Author Topic: Like I, you want a Brokeback Mountain II, yes a second film??  (Read 26786 times)

Offline louisev

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Re: Like I, you want a Brokeback Mountain II, yes a second film??
« Reply #10 on: March 26, 2007, 01:19:44 am »
A sequel?    "Beyond Brokeback"  perhaps?

What could it be about?        Ennis goes to Texas to find Jacks Murderers?      Along the way he finds himself?       That would be pretty cool.    But I'd want all the same cast members to be in it.    Jake would have to return for flashback scenes.       We'd  of course need Ann Hathaway to play Jacks widow.    Maybe Ennis would meet L.D.Newsome too.

or maybe, he meets someone who falls in love with him who, wanting to do the right thing for the man who lost the love of his life, goes to Texas to find out what really happened to Jack... and ...

hold on.  This is starting to sound way familiar David.
“Mr. Coyote always gets me good, boy,”  Ellery said, winking.  “Almost forgot what life was like before I got me my own personal coyote.”

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Re: Like I, you want a Brokeback Mountain II, yes a second film??
« Reply #11 on: March 26, 2007, 01:40:33 pm »
Thanks louisev!!

If Ennis goes to find Jack's murderers, that could be so??

Many scenes, even a serie of scenes.

Would that be devastating to Ennis; to viewers??


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Re: Like I, you want a Brokeback Mountain II, yes a second film??
« Reply #12 on: March 26, 2007, 01:48:26 pm »
Thanks brokenbackjack!!

Ennis's feeling are affected by Jack's death!!

And yes as you say:
whole point of Brokeback is emotional devastation

I agree with you. However, the devastation continues.... yes?? For Ennis!! For us, viewers too!!
Ever since my gay partner was killed by his MD in a hospital, because my gay partner was a chrsitian/and or jewish and because my gay partner was a gay man; this continues to devastate me too!! Like Eniss is sad!!

Ennis is in turmoil, since Jack's death!!

So a sequel, or remake, or a serie, seems nescessary for me. Somehow. And Ennis could seek those who killed Jack??


Offline HerrKaiser

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Re: Like I, you want a Brokeback Mountain II, yes a second film??
« Reply #13 on: March 30, 2007, 12:15:53 pm »
well the whole point of Brokeback is emotional devastation. You know that.

Wow. I'm as much or more of a BBM officianando than anyone, and I never got that the whole point of it was emotional devastation. Conversely, it is an opening, a realization, an affirmation. The net net is uplifting. If the point of the story was devastation, Lee failed in his work imo.

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Re: Like I, you want a Brokeback Mountain II, yes a second film??
« Reply #14 on: March 30, 2007, 06:59:45 pm »
Thanks HerrKaiser!!

More I read, the more I have a tendency to think like you do as you say this:
Wow. I'm as much or more of a BBM officianando than anyone, and I never got that the whole point of it was emotional devastation. Conversely, it is an opening, a realization, an affirmation. The net net is uplifting. If the point of the story was devastation, Lee failed in his work imo.

Wow, wow!! I do think that Lee did fail in some points... if I can read you right!! ??
That would be one reason that I want a remake?




Offline brokebackjack

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Re: Like I, you want a Brokeback Mountain II, yes a second film??
« Reply #15 on: March 31, 2007, 10:47:57 am »

Wow. I'm as much or more of a BBM officianando than anyone, and I never got that the whole point of it was emotional devastation. Conversely, it is an opening, a realization, an affirmation. The net net is uplifting. If the point of the story was devastation, Lee failed in his work imo.

I saw that film and was emotionally clobbered.
Read the short story and was devastated.
It's about the destruction and total devastation caused on the two main characters and everyone they are close to by rural homophobia, and that's the stated message of both director, author, and screenplay adaptors.

AND I agree with you; NOBODY but a truly morbid soul would stay as obsessed as we all are if it was a complete downer: this is Brokeback Mountain, not The Bell Jar lolol!!! Thing is, both the film and the SS are masterpieces, they inspire you to treasure the story, the characters breathed even for their creator.

I was clobbered, and it made me think, made me change direction, small step by small step. Like great art is supposed to do, BBM affected every single one of us. I don't feel clobbered any more when I watch Brokeback. Reading it can be rough, but it's effect is uplifting, the beauty is indescribable.....I'm still obsessed;  even when this obsession passes I hope the effects and the memory and the great friends gained DON'T. :-*
« Last Edit: March 31, 2007, 10:51:27 am by brokebackjack »
"I couldn't stand it no more so i fixed it"

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Re: Like I, you want a Brokeback Mountain II, yes a second film??
« Reply #16 on: March 31, 2007, 12:23:06 pm »
Thanks brokebackjack!!

You say this:
I was clobbered, and it made me think, made me change direction, small step by small step. Like great art is supposed to do, BBM affected every single one of us. I don't feel clobbered any more when I watch Brokeback. Reading it can be rough, but it's effect is uplifting, the beauty is indescribable.....I'm still obsessed;  even when this obsession passes I hope the effects and the memory and the great friends gained DON'T.

May I say the same. I will describe that to you if you like?

I do also think like HerrKaiser who says:
If the point of the story was devastation, Lee failed in his work imo.

I take the stand that Lee did do good, as well as could have done better.
Because of that and for many reasons, I think a retake,  and/ora second film, and/or even a serie, will be great!!!

What do you think?


Offline RossInIllinois

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Re: Like I, you want a Brokeback Mountain II, yes a second film??
« Reply #17 on: April 01, 2007, 05:29:11 pm »
Broke Back Mountain 2 ???  Naaaa... only if they are Drag Queens would a second BBM movie work for me.  ;D
« Last Edit: April 02, 2007, 10:19:52 am by RossInIllinois »

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Re: Like I, you want a Brokeback Mountain II, yes a second film??
« Reply #18 on: April 01, 2007, 06:16:36 pm »
Thanks RossInIllinois!

Drag queens in the II?? Wow, wow!!

Would that be Ennis or Jack being one??

Wanting one?? Or in their dreams??


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Re: Like I, you want a Brokeback Mountain II, yes a second film??
« Reply #19 on: April 04, 2007, 09:55:53 am »
For a second film, I would want one, two or more actors to be real gay males.

There is a difference, I say!!

What do you say?
