Thanks for the compliments on my handiwork.
Tying the knots was the hardest part -- well, retying them since some of them weren't tight enough and Forest kept trying to get his nose in there to get at the stuffing.

The project is based on McCall's Pattern M5410 (which I didn't buy, just used the dimensions for the medium-sized bed). tutorial helped me figure out how to do the cutting: starting circles were 46 inches in diameter, and the fringe was around an inch wide by five inches long (give or take).

Figuring out how to tie the knots was a bit of a challenge. Square knots didn't work for me because I couldn't get my contrasting color to end up on top after the knots were tied. I ended up using the "balloon knot" method used here:
I just might attempt a no-tie blanket next. (For me, not for the dogs.)

Cutting fringe on something rectangular would certainly be easier.
I think if I had to do it over, I would cut larger circles and make the fringe longer (and a bit wider) and just trim the fringe to the size I wanted when I was done tying the knots. I would also practice tying knots on some of the leftover fleece first to get your technique down. (Otherwise, you'll be doing a lot of untying.) I would also do my shopping for materials over multiple days to take advantage of the "40 percent off one item" coupons at the craft store.