Come on........A Nobel have to be kidding.......
Below is a copy of a post and my reply in the thread about "back stories".......
Annie doesnt need a Nobel Prize, she needs a word processor to complete her story, not rely on everyone else to complete it for her.......
Quote from: Front-Ranger on Today at 04:56:13 am
So, we need a lot more backstories to flesh out the short story, since Annie didn't write a novel. How did Ennis come to know Alma, for instance, and what role did their siblings play in all that? Why was Lureen so hot for Jack that night? Whatever happened to the little boy with glasses at the fireworks display? What diid the Basque do during the off-season? Where did the jolly preacher end up after he kissed the brides once too often? What happened when the older guy got up the courage to go talk to one of the pool players? How did the lady get all those tattoos? Where were Trudy and Elizabeth going anyway? Who did Troy finally hook up with? What about all those cowboys who went to Denver?
Below is my response to this thread
These, and a thousand other questions and answers that never got explained in the story.......
I know I have hit this subject many times before, about the writing abilities of Annie opinion is, and has always been, that she failed.....all she could manage to accomplish was a "draft" of a story, not a complete story....I wish she had given that "draft" to a real author to be completed as it deserved to be completed.........