Thanks, Jeff, for taking the time to comment. I agree. I think the artist, Haylee Y. is something special. It seems that in her 'day job' she works with animals, dogs particularly, and helps rehabilitate them. I think it's obvious why her empathy, sympathy, sensitivity really make her art (which is already very high caliber) so alive.
You're welcome, John. I just can't get over that image. I don't know how to explain it. Obviously they're having sex, yet somehow the image isn't the least bit prurient--or, at least, I don't find it prurient anyway. And I don't feel like I'm "spying" on them--and that doesn't have anything to do with them being comic characters and not "real people." Maybe the use of color in the image has something to do with it.
It sort of makes me want to cry.