Author Topic: Movie Discussion: Maurice: caution-spoilers  (Read 17023 times)

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Re: Movie Discussion: Maurice: caution-spoilers
« Reply #20 on: February 17, 2007, 04:25:31 pm »
Thanks for correcting the quote! Could there be a clue regarding the American accent in another part of the movie where at dinner several people are discussing foreign travel and one of them, who is going to Greece, says he'd rather be going to America? Also, scudder is planning to emigrate to the U.S.
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Re: Movie Discussion: Maurice: caution-spoilers
« Reply #21 on: February 19, 2007, 12:05:00 am »
A friend advised me that it helps to understand the movie by reading the book! And there is some good commentary attached to the book. So, I'm going to pick it up asap. I'm glad this forum covers both books AND movies!!
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Re: Movie Discussion: Maurice: caution-spoilers
« Reply #22 on: February 19, 2007, 01:54:11 pm »
A friend advised me that it helps to understand the movie by reading the book! And there is some good commentary attached to the book. So, I'm going to pick it up asap. I'm glad this forum covers both books AND movies!!

It's a fantastic book, if a little 'choppy' since I believe it was written in 1913 or 1914 and the manuscript was 'discovered' after  E.M. Forster's death, with instructions to publish it upon the event of his demise.
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Re: Movie Discussion: Maurice: caution-spoilers
« Reply #23 on: March 01, 2007, 04:16:13 am »
No it doesn't help to read the book to understand te movie! Reading the book, you develop sucvh a healthy hatred of Clive Durham (who  NEVER HAS SEX WITH ANYONE--read it carefully!), that you wouldn't even see the movie!


And that last scene in the movie of Durham looking out ther window and imaginging Maurice as he was at the university--not in the book at all.

Some of Forster's short stories (from the "unpublished during his lifetime" years) are wonderful. I didn't get much out of this book. Till Maurice finds himself a boyfriend..that's very nice.

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Re: Movie Discussion: Maurice: caution-spoilers
« Reply #24 on: June 08, 2007, 05:48:50 pm »
Our johnbeene, the BBQ's welcome man at the airport and chef extraordinaire, reminds me very much of Scudder. All you BBQers, do you concur??


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Re: Movie Discussion: Maurice: caution-spoilers
« Reply #25 on: July 28, 2007, 05:04:34 pm »
Thanks for correcting the quote! Could there be a clue regarding the American accent in another part of the movie where at dinner several people are discussing foreign travel and one of them, who is going to Greece, says he'd rather be going to America? Also, scudder is planning to emigrate to the U.S.

At one point Maurice was thinking of travelling to the US, but Alec was planning on emigrating to Argentina if I am not mistaken!

I watched the movie again today, it has been a while. I have the DVD with a whole DVD of extras and it's wonderful!

Was thinking about the scene in the hotel room and how much it resembles the motel scene in BBM! Anyone notice that?

Offline Casey Cornelius

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Re: Movie Discussion: Maurice: caution-spoilers
« Reply #26 on: August 03, 2007, 12:13:08 am »
Snavel del Snuit:

I'd second your excitement of having the DVD extras on the Criterion/Merchant-Ivory edition.
It's fascinating to think that the film-makers had contemplated a completely different structure for the
film and it's terrific to have remnants of it and the deleted scenes available to judge how different a film it might have turned out to be.
Much as a large number of our BetterMost Brokies [whom I recently had a chance to finally meet on the Alberta Pilgrimage while here in Calgary - including this thread's initiator, Front-Ranger] searched for Brokeback locations, I started to search out the Maurice film locations last month while on vacation in London.  Did not devote a lot of time to it, but did manage to find and experience:

1] the corner in the British Musem where Scudder and Maurice check out and comment on the massive Assyrian sculptures before being interrupted by Simon Callow playing the old schoolmaster Mr. Ducie;
2] the Blackfriars Pub in The City directly opposite the Blackfriars Station at the north end of the Blackfriars Bridge over the Thames - the place where viscount Risley cruises and flirts with the Guardsman before being entrapped and charged with solicitiation and corruption of 'his social inferior' [love that line in the film as representative of its other great theme - Edwardian British class inequality];
3] Wigmore Hall, where Maurice and Clive attend a concert and the latter begins the rebuffs which start their break-up.

Plan to seek out other London locations next trip.  Would love to be able to track down Maurice's stock agent's office,
but I cannot find any web info about a lot of the other locations including it.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2007, 06:55:07 pm by Casey Cornelius »
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Re: Movie Discussion: Maurice: caution-spoilers
« Reply #27 on: September 25, 2020, 03:09:49 am »
I recently saw the movie and stumbled upon this thread.  One thing I'd like to touch on is: Isn't Clive sort of like Ennis?

Surely not in the manner of speaking or dressing or anything else on the outside.  But I hope you catch my drift.  He may even be a more extreme variation of Ennis.  Morbidly overcome by fear and bottling up his true feelings to such a degree that he's a complete phony.  Not only does he torture himself by denying his true desires, but he also slyly and repeatedly wears down Maurice and neglects his wife whom he's evidently married to move further up the social scale.  If that's not one cunning, callous fraud then I don't know who is. 

That being said, can I really blame him?  The selfish bastard's just trying to feel safe.