It is through our shared love of "Brokeback Mountain" that we have made our way here to BetterMost.
For me, BetterMost has become my spiritual home.
BetterMost is where the healing process began for me. After shedding many tears over our dear Jack and Ennis, the communion I found here with my fellow BetterMostians, has allowed me to progress to that place where I can now begin to see a light at the end of the tunnel. It's still only a very faint light, and I know I have a long way yet to go, but I'm now confident I'll get there.
One of the most profoundly therapeutic, cathartic aspects of the BetterMost experience for me, has been meeting, sharing and laughing with some very, very special people. People I never knew existed before I came here. People who I now count among my friends. Friends in the true Jack Twist sense of that word.
In this spirit, I charge you to put away your Kleenex, sit firmly upon our communal whoopee cushion, and let's all have a good laugh for a change?
Here's a beginning:
I don't have a lot of funny images stored on my PC, so this thread will be going no-where fast without your contributions. And that goes for the non-participants as well. Even if you haven't contributed elsewhere before now, please feel free to contribute your funnies at this thread.