I'm usually extremely eager for my husband to come home about 6:15pm, because by then I am pretty tired from caring for our 4 year old. I try to have dinner pretty much ready (if I cook - sometimes she and I have already eaten, and husb forages for himself). Some evenings when he gets home, I am so done that I ask to be able to slip away for a half hour or so, when I read, or BetterMost, or watch TV. Sometimes (like last night) I fall asleep and never really wake up for the rest of the evening.
But my favorites are evenings like tonight: I was still feeling strong and chipper when husb came home, and while he and daughter played in backyard, I started dinner (simple tortellini and broccoli). While waiting for the pasta water to boil, we all played with our new tennis rackets in the backyard. Then we ate and talked and told about our day (daughter went to her very first movie in a real movie theater, so lots ot talk about with that). Then we all cleaned the table, and played a couple of 4 year old-type table games. Then husb and daughter did bath and get ready for bed while I BetterMosted. Then we did bedtime snack and quiet chatting, and husb put daughter to bed while I went to the store and got some things done around the house. Husb fell asleep right after daughter, and here I am for a last BetterMost session.
I used to talk on the phone to friends in the evening, but don't seem to hardly ever anymore. Also don't watch much TV. Mostly BetterMost, chores, reading, or a movie on my laptop. Quiet things that won't distract my daughter from falling asleep and staying asleep.