Thank you Phillip and Dave for your support in helping me to get this off the ground.

Many of you having arrived from The Other Board will recognize me as "True_Oracle_of_Phoenix", the REPOSTer of "gone but not forgotten" threads. This forum is devoted to sharing "The Oracle's Archives" with all the members here and to preserve the work of our best and brightest from the other board, in a format that is safe from troll incursion.
This is also a space that will allow the threads to remain free of the need of "Team Bump" (and I am so grateful to your all for all your hard work - you know who you are) to quietly nudge the threads every two weeks to keep them dropping off the back end of the board. I recognize the massive commitment of time the members of "Team Bump" have made to maintain content on the other board, and we members there owe you all a huge debt of gratitude. One person remarked to me by PM that s/he never had time to actually read the threads anymore, since s/he was too busy trying to preserve them.
In REPOSTing, I claim two editorial privileges: I will remove all bumps, and I will remove troll posts.
The new format here will also provide something previously unavailable: content that is SEARCHable.
Transferring these threads will take some time, and for any assistance people are willing to provide in helping to transfer this material, your Oracle is Truly grateful.