Before I get to this week's scores, I have other bowling news to talk about.
The VP of the gay/lesbian bowling league reached out to me, and asked if I wanted to meet with him for a practice session. The lanes where the league meets has open bowling every Friday night, from 6 to 9, so we agreed to meet at 6 for a few rounds of bowling.
His name is Mead and he was a really nice guy. We chatted back and forth and bowled about 5 games, I didn't keep careful track of my scores, and didn't intend to add them into my averages this week. We bowled 5 games, and 4 of them were between the 120-130 range. Mead told me that the league average tends to be about 130, so I'll fit right in. He also said that with my attitude I will also fit in, it's just a matter of getting me on a team that has the same "attitude" about bowling. I'm there for fun, and he said they have a few bowlers who are very competitive, so he wants to make sure I get on a more relaxed team.
Here are this week's scores.
92 - 126 - 85 - 129 - 140 - 119
Consistancy is started to develop, which I'm happy about. The first and third games, I could feel that I wasn't as focused as I needed to be, so I need to concentrate on improving that.
No turkeys this week, but I did manage to get doubles a few times, so I was pleased with that, and did get more than a few spares.
3/12/11 3/20/11 3/27/11 4/3/11 4/10/11 4/17/11 5/1/11
Game 1 109 96 89 125 127 113 112
Game 2 121 115 113 134 93 142 122
Game 3 146 110 125 103 133 140 90
Game 4 115 132 101 124 88 109
Game 5 112 117 121 116 100 92
Game 6 129 118 125 132 147 138
Average: 128 112 115 118 121 121 110
5/8/11 5/15/11 5/22/11 5/29/11 6/12/11 6/19/11 6/26/11
Game 1 122 115 111 98 93 110 122
Game 2 122 125 96 120 114 106 74
Game 3 112 113 108 87 137 105 114
Game 4 117 98 134 127 126 139 119
Game 5 110 103 114 104 136 133 106
Game 6 126 127 121 148 123 79 131
Average: 118 113 114 114 121 112 111
7/17/11 7/24/11 7/31/2011 8/7/2011 8/7/2011
Game 1 85 105 98 105 92
Game 2 122 88 94 148 126
Game 3 100 95 101 89 85
Game 4 100 97 99 107 129
Game 5 77 85 92 148 140
Game 6 100 96 101 169 119
Average: 97 94 98 127 115
Slight drop from last week, but the average is still above the 100 mark, so I'm glad about that.