I remember in the late 1970's thru the mid 1980's, there was talk of masculinity evolving to a more sensitive male. Alan Alda in MASH was the personification of the new male. Whatever happened to that?
Ennis and Jack were such males of their times, particularly Ennis. WHo knows what direction the male is evolving into becoming. IS the ALpah MAle (THE AVIATOR) dead, as GQ I believed asked. I suppose not quite, as ppl like BIll Gates, industrialist, super rich, philanthropist are held in such high self esteem.
What became of the men's movement. DId that wither away? Fire in the Belly, Iron John, books like that seem so 1990's right now.
Every decade seems to have it's take on what it means to be a man.
By the way, I thought things like symphonic music, gardening, etc were supposed to have a civilizing affect on males, to counter the agressive social expectations expected in work, life, sports etc. Just what I've been told. They seem to have a different take on classical music, particularly Beethoven.