Author Topic: The Pollution Thread....  (Read 19515 times)

Offline FuzzyChanny

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Re: The Pollution Thread....
« Reply #70 on: May 03, 2006, 06:27:32 pm »
Wow we are on our 4th page already! ::) I never knew we could take up all that space with just our random conversations. I am beat though so this is just a quick visit from me. Just poppin' in to say hey although I have some big news.
Firstly Mary is with David :o A different one this time(That girl goes through men like I go through pants) ! :laugh: He seems nice enough but I am not sure about a few of his friends, but that is probably just me being over protective of her.
Secondly I had to do a surprise English Speaking and Listening assesment and I got an A. So did everyone in my group, but I am extra proud cause I wrote the script.

And thirdly: I have just had the most strange evening of my life! Tonight I went to see my school production of 'Romeo and Juliet' but a modernised version, so Shakespearean language but a modernised setting and costume. What I thought was so funny was that "the Montagues" were "the Montagoths" and "the Capulets" were the "Chavulets". But Juliet and Romeo were nutral and had normal clothes on. At first I wasn't expecting much cause it was just a year 10 play and I basically thought that it was going to be so crappy. And the only reason I went to see it was cause one of my two best friends were playing the lead parts. Johnny(Romeo) came to see me before the performance and we chatted about him having to kiss Emma(Juliet) cause they are really good friends and he said he was nervous cause he might get caught on her brace. Anyway I wished both of them luck and they disappeared behind the curtain. The hall eventually filled up and the lights went down. :o They were both absolutely amazing! I mean I know I would have said that anyway, but I mean actually WOW! I was just sat there sobbing: look what BBM has done to me! I even cry at school productions now! I think it was mainly the music cause a couple of weeks before Emma aproached me and said, "You are a mushy person, help me with the song list" At first I was offended and then I was like,"Yeah you are right!" So I put down all the songs that make me cry and they just have to go and use them don't they. So after "Goodbye my lover", "Against all odds", "Mad World"(gotta fit some Donnie in there!) and "Colourblind" I was crying som much. But Emma and Johnny's performances helped ALOT, I knew they could act, but not that well I think the fact that I know them aswel helped I mean seeing some of your best friends crying their eyes out together is bound to make you well-up. So they were both fake crying on the stage and I was really crying in the audience.
After the manditory photos were over I basically pounced on Johnny and nearly knocked him over! I was just like,"You bastard you made me cry" and then Emma came along and we had a giant group hug. I am just really emotionally drained now, I doubt that I will be able to face them tomorrow. I actually joked to Emma, "I want the same type of performace in science tomorrow!"
But the funniest thing was that Mary was a Montagoth and in the scene where they go to the Chavulets party, which was a dressing up party, she was dressed as a cowboy! I was just like "Oh My God" cause she had on a REAL Ennis replica hat. Of course I chased her round until she let me wear it and I sneaked into one of the pictures wearing it!

So that was my VERY long account of my evening but I think you will agree I have had quite an up and down day. Well it is night from me(and night from him!)
Talk to you tomorrow, for longer than this hopefully.
Becky :-*

Woah!! *insert eye popping smiley we don't have* That was a REALLY long post! When I forst saw it, I almost fell off my chair, lol.

Lol, crying at school plays! But that's probably the best compliment you could give them, so don't feel too bad :D

When I read Mary's with David it was fall off chair #2. But glad it's someone new atleast, I hope he's nicer than the last  :-\

Big congrats on the A!! I actually did a little work today. Helped my step-cousin with her Physics, though I am the crappest teacher alive. I'm like "I get it, so why don't you?!" Other than that day was pretty uneventful. I spent 3 hours watching my video where I taped every Five appearance over a two year period. I even teared up at the Split Press Conference. *I'm so sad* And then I went to dancing where I finished learning St Patrick's Day *Wooh go me*

Lol, I was looking at the four pages last night when I realised how much we'd rambled on. Lol, the convos are so random, I can't believe it took up 4 pages!

Good night dear, Speak soon
Love Chan
I've learnt that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is stalk them and hope they panic and give in!

Offline Becky

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Re: The Pollution Thread....
« Reply #71 on: May 05, 2006, 08:03:10 pm »
Woah!! *insert eye popping smiley we don't have* That was a REALLY long post! When I forst saw it, I almost fell off my chair, lol.

Lol, crying at school plays! But that's probably the best compliment you could give them, so don't feel too bad :D

When I read Mary's with David it was fall off chair #2. But glad it's someone new atleast, I hope he's nicer than the last  :-\

Big congrats on the A!! I actually did a little work today. Helped my step-cousin with her Physics, though I am the crappest teacher alive. I'm like "I get it, so why don't you?!" Other than that day was pretty uneventful. I spent 3 hours watching my video where I taped every Five appearance over a two year period. I even teared up at the Split Press Conference. *I'm so sad* And then I went to dancing where I finished learning St Patrick's Day *Wooh go me*

Lol, I was looking at the four pages last night when I realised how much we'd rambled on. Lol, the convos are so random, I can't believe it took up 4 pages!

Good night dear, Speak soon
Love Chan

LOL You cried at the Five press conference! Well I cried at a school play, so I guess we can call it even. Well done on the St Patrick's day learning, I am not quite sure what it is, but I think it is a dance.
Today has been quite a boring day. Although I LMAO in geography cause we were supposed to be revising but I was busy talking to Johnny. I was just jabbering away and then I noticed he was looking at me strangley so I did my best Ennis impression and said, "Whut?" And he looked at me and said I looked Canadian today! I was like WTF! How? Why do I look different to any other day? I took it as a compliment, but I am not yet quite sure why. I know I said I thought I would have problems seeing Emma and Johnny in the same light, but he(and talking to Emma since) has proved me wrong. Canadian? WTF? :laugh:
Also I talked to my friend Steve today, who is actually a girl called Sarah(but it is a very long and complicated story) and she showed my some new badges she got and one said something about stalking on it! I was like, "OMG that is like the stuff from Jakewatch!" Of course she didn't know what I was talking about but she promised to get me one next time she went to the shop.
Also I was thinking of you today cause in English we were revising for the ever nearing year 10 exams and she had given up lollypops to shut us up(we are easily pleased). And as I explained she is from SA and she goes, "There you are, suckers!" Of course we took this to mean that she was calling us suckers! LOL Of course she then explained that in SA they are called suckers, or where she is from anyway, and she promised when she goes home in the holidays she will find some that say suckers on them for us.
I am off to bed as it has just gone 1 here in boring old England. And I need to get up and go to my Lower school reunion tomorrow. ::). I will talk to you tomorrow.
Becky :-*
"Look too often at those hills, lie too long beside those rippling rivers, and you may think you are hearing a love song, when actually it is a death song." Larry McMurtry, Brokeback Mountain: Story to Screenplay.

Offline sparkle_motion

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Re: The Pollution Thread....
« Reply #72 on: May 05, 2006, 11:03:26 pm »
Scotty Doesn't Know? Are you guys referring to one of my fave movies, Eurotrip!? I love that movie! I do the french robot all the time at receptions and  birthday parties (just kidding about that last part, but I DO do the french robot). Err roar. Err roar.
...then you ask me about Mexico and tell me you'll kill me for needing somethin' I don't hardly never get.

Offline FuzzyChanny

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Re: The Pollution Thread....
« Reply #73 on: May 06, 2006, 02:15:10 pm »
LOL You cried at the Five press conference! Well I cried at a school play, so I guess we can call it even. Well done on the St Patrick's day learning, I am not quite sure what it is, but I think it is a dance.

Becky, crying does not even cover what I did when the press conference originally happened. I still remember it so well. I was in the car driving to our farm (which is about three hours away) for the weekend, and my best friend at the time phoned me and told me to put on Mtv cos Five were on. I explained I couldn't, I was in the car and she was like "oh ok". We hang up and next minute I get an sms from my other best friend saying "J left the band and I think they split up. I'm sorry." I gasped before bursting into horrific sobs, causing my Dad to get the fright of his life. Phoned first friend back, ask about thing she saw. Said she didn't watch it, just saw it was on. Cry all the way to the farm. Spend the weekend in mourning, crying in my room. Get my mom to tape press conference and watch it when I get home. Sob more. Monday at school every one gives me condolences (it was a lot like in Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen). It was sad... as was I...

And yes, it's a dance :D

Also I was thinking of you today cause in English we were revising for the ever nearing year 10 exams and she had given up lollypops to shut us up(we are easily pleased). And as I explained she is from SA and she goes, "There you are, suckers!" Of course we took this to mean that she was calling us suckers! LOL Of course she then explained that in SA they are called suckers, or where she is from anyway, and she promised when she goes home in the holidays she will find some that say suckers on them for us.
I am off to bed as it has just gone 1 here in boring old England. And I need to get up and go to my Lower school reunion tomorrow. ::). I will talk to you tomorrow.
Becky :-*

No one calls them "lollipops" here. They're suckers  :P

I am off to bed as it has just gone 1 here in boring old England. And I need to get up and go to my Lower school reunion tomorrow. ::). I will talk to you tomorrow.
Becky :-*

Lol, I was wondering why you were saying today when it's Saturday.

My day was pretty dull. Had dancing which left me buggered, and got to listen to Angelo's account of his date last night (two words: stubble burn). I believed myself to be an accepting and open-minded individual but it was very weird hearing him talk about it. We are, at the moment, having a fight cos he said something really horrible to me, then I over-reacted to something he said to Rowena, so now he's saying I don't know him cos I should have known he was joking. Feel like crap and want to cry.

There was something else I wanted to say but I've forgotten, so I'll leave it there till I remember. Goodbye Miss Canada

Scotty Doesn't Know? Are you guys referring to one of my fave movies, Eurotrip!? I love that movie! I do the french robot all the time at receptions and  birthday parties (just kidding about that last part, but I DO do the french robot). Err roar. Err roar.

Yeah, love that movie.
I've learnt that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is stalk them and hope they panic and give in!

Offline FuzzyChanny

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Re: The Pollution Thread....
« Reply #74 on: June 11, 2006, 11:45:49 am »
Bring back the Pollution thread!
I've learnt that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is stalk them and hope they panic and give in!

Offline Becky

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Re: The Pollution Thread....
« Reply #75 on: June 11, 2006, 01:28:28 pm »
It's done dude! Have you been over to Jake Watch recently?! If not get your ass over there NOW! The whole site has had a revamp and it looks amazing. Plus I have been allocated a very special spot on the site: One of the coveted Bond girls! I think they may have all gone, but I am sure if you ask Brit nicely she will asign you one. This is my one:

"Look too often at those hills, lie too long beside those rippling rivers, and you may think you are hearing a love song, when actually it is a death song." Larry McMurtry, Brokeback Mountain: Story to Screenplay.

Offline FuzzyChanny

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Re: The Pollution Thread....
« Reply #76 on: June 11, 2006, 02:10:52 pm »
Yes, I go over there every time I come online.

Wow, so that's you. Lol. No, it's fine thanks :)
I've learnt that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is stalk them and hope they panic and give in!

Offline Becky

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Re: The Pollution Thread....
« Reply #77 on: June 11, 2006, 03:51:16 pm »
It's funny how that is the exact opposite of me, but who is to know...well apart from everyone who knows me. So this isn't me, it's Miss Twist.

Did you know ice cream inspires me, cause I never knew that. Also Orange juice with bits in tastes exactly the same as with the bits taken out.

I am off to strain some more orange juice, it is actually quite relaxing actually.
"Look too often at those hills, lie too long beside those rippling rivers, and you may think you are hearing a love song, when actually it is a death song." Larry McMurtry, Brokeback Mountain: Story to Screenplay.