Author Topic: Rocky & Hudson: The Gay Cowboys  (Read 3322 times)

Offline CellarDweller

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Rocky & Hudson: The Gay Cowboys
« on: March 02, 2013, 10:16:11 pm »
Geeez, I found this old article from 2006.  I don't recall anyone posting  about this, but I could be wrong.

Bartender: In this city gay kissing is prohibited!
Rocky: We will boycot buying products in this city!
Hudson: Except for cosmetics! Rocky: And lingerie!

Cowboys drawn to each other before film / 'Brokeback' success gives cartoonist wealth of new ideas

Andrew Downie, Chronicle Foreign Service, Published 4:00 am, Sunday, March 5, 2006

Rio de Janeiro -- The heroes of "Brokeback Mountain" were not the first gay cowboys to blaze a trail through the Wild West on film -- Rocky and Hudson got there first in 1991.

"There were two short films, the first about a homophobic scientist who invests a remote-control revolver to kill gays, and the second was a trash 'road' movie," said Adao Iturrusgarai, the creator of Rocky and Hudson. "They were shown at festivals and were both terrible, but everybody remembers them because there aren't a lot of gay cowboys. Now with 'Brokeback Mountain,' everybody is talking about them."

The commercial success of "Brokeback Mountain," which is in the running for numerous Oscars at tonight's awards ceremony, has given the irreverent 41-year-old cartoonist a wealth of new material and has catapulted his cartoon characters into the limelight. Last week, the camp cowboys promoted diversity in their fictional town. The week before, they galloped around Hollywood demanding their fair share of the profits from "Brokeback Mountain" director Ang Lee for "stealing" the idea of gay cowboys.

"Of course they get nothing, but it's funny," Iturrusgarai said. "The film is in the news, and I wanted to take advantage of that."

Rocky and Hudson first appeared in 1987 in a magazine in Iturrusgarai's home state of Rio Grande do Sul. The southern region is known for its macho culture and tough gaucho ranchers. Iturrusgarai originally wanted to mock homophobia by making his two main characters gauchos. But after moving to Sao Paulo, the nation's industrial capital, he opted to broaden their appeal by making them typical Brazilian coubois -- cowboys.

According to Amazon, a book that features the cartoons is about to be released.

Tell him when l come up to him and ask to play the record, l'm gonna say: ''Voulez-vous jouer ce disque?''
'Voulez-vous, will you kiss my dick?'
Will you play my record? One-track mind!