I am so like Ennis, and this is serious here, ok... I feel like Ennis because I lost my first great love to an illness long ago and my second after the romance died and then the friendship disintergrated.
I have friends, but am without a partner, a loved one, and I'd be better with one. I'm isolated in a foreign country where I work doing what I want and like, makng good money, so it's a wonderful job, but because of where I live, I have few chances of meeting anyone like me.
Sometimes, I feel like Ennis did after he lost Jack, very down. I feel lost and lonely and I don't know just where to turn. I say friends help, yes, I have some good ones, but they're nothing like a good partner.
I know I have to do something to change this and I have big questions before me...
Should I leave my job for one nearer a bigger city where I might meet someone? I could move back home where I'd face certain unemployement.. but that would be no good. Should I stay where I am and just travel out to larger cities? It's tough to know. My mind says, be reasonable, keep your good job and just explore larger cities for more social connections, then if better work is there or you meet someone (miracles do happen!), I could move. I feel the clock ticking. I'm middle aged now... Like Ennis. "I can't quit this one and I can't git the time off.."
I am so like Ennis because I have a future, but I face it alone right now, I miss being with a loved one, I know I have to do something to redirect my life. I'm a bit afraid, lonesome, a bit tired, but I'm willing to go on and keep trying, I have to keep dreamin'...
I think Ennis was feeling like that in the end and he too would come to a similar conclusion after a while. If anyone feels the same or has ideas, feellings or thoughts that might help, please ... Let me hear from ya.