 11:53:52 pm »

PS Jess and Andrew I did it. Iv'e got over 100 pics downloaded already. And I have tested it out too. Works beautifully! Thanks


Geri... Congratulations! Did you end up posting your pictures on Photobucket? That's what I use.

And thanks again for the picture of the witch! I hope you plan on leaving her posted. I hadn't realized you spent so much time putting that picture together. You had to white her out and everything? She really looks great. And I love how you used my moon in the picture! Please keep her posted in here, even after Halloween!  :)
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Offline David In Indy

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Re: Messages From The Heartland
« Reply #311 on: October 15, 2006, 11:56:23 pm »
I don't see how the Sea Monkey people can get away with that mess. Why have they never been charged with false advertising??

Do you remember when Listerine was banned from advertising for several years?? There are quite a few companies that need that these days.

Are you talking about the Listerine commercial which claimed it killed 99.9%of germs that cause the flu, or the common cold? I remember that one. Yeah, that is definately an example of false advertising.
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Re: Messages From The Heartland
« Reply #312 on: October 16, 2006, 12:10:39 am »

PS Jess and Andrew I did it. Iv'e got over 100 pics downloaded already. And I have tested it out too. Works beautifully! Thanks


YAY!! congratulations!!

Offline Andrew

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Re: Messages From The Heartland
« Reply #313 on: October 16, 2006, 08:23:08 pm »
When he was about your age at the time of the sea monkeys, David, my partner bought a wonderful-looking mail-order puppet from the back of a comic book.  He was so excited he could hardly sleep.  The day the mail man brought it, there was the terrible initial shock of seeing it came in a flat envelope.  He was expecting a fully articulated wooden marionette.  And here was a pathetic cardboard cutout that could be folded on the dotted lines at the shoulders and hips so that they 'moved'!  He considers that his first induction into the limitless sorrow of the world.


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Re: Messages From The Heartland
« Reply #314 on: October 16, 2006, 09:03:43 pm »
I am SUCH a momma...all I want to do is go find these people and beat them down for disappointing ya'll so BAD!!

I know it is part of growing up but come on!


(just be glad you are NOT my kids....I have embarrassed the poor boy more times than I can count...but the teachers at his school all know my name!!  >:( )   :P

Offline David In Indy

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Re: Messages From The Heartland
« Reply #315 on: October 17, 2006, 04:53:41 pm »
David, I just took the Indiana Toll Road, all the way from post #1 through post #273 of your Messages from the Heartland.  You're right, it is a beautiful place.  Except for that dog, of course.  I literally thought it was mummified, at first look. 

I remember "God Didn't Make Little Green Apples" very well from my childhood.  And today I went to the mall (which I do about twice a year), and the Nutcracker Suite was playing.  Hunh?  Merry Octmas.

I'd like to hear more about the artist's colony, please, if anyone has more.


Clarissa - I found some information about the artist colony in Brown County (Nashville). If this isn't what you were asking about, or if you would like additional information, just let me know and I will try to find it for you!   :)

 :D :D :D
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Offline David In Indy

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Re: Messages From The Heartland
« Reply #316 on: October 18, 2006, 12:05:46 am »
Current Weather in Indianapolis: Mostly Cloudy    Temp: 54 F (12 C)
My Current Mood: Curious

As I was driving down my street this afternoon I noticed three young boys place something in the middle of the road and then run away. I pulled up next to this object, got out of my car and investigated it. It looked like one of those two liter plastic coke bottles, and it was beginning to swell up like a balloon. I thought to myself "Oh Hell, this doesn't look good", and I jumped back in my car and drove away. A few seconds later, there was a large explosion. Some of my neighbors ran out of their houses. After I parked my car, I walked over and joined the neighbors and we all started talking about this "bomb" that just exploded in the middle of our street.

The police showed up, took some notes, asked us some questions and left. I spoke with a policeman for a few minutes and asked him if he has ever seen anything like this before. He told me that he has seen this many times before and this is something kids are doing more and more these days.

Apparently they get a large plastic coke bottle, partially fill it with toilet cleaner, drop some balls of aluminum foil into the bottle and tightly screw the cap back on. The toilet cleaner (which is an acid) begins to dissolve the foil and creates a gas. Since the bottlecap is screwed on the bottle, pressure begins to build up inside the bottle and eventually the bottle explodes.

Clever, isn't it? A home made bomb, created with ordinary household items. If I had pulled up to that "bomb" several seconds later than I did, I probably wouldn't be sitting here right now typing this.... unless they have Internet connections in Heaven.

It's really scary. I can't believe what some of our kids are doing in their spare time these days. We never did anything like this when I was a child. The worst thing we did was play "ding dong ditch" at night (ring a neighbor's doorbell and then run and hide) or make crank calls on the telephone. And we didn't do it all that often.

I sometimes wonder what has happened to our youth in this country, and if there is any way to fix the problem.

I also wonder what kids will be doing in their spare time 20 years from now.

It's a scary thought, isn't it?

Let's all stop, relax, and meditate on some cute puppies for a minute.....

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Awwwww. Cute, isn't he?

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Don't you just want to kiss and cuddle this little guy?  :)

Ahhh. That's better!   :D


In other news, President Bush has been a busy boy today, hasn't he? He's working hard to make our lives even more miserable than they already are. Apparently he has eliminated "habeas corpus" when it comes to arresting and prosecuting terror suspects. According to experts, this means the president can arrest and prosecute anyone he wants anytime he wants, and he doesn't have to explain anything to those people he has arrested. I guess it also means if he doesn't like me (for any reason) he can have me arrested and thrown into Guantanamo Bay and call me a terrorist. It looks like President Bush has just given himself even more power. He loves that, doesn't he?   >:(

He also approved more severe and frequent torture of terror suspects.   >:(

He also privately met with 5 Republican radio hosts today hoping to raise his ever sagging approval ratings. He wants them to speak positively of him to their over 30 million radio listeners. He sounds pretty desperate to me.  >:(

I can't believe his approval rating is at 37 percent. This means 37 percent of the American people approve of what he is doing! How can anyone approve of what he is doing? His approval rating should be at zero percent.  >:(

I may not have all the facts straight. If I don't, please enlighten me. Because I sure don't like what I have heard. And who knows? Tomorrow I may be posting to you all from Guantanamo Bay Cuba.  >:(


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Hmmmm... That's better!   :D

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Re: Messages From The Heartland
« Reply #317 on: October 18, 2006, 08:37:21 am »
In other news, President Bush has been a busy boy today, hasn't he? He's working hard to make our lives even more miserable than they already are. Apparently he has eliminated "habeas corpus" when it comes to arresting and prosecuting terror suspects. According to experts, this means the president can arrest and prosecute anyone he wants anytime he wants, and he doesn't have to explain anything to those people he has arrested. I guess it also means if he doesn't like me (for any reason) he can have me arrested and thrown into Guantanamo Bay and call me a terrorist. It looks like President Bush has just given himself even more power. He loves that, doesn't he?  

Oh man, you really need to talk to Jan-Willem about this, he has read a lot about this and there is so much about this that is so scary, I think people need to start waking up now and realise what is going on in their country, in a few year's time you guys will have no human rights left!


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Re: Messages From The Heartland
« Reply #318 on: October 18, 2006, 10:16:00 am »
Oh man, you really need to talk to Jan-Willem about this, he has read a lot about this and there is so much about this that is so scary, I think people need to start waking up now and realise what is going on in their country, in a few year's time you guys will have no human rights left!
A lot of us, like David, myself, and others, are wide awake and very concerned, but I for one feel helpless about the situation. Elections, our usual remedy for removing bad and inept officials, have been corrupted by the very people entrusted to oversee their legitimacy, and are no longer trustworthy civic enterprises. I'm not even sure what to call the U.S. now. Are we a Fascist/militaristic dictatorship? There are certainly Fascistic undertones to this current administration. Whatever we are, we are no longer the republic envisioned by our founding fathers, and the Constitution is more and more becoming a piece of paper whose spirit is ignored and trampled on.

I really don't know what to do, and have very little hope for the country's future. :-\


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Re: Messages From The Heartland
« Reply #319 on: October 18, 2006, 10:49:42 am »
A lot of us, like David, myself, and others, are wide awake and very concerned, but I for one feel helpless about the situation.

I really don't know what to do, and have very little hope for the country's future. :-\

I'm so sorry to hear that, Moremojo...

In a way I am so glad that David mentioned this in his blog, this really is a good place to mention these kinds of things because there are so many intelligent people like you and David on this board and being concerned about what is happening is a sign of this! When I said "people have to start waking up now" I meant the people who do not show concern and don't want to think about what is happening and the fact that it concerns everybody in the long term.

It drives me crazy sometimes to know that there really is so little you can do about it. Especially here in Holland, because the same things are starting to happen here too. The Dutch government just doesn't have the backbone to stand up against America.