Author Topic: How did Jack's father know about Brokeback Mountain??  (Read 16537 times)

Offline Artiste

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Re: How did Jack's father know about Brokeback Mountain??
« Reply #10 on: March 24, 2007, 04:14:23 pm »
I continue here, as I had clicked too soon:

Please re-read, as I have added:

b]Thanks[/b] BBM-Cat 2006!!

You bring too a very interesting perspective!! Great!!

And I find now that this question is much more demanding that I thought, at first!!
It certainly is not a rotten apple in a barrel of apples, as one (as myself) or most (or some) persons might think!!??
I say that as most, even myself at first, disliked Mr. Twist!! That scene when Jack's visit Mr. and Mrs. Twist's home after Jack's death is heartbreaking!! And we feel that Jack's dad is heartless, somewhat, maybe??

The question remains: How did Jack's father know about Brokeback Mountain?? This may seem simple, and now I find it complex!! Wow! Wwow!

Here is your comment:
Art - I think you bring up a very interesting perspective - certainly one I had never thought of before. We know that Aguirre and Jack's mom were in contact at least two times while Jack and Ennis were up on the mountain. I am going to assume, like most mothers, that Jack's mom had to have asked him at least once how Jack was. I can surmise that Aguirre would not have overtly said anything about Jack and Ennis' intimacy - but it could have been intimated - maybe something like, 'well he sure is getting along well with that Ennis Del Mar fellow'. I could then imagine Jack's mom relates the (phone) conversation to Jack's father. I am assuming they spoke by phone (Aguirre and Jack's mom) - maybe not though - she could have written a lettter and mailed it in care of the employment agency.
You say: am going to assume, like most mothers, that Jack's mom had to have asked him at least once how Jack was ! I think you are absolutely right, as this would have been the curtesy!! Minimum civil curtesy, at least!! Your assume right, I say!! And, we must NOT forget if there were PLUSES to that; which plus, plus??

Did Jack's mother really communicated twice with Acquire?? Any proof?? Book and/or movie??

Like you (if I may say), I feel that Acquire did possibly or probably intimated Jack's and Ennis' relationship!!
There seems to be proof to this!! ??

Proof from Acquire....???

Proof from Jack's father... ???

And some other persons... ???

Love your word: intimated here. And think that is a wonderful clue!!

You must be a detective??

(May I ask if you like cats??)


Offline Artiste

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Re: How did Jack's father know about Brokeback Mountain??
« Reply #11 on: March 24, 2007, 04:20:01 pm »
Thanks opinionista!

Your comment:
If she wrote a letter I guess Aguirre would've given it directly to Jack, don't you think? I think is quite likely she called Aguirre. I can imagine Jack telling his parents where he was going to and for how long. 

I think you are absolutely right: Acquire would have given Jack's mother's letter to Jack!!
At least in the scene!!

This was Jack's second Summer at Acquire's!! Yes?? 

And much more can be said??


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Re: How did Jack's father know about Brokeback Mountain??
« Reply #12 on: March 24, 2007, 04:53:43 pm »
Well, here is my bottom-line thinking on this subject. Ennis volunteered to take the ashes up to Brokeback Mtn. and Mr. Twist responded, "I know where Brokeback Mountain is" in a very condescending, disgusted tone. My first thought after hearing that was that The Old Man didn't know and didn't give a damn where the mtn was, but he for sure was not going to give up the ashes to this Ennis guy...and why? Simply because Ennis wanted them, that's what I think.

On another level, when TOM said "I know where Brokeback Mountain is" I think he may have been saying, I know all about Jack...and you. Or, he may have been saying that there was a Brokeback Mountain in his youth too.

The foreman's name is is a Basque name, opinionista tells me, and we are trying to find out more about the meaning of it. There was an iconic film by Werner Herzog called Aguirre Wrath of God, and Annie Proulx may have been making a reference to it.

Lastly, if Jack were my son, I know I would have been in touch with the foreman several times during the summer asking about him!!!
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Offline Artiste

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Re: How did Jack's father know about Brokeback Mountain??
« Reply #13 on: March 24, 2007, 05:38:12 pm »
Thanks Front-Ranger!!

I am pleased that you are researching the word Jack's and Ennis's boss was named (called)!! That being: Aguirre!!
Am intrigue by that too!!

Aguirre, I may have solve some of it, as in my Petit-Larousse (French dictionnary from France, known and greatly used in French-Canada and published in 1959), aguerrir is the verb: Accoutumer à la guerre which as I am translating it myself:
to accostom to war!! Wow, wow!!

That means a lot to me, even in the movie!!

To you??

(The other parts of your comment, I will think about it and add later on OK?? Remind me please.)


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Re: How did Jack's father know about Brokeback Mountain??
« Reply #14 on: March 25, 2007, 12:53:31 pm »
Yes, Art! I love my cat - his name is Gabe and he looks just like the little avatar.

You're right, there is nothing 'simple' about this movie - what appears straightforward, often ends up being very complex! I like FR's insight that perhaps OMT did not know or care where BBM was - he was the 'stud duck' of his domain and was not about to be shown up or embarassed by a lack of knowledge and with the real or hidden intention of keeping Jack's ashes for the family plot; or, he knew exactly where it was; or, as we have surmised, because Jack spent two summers there, he would have, in all probability, communicated to his parents where he was headed.

I'm not sure how Jack's mother communicated with Aguirre - I agree with opinionista - had it been a letter, Aguirre more than likely would have shown it or given it to Jack. Unless he just did not want to bother with it. Maybe it was a telegram. You're right to point out that phone calls were expensive in those days - so Uncle Harold must have been especially sick to necessitate that form of communication. The dirt poor Twist home did not look like it had a phone so they maybe they called from another location. They probably did not have a long-distance, ATT calling card. : )  In summary, I guess we can say that Jack's mother communicated in some form or manner with Aguirre at least one time; either parent may have contacted Aguirre the second time to pass on the message to Jack that Uncle Harold was 'going to live after all'. Either way, this could be another possible source of how OMT knew where BBM was, if he indeed, cared or knew where BBM was.
Six-word Stories:  ~Jack: Lightning Flat, lightning love, flat denied   ~Ennis: Open space: flat tire, tire iron?

Offline Artiste

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Re: How did Jack's father know about Brokeback Mountain??
« Reply #15 on: March 25, 2007, 08:05:37 pm »
Thanks BBM-Cat 2006!

((I never used to like cats!! I love your cat!! You want to know my real stories about cats?
I will start a tread on this subject of cat stories on DAILY, OK?? I want your stories too... OK??))

Your two comments are refreshing!! So now with that, I realize this:
And it now seems, that there had to be at least three (3) communications maybe minimum,
that Mr. and Mrs. John Twist knew about Brokeback Mountain!!! Surely, the parents knew where Jack had worked at Acquirre's, his first Summer there; so that is one about Brokeback Mountain!!

I include Mrs. Twist, as she would have communicated that to her husband, right?? She talked about that first Summer of Jack's with her husband!!

And she told more; firstly: about that uncle not being well which she communicated to Jack's boss (Acquirre)! Surely, she told that to Mr. John  Twist, as he was then her husband, right??

And maybe too: that uncle is now better, surely that too, to her husband!! And to Acquirre, as Acquirre (himself?) tells (or communicates somehow??) to Jack up Brokeback Mountain again (your uncle is now better) as Acquire orders the sheep back down!! She had to talk about that to her husband: that the uncle is better now!! Especially in those days... where the husband was BOSS??  And religious?? 

The wife obeyed the husband in those days, especially if you were of a cartain religion?? !! So Mr. John Twist knew at least three times, it seems to me about Brokeback Mountain; and, much more, remember that more??

There was no TV likely then there, so that Mrs. Twist did not talk that much to her husband?? So conversations were like TV then between Mr. and Mrs John Twist!!  Many such husband did not talk much those days; it seems to me; but these husbands knew what was going on... had to now and required to know... religion seem to demand that too!!??

Was there a telephone in the Mr. and Mrs. John Twist house first and second Summers Jack went to Brokeback Mountain to work?? Does Annie mention this (a telephone there) in her story?? This may seem a question that is simple, and I regard it as important!!

Yes, the story seems simple, and is complex. Awaiting your news,
