Author Topic: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Include Name of Card in Subject Line  (Read 78986 times)

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Page/Princess of Cups
« Reply #110 on: February 28, 2008, 11:22:34 pm »
Spiritual Passion is the name of this card. When you crystallize your feelings, make sure you are not turning them into fixations. When isolated, feelings are like a fish out of water. Creative passions keep things moving, building lasting moments and treasures no matter what the changes.

Jack miscalculated when he jumped at the chance to run to Ennis when Ennis told him of his divorce. His feelings were as a fish out of water, and he had to turn tail and reline it back to Texas, or Mexico, where he ended up going.

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Ace of Cups
« Reply #111 on: March 02, 2008, 07:32:37 pm »
This card invites us to reenter the realm of water, dissolve the "I" and connect with primeval life. It is called the Rebirth of the Soul and gives us the feeling of liberation that we lost when taking on the yoke of the world, when we were first born. Ironically, by relinqueshing our fixation on the ego, we gain a better understanding of our individuality. Drawing this card is a gift, returning to us the richness of our inner personal life, reconnecting us to the source of life itself, and allows us to drink from the cup of fullfilment and satisfaction.

When did Ennis ever get to drink from his cup? It happened in the prelude of the story, which quixotically discusses the later events that happened after Jack died. " The liquid he drinks is leftover coffee, rewarmed on the stove over a flame swathed in blue. This is the ritual drink, along with whiskey, the drink of the reality-check. When you're living a leftover life, leftover coffee is your drink of choice (along with leftover cheap white wine for toasting, from Cassie!) Ennis also urinates, not in the bathroom, but in the sink in a pale echo of the way he and Jack would relieve themselves on the mountain in between campfire stories, songs, and whiskey-sipping. Ennis is content, he is actually "suffused with a sense of pleasure" because he has an inner life filled with the richness of Jack's presence. He has in a sense been born again, with the sacramental fluid sometimes wetting the pillow, sometimes the sheets. And his pleasure stokes the day, energizing him as long as he does not force his attention on it.

This scene appears in an oblique way in the movie, where we see Ennis' trailer, his bed (with a fan propped on it), the sink, and a collection of cups. After the visit from Alma, Jr., Ennis tenderly folds the sweater she left behind and puts it in the closet, pausing to look at the two shirts he keeps there along with a postcard of Brokeback Mountain. As he closes the closet door and moves away, the bleak ending scene comes into view. But wait, there is a ray of hope that Ang Lee catches at the very end. Have you seen it?

« Last Edit: March 03, 2008, 12:28:00 am by Front-Ranger »
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Cups
« Reply #112 on: March 02, 2008, 07:42:40 pm »
More instances of "Cups" moments in Brokeback Mountain:

Jack, ministering to Ennis:

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Include Name of Card in Subject Line
« Reply #113 on: March 02, 2008, 07:56:17 pm »
And, of course, there is Jack washing the shirts in the stream. Which cups cards do these scenes fit with??

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Include Name of Card in Subject Line
« Reply #114 on: March 03, 2008, 11:55:44 am »
Mustn't forget the "warshing everything I can reach" scene. I'll let you all figure out which cups cards these scenes go with. Let's see, we've discussed cups and wands. Which suit shall we discuss next?

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Swords
« Reply #115 on: March 05, 2008, 12:03:29 am »
The two suits that remain to be discussed are Swords and Pentacles (or discs). So, let's go with Swords, shall we? Swords are part of the element of air. So, naturally, they are in the realm of Jack (I assume knives are a subset of swords, don't you think?)

The key principle is the mind. The sword has always personified judgement and the ability to arrive at a decision and to carry it out. A sword assists in the act of Penetration, separation, and definition. In addition to the concept of war, think also about chivarlry, responsibility, and freedom, other attributes of the sword.

When a sword card is drawn, it is a signal that clarity is needed, good air, strong "breath", the human condition, stars, and (as Shakepeare said) "there are more things in heaven and earth than we can imagine." Between heaven and earth there is also open space, as Annie Proulx wrote.
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-King/Prince of Swords
« Reply #116 on: March 05, 2008, 10:46:10 pm »
This card is named "Pulling Strings." Seeing this card means that you are prone to keeping people and events on a string, preventing them from ever being totally free of your control. The line between operating by remote control and manipulating others is often very narrow. You risk manipulating yourself too and misunderstanding your own intentions. As long as you ignore the unconscious, you will miss out on the most important possibilities.

There is a tension and intellectual commitment in all you do. This signifies that you are a passionate person.. You must use the weapon that is your mind to uncover your passions and to fulfill your desires.

Jack said to Ennis, "You used to come away easy, now it's like seeing the Pope" and Ennis was being the Prince of Swords.

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #117 on: March 09, 2008, 09:37:59 am »
That's very interesting!

Here's what Eden Gray says and it supports your choices I think:

Wands: (Fire) Energy, growth, enterprise, animation, glory. 
They are made of green wood that retains a few live twigs signifying growth. They are sometimes used as a club in fighting or as a staff to carry a victor's crown.  Wands are associated with the world of ideas and with creation and agriculture.

Cups: (Water) Love, happiness, emotions, fertility, beauty. 
They are associated with water, a symbol of the subconscious mind and the instincts, as opposed to the conscious mind and reason.

Swords: (Air) Agression, force, ambition, courage, strife, misfortune.  Many cards of this suit depict fightinmg or people who are bowed down with misfortune.  Swords represent the world of action, both contructive and destructive.

Pentacles: (Earth) Money, industry, material gain. Except for the 5 of pentacles these cards all depict people either working or enjoying the fruits of labour.  The coinlike disks are incribed with pentagrams - five pointed stars that are time homoured symbols of man.  In ancient days, people wore pentacles decorated with magic symbols as a protection from the evils of life.

Recap and additional suggestions:

Wood/Wands:   Trees, Cigarettes, Rifle (It has a wooden handle, lol!  I really think it should be in this suit because of the fire association)

Vessels/Cups:   Bucket, Coffee Cup, Whiskey &  Beer Bottle

Tools/Swords: Tire Iron, Shovel, Axe, Rope, carving knife (love that!)

Reapers/Pentacles:  Reaper,  Truck wheel (it has five lug nuts),  I think the Skillet should be in this suit, because of the shape and also because it represents enjoying the fruits, or bacon, of labour.  And why not actual Coins, money was often an issue.

Just a reminder of oilgun's great post, that is guiding me in designing the tarot cards. So, we are gonna rename the swords suit tools. I am just using the swords name right now for reference. I am about ready to design the actual cards, and for this suit, I need more clip art of tools, particularly axes, ropes, knives, and farm equipment, big and small! I have Meryl's swather picture from the Twist house, and a thresher, but that's about it!!
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Knight of Swords (now Tools)
« Reply #118 on: March 09, 2008, 10:55:37 am »
This card is called "Racing Thoughts." It usually depicts the knight of swords moving or facing east, the direction of the unconscious. Unconscious thinking is wild and chaotic, but it is also more imaginative, quicker and livelier. Tarot Basics asks, "Are you someone who loves to go after the unconscious, who does battle with it, searching for a way to get a handle on things?" LOL, that describes Jack but not Ennis, at least not until late in their relationship.

Happiness and well-being depend on how we deal consciously with the unconscious, how we confront our shadow side so that a friendship can develop between the conscious and our whole existence.

I wanted to have a pic of Jack spreading his arms and saying "I was just thinkin out loud" but this was the closest I could find. In this scene, Ennis is beginning to connect the dots, but Jack is far ahead of him.

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Page/Princess of Swords (now Tools)
« Reply #119 on: March 09, 2008, 11:03:03 am »
"Adventure of the Mind." Get up off your pockets and into the control zone. Be inspired by the one mind that is omnipresent. Brainstorming, creativity, but also getting bogged down or tangled up in your thoughts can happen now. Don't allow yourself to be drawn into superficial confrontations. Live more consciously and life will be more stimulating not only for you but for the people around you.

Cassie may have been an airhead but she helped Ennis crystallize his thoughts. Here, she asks Alma Jr. if she thinks her daddy will ever want to settle down again.

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