Another reason for expensive food is a shortage of truck drivers.
As for the war on immigrants, one thing I can't understand is why left-leaning experts don't speak up more about how much our economy needs immigrants. The only time I've ever heard an expert discuss that on TV (admittedly, I don't watch much TV news, but I read a lot and haven't seen much there, either) is when an economist appeared ... on the Tucker Carlson show! Tucker Carlson kept arguing with him and telling this guy, a self-identified conservative who spends 40 hours a week studying immigration and the economy, that he was wrong about immigration and the economy. And that Tucker, the talking head, knows more about it. Finally Tucker said they'd just have to agree to disagree.
But elsewhere, we get the Pelosi-Schumer lame "Our borders do need strengthening, but Trump's is not the right way" bullshit. Our economy actually desperately needs immigrant labor and somebody should be getting that word out.
Sorry, that's just more stressfulness! The good news is, the coming widespread use of self-driving vehicles will help the trucking industry and some environmental things, too.