Author Topic: OSCAR Predictions - Despite the fact that I will Still Boycott!  (Read 45482 times)

Offline j.U.d.E.

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Re: OSCAR Predictions - Despite the fact that I will Still Boycott!
« Reply #130 on: February 26, 2007, 11:16:42 am »
Sorry, slightly OT but I didn't want to start a whole new thread .. but there's something odd about her eyes.. It's like they are not real, there is no depth and they seem affixed to her face somehow..

- Anne Hathaway at the Oscars

I don't have a point - it's just I had noticed this before and it takes away from her beauty. Me thinks.

j. U. d. E.
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Re: OSCAR Predictions - Despite the fact that I will Still Boycott!
« Reply #131 on: February 26, 2007, 11:32:22 am »
Hurrah for Gustavo!  :-*

I was glad to see Martin Scorsese's ship come in at last.  Pardon the obvious, but did anybody else find thoughts of last year overcoming the happiness for Scorsese?  How I wish Ang Lee had been given that extra acknowledgement of Best Picture!  I know, enough already....  ::)
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Offline ednbarby

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Re: OSCAR Predictions - Despite the fact that I will Still Boycott!
« Reply #132 on: February 26, 2007, 11:49:30 am »
OK, I didn't watch it but I must admit I just read about it on Yahoo.  Does that make me a hypocrite?

I like this:  ""What a wonderful night. Such diversity in the room," said Ellen DeGeneres, serving as Oscar host for the first time, "in a year when there's been so many negative things said about people's race, religion and sexual orientation.

"And I want to put this out there: If there weren't blacks, Jews and gays, there would be no Oscars," she said, adding: "Or anyone named Oscar, when you think about that."

It ain't much.  But it's something.

I thought the score for Pan's Labyrinth was beautiful, too, Anya.  Of all of the ones I've heard at the movies this year, its basic melody is the *only* one I can remember off the top of my head.  (Well, of course I can remember a certain part of Babel's, but that's for another reason.)

I'm glad to know An Inconvenient Truth won not one but two awards.  As much as the Oscars don't matter to me anymore, I realize they still matter a lot to many other people.  And if those wins get more people to rent or buy the DVD, power to them.  It's important enough that I'll take publicity for it any way I can get it.

And now, onward and upward.  I've got three nights of Jake appearances and a movie release to look (vastly!) forward to.  It's all good.

Oh, and I agree, Jude.  There ain't a whole lot of warmth (or anything else) behind Anne Hathaway's eyes.  She's certainly a very pretty girl, yet nothing extraordinary because of that.  There are many young women out there with less perfect facial features who have a whole lot more goin' on than she has because they've got soul.

« Last Edit: February 26, 2007, 11:52:35 am by ednbarby »
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Re: OSCAR Predictions - Despite the fact that I will Still Boycott!
« Reply #133 on: February 26, 2007, 12:04:43 pm »
I liked that Melissa Etheridge thanked her wife in a very matter-of-fact way.
Go girl!

Offline Anya_Angie

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Re: OSCAR Predictions - Despite the fact that I will Still Boycott!
« Reply #134 on: February 26, 2007, 02:19:14 pm »
Ednbarby, you MUST hear The Fountain by Cliff Mansell. It's performed by the Kronos Quartet and packs quite an emotional whallop.

Oh, interesting note on Gustavo, from

The last time the same composer won an Oscar two years in a row was Alan Menken for his animated Disney musicals in 1991 and 1992

Those scores of course are Beauty & The Beast and Aladdin.
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Re: OSCAR Predictions - Despite the fact that I will Still Boycott!
« Reply #135 on: February 26, 2007, 07:51:46 pm »

Oh, and I agree, Jude.  There ain't a whole lot of warmth (or anything else) behind Anne Hathaway's eyes.  She's certainly a very pretty girl, yet nothing extraordinary because of that.  There are many young women out there with less perfect facial features who have a whole lot more goin' on than she has because they've got soul.
N'est-ce pas! Her eyes look like they have been painted on her face.. They are a bit scary. Too symmetrical. Too big. Too flat. Weird. When you hide her mouth (on the picture I've posted) her eyes are without any emotion..

j. U. d. E.
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Re: OSCAR Predictions - Despite the fact that I will Still Boycott!
« Reply #136 on: February 27, 2007, 09:48:32 am »
 N'est-ce pas! Her eyes look like they have been painted on her face.. They are a bit scary. Too symmetrical. Too big. Too flat. Weird. When you hide her mouth (on the picture I've posted) her eyes are without any emotion..

j. U. d. E.

Exactly.  I have kind of made a study of the light that shines from people's eyes.  Some people think they can see auras.  I think that if you take a good, straight look into a person's eyes (this works for dogs, too, oddly) for about five seconds, you can see everything you need to know about that person.  This works, I think, with photographs, too.  I became fascinated with this years ago when I became sort of morbidly obsessed with serial killers.  And I became obsessed with them because I learned that one had once stood in my kitchen.  His name was Kenneth Bianchi, and he was one of the "Hillside Stranglers."  He was a friend of a friend of my older brothers, and for some reason (which I think was probably drug-related) he ended up at my house, probably in around 1973 or 1974, with the friend of the friend one day.  I never saw him - I just heard years later from my brothers that he had been there.  Here's a link to his Wikipedia entry:

It always slays me how people in interviews later would say about him or Ted Bundy or any of the others, "He seemed like such a normal guy."  WHAT?  Take one look at a photograph of any of them and they all have one thing in common - dead eyes.  If there is any light coming out of them at all, it's a faint spec that only makes them all the eerier.

OK, so Anne Hathaway is probably not a serial killer.  But there is something kind of creepy about those expressionless eyes of hers.  What's funny is I don't remember them being so expressionless in Brokeback - her eyes seemed fine, there.  But every time I see her in an interview or other venue where she's just "being herself," there they are.  All I can figure is that she might not have much of an internal life - there is no spark or fire in there that shines out.  She can only turn on what light she has, and dimly, when she acts.

And now you all know how really, *really* weird I am.   :P
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Re: OSCAR Predictions - Despite the fact that I will Still Boycott!
« Reply #137 on: February 27, 2007, 10:09:56 am »
Barb, in case you're wondering, this is what you missed. If I wrote reviews in the paper, this is the review I would have written. From the Boston Globe.

Host DeGeneres schmoozes as audience snoozes

By Matthew Gilbert, Globe Staff  |  February 26, 2007

Ellen DeGeneres was a tepid host at last night's Academy Awards. With her wry, rambling, hemming-and-hawing style, she wanted to put everyone at ease; but instead, she put us to sleep. She took a rice-cake approach to her monologue -- it was airy, bland, and a little crunchy, as she focused on the diversity of the audience. "If there weren't blacks, Jews, and gays," she said to applause, "there would be no Oscars."

Alas, DeGeneres had less comic impact than one or two glimpses of Jack Nicholson, who'd shaved his head in solidarity with Britney Spears. He looked like the genie from a very high-proof bottle. When DeGeneres went into the audience and offered a script to Martin Scorsese, she wanted us to laugh, but we cringed as Mark Wahlberg sat right behind them. Moments earlier, Wahlberg had lost his supporting-actor contest.

And so the night proceeded with the same meandering tone as DeGeneres, inching toward nothing in particular. Instead of the usual policy of announcing a few major prizes at the beginning, the first supporting-actor award -- to Alan Arkin, who stoically read his acceptance until a mention of his family brought a crack to his voice -- wasn't announced until almost an hour into the telecast. That's just too much time to string us along.

The next crowd-pleasing award, the supporting prize to Jennifer Hudson, didn't come for yet another hour. And that moment, like Helen Mirren's similarly predictable win later on, was a letdown, only because we've already seen Hudson win so many prizes this season.

Oscarcast producer Laura Ziskin pulled out some old tricks -- very old tricks -- to distract us from the ticking of our internal time-clocks. We got a cutesy song and dance from Will Ferrell, Jack Black, and John C. Reilly about how sad, angry, and envious comedians feel about the Oscars. It wasn't bad; it was charming; but still it felt like a stall. So did director Errol Morris's interviews with the nominees, which opened the night, as well as a performance in which a chorus created sound effects -- helicopters, cars, wind, water -- for film clips.

And then there was the montage about writing in the movies, and then there were the Pilobolus dancers making cool shadow shapes, and then there was the foreign film montage, and then there was the collection of Ennio Morricone music, and then there were the clips of American history seen through movies. They were minutes, many minutes, many late minutes, we will never get back.

Those of us looking for Oscar-worthy thrills had to settle for repeated shots of Peter O'Toole in the audience pretending he knew what was going on, or the odd glimpse of someone completely out of context -- Jerry Seinfeld? Larry David?

We were left to wonder about the little red sack attached to Nicole Kidman's shoulder, and whether or not it was indeed an emergency air-sickness bag. We were left to speculate on Tom Cruise's opinion of said bag, as he delivered an introduction to the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award to Sherry Lansing. We were left to marvel at the incomprehension of Catherine Deneuve and Ken Watanabe's introduction to the foreign film segment, as well as the crazy-man frizz of Philip Seymour Hoffman's hair.

And, yes, we were left to enjoy one or two things, which came to us like water in the desert -- the sweetness of Melissa Etheridge kissing her wife, Tammy Lynn Michaels, before accepting her statue; the joke that had Al Gore pretending to announce his candidacy while getting cut off by the long-speech music; and the intensity of Forest Whitaker's overwhelmed silence when he took the stage to accept his best actor statue.

The E! red carpet preshow had only a few delicious moments of oddity, although no O'Toole. Jennifer Hudson greeted Ryan Seacrest wearing a tin-foil-like jacket-ette. Somewhere in her refrigerator, a leftover is naked.

But Seacrest distracted us, and the anxious J. Hud, by airing a pre-taped clip from Simon Cowell, who offered sincere congratulations to the former "American Idol" contestant: "We are rooting for you," he gushed. Since Hudson recently said she'd been "abused, misled, and brainwashed" on "Idol," the Cowell nod was either a make-nice offering or a shrewd PR checkmate.

The E! "Glam-a-strator" gimmick brought us back to pre-school. First the E! camera froze images of women, then fashionistas Jay Manuel and Giuliana De Pandi drew on them -- arrows, squiggles, and, over Cameron Diaz, "Justin Who?" It was silly, but nothing could out-silly Seacrest, his fanboy eagerness, and his awkward questions. "Is there a dirty side to Helen?" he asked Michael Sheen, Mirren's costar in "The Queen."

Seacrest inadvertently scored with Gore, who made good on one of Seacrest's many time-killing questions, this one about who'd play Gore in the movie of his life. "William Hung," Gore answered without missing a beat. And Meryl Streep also filled the Ryan Void, noting that, yes, she has received 14 nominations, which is appropriate for a size 14.

The official ABC pre-show, "Road to the Oscars," had a few exclusives, stars who dodged the E! cameras for the stiffer stylings of Chris Connelly. Ryan Gosling, with mother and sister in tow; Will Smith, Jada Pinkett Smith, and their son Jaden; and Wahlberg were among those dodging the hoi polloi. We related.
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Offline ednbarby

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Re: OSCAR Predictions - Despite the fact that I will Still Boycott!
« Reply #138 on: February 27, 2007, 11:48:52 am »
It's too bad Ellen is being equated with the show going on for too long.  Not so much in this article, which properly blamed the producer, but in a lot of other quips about it/her I've read or seen.

I am sorry I missed this:

"And, yes, we were left to enjoy one or two things, which came to us like water in the desert -- the sweetness of Melissa Etheridge kissing her wife, Tammy Lynn Michaels, before accepting her statue; the joke that had Al Gore pretending to announce his candidacy while getting cut off by the long-speech music; and the intensity of Forest Whitaker's overwhelmed silence when he took the stage to accept his best actor statue."

I'm sure it was a sweet kiss, too - so often (especially when they're between two long-married straighties!) they're really forced looking and they just make me cringe.
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Offline Anya_Angie

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Re: OSCAR Predictions - Despite the fact that I will Still Boycott!
« Reply #139 on: February 27, 2007, 06:00:14 pm »
and then there was the collection of Ennio Morricone music, and then there were the clips of American history seen through movies. They were minutes, many minutes, many late minutes, we will never get back.

I can't tell you how many people were HAPPY for the Morricone bit! In fact his hits are being downloaded all over the place now thanks to the Oscar tribute. Such a shame the "journalist" lacks the respect to mention just who the hell he is and why he deserved it.
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