So what did you all do to get her to friend you?
I hope this is not a case of people having to belong to and be accepted by a certain clique to be a reader (in which case I'm *so* not interested. That kind of thing and the related wank-fests pretty much ruined another fandom I was a part of for the longest time...)
I would like to read DelMarPainting and has left a request to be friended, but so far no response.
I don't like cliques and I certainly don't belong to one and it ruined a fandom I'd belonged to for months too

I'd never read any of her stuff before DMP so she didn't know me at all. I just friended her and she friended me right back. I know she's really busy now maybe she doesn't pay attention to that kind of stuff on her journal atm

Aww I feel for you, it's such a shame you can't read it

And I really don't have any idea what else you could do