Author Topic: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Include Name of Card in Subject Line  (Read 91256 times)

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The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Include Name of Card in Subject Line
« on: December 15, 2007, 05:09:34 pm »
This topic is an outgrowth of Toycoon's craft corner. I don't know much about tarot, so I hope those who do will pitch in with ideas. My first question is, what should be the four suits? In the classic tarot deck, Cups is the water-oriented suit, Pentangles (disks) is the earth-oriented suit, Swords is air, and Wands is fire.

I definitely think Wands should be changed to Guns, and maybe Cups should stay the way it is. What say you? Any nominations for Swords and Pentangles?

Later Edit: If you are discussing a particular card, please put the name of the card in the subject line to help me gather all your thoughts when designing the cards. Thank you!!

« Last Edit: January 10, 2008, 11:13:35 am by Front-Ranger »
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2007, 05:35:07 pm »
I'd suggest rope for swords, and pans for the pentangles.

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2007, 06:31:26 pm »
I definitely think Wands should be changed to Guns, and maybe Cups should stay the way it is. What say you? Any nominations for Swords and Pentangles?

Cups should changed to Cans (of beans)!
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2007, 07:00:35 pm »
Cans, pans, ropes and guns...

nice alliteration there...

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2007, 07:54:47 pm »
Cans, pans, ropes and guns...

nice alliteration there...


I think Rifles should replace Swords for sure
I kinda like Cups to remain cups as in tin cups of coffee, but cans of beans is good too.
Rods or Wands become Ropes?  Am I right?
Pentacles become Frying Pans?

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2007, 08:18:29 pm »
I'm leafing through my Tarot book (Mastering the Tarot  by Eden Gray) and here are some thogughts for the first third of teh amjor Arcana:

The Fool = Jack

Hear me out:  The Fool represents the beginning of all creativity and the desire to accomplish impossibly beautiful goals.  Here are all the joys and possibilities of adventure.  Each of us faces many choices in life.  A fresh choice is before yoyu - choose wisely.

The Hierophant = Ennis

Need to conform.  The importance of being socially approved, especially by one's own group.  Bondage to the conventions of society.  Preference for the outer forms of religion. (OK the last sentence, not so much)

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #6 on: December 15, 2007, 08:22:47 pm »
I think Rifles should replace Swords for sure
I kinda like Cups to remain cups as in tin cups of coffee, but cans of beans is good too.
Rods or Wands become Ropes?  Am I right?
Pentacles become Frying Pans?

I said ropes for swords and was thinking of "air" and picturing lariats being thrown through the air.

And pans, yes, pans, as in cooking pans, cooking, being part of the earth, sharing community...The scenes of Jack and Ennis cooking and eating together gave me a sense of earthiness.

But I am just brainstorming here....

While I understand the "guns" and "rifles" symbolism, I am less than thrilled with it, but that's me.

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #7 on: December 15, 2007, 08:31:01 pm »
I said ropes for swords and was thinking of "air" and picturing lariats being thrown through the air.

And pans, yes, pans, as in cooking pans, cooking, being part of the earth, sharing community...The scenes of Jack and Ennis cooking and eating together gave me a sense of earthiness.

But I am just brainstorming here....

While I understand the "guns" and "rifles" symbolism, I am less than thrilled with it, but that's me.


I get it now, I was too excited.  So it's Rifles for Wands then, since Wands represent Fire.

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #8 on: December 15, 2007, 08:46:14 pm »
I don't have any suggestions, but this certainly sounds interesting. I will continue to stay tuned in.


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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #9 on: December 15, 2007, 08:52:44 pm »
This is fun!

I'm just throwing out some obvious ones:

The Chariot = Pickup Truck

Success, victory through hard work; the well-balanced life.  Triumph over ill health, money difficulties, or enemies of any sort.  Aresposible nature, An ability to resist temptation.  Travel in comfort.

Jack's pickup trucks became more expensive and flashy as the story progressed.

The World = Brokeback Mountain

Fulfillment of all desires. Reward; assured success.  Freedom to move ahead in all undertakings.  The ability to make others happy.  Change of home or means of livelihood; travel.  Arrival at a state of cosmic consciousness.  The path of liberation.

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #10 on: December 15, 2007, 09:40:25 pm »
I really like the iron skillet replacing Pentangles. At first I didn't get it about the Rope, but now that you explain it, I do. However, I also like the idea of the harmonica replacing Swords. Hmmm, it's a conundrum...

Love your analogies, oilgun!

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #11 on: December 15, 2007, 11:29:59 pm »
I get it now, I was too excited.  So it's Rifles for Wands then, since Wands represent Fire.

This is a great project.  Thanks for reviving it, Lee!  8)

I'm looking at my "Tarot Made Easy" by Nancy Garen, and she describes the four suits thus:

Wands = ideas, original thought, intention, growth, ambition, expansion
Cups = emotion, desire, inner experience, spirit
Swords = action, movement, struggle, keenness
Pentacles = manifestation, realization, proof, prosperity, end result, fruition

If Wands represent "seeds," growth and expansion, how about Trees as a symbol?

The film has so many good examples of containers, maybe we could call the Cups category Vessels, allowing for buckets, coffee cups and pots, whiskey bottles and bean cans to be featured.

Given these descriptions, I think it makes more sense to assign the rifles to Swords.  Maybe the suit could be called Tools, and could include the tire iron, shovel, rope, axe, spatula, frying pan, fishing rod, carving knife, etc., as well.

In thinking about Pentacles, it occurs to me that there is an example of a pentacle in the movie.  The combine harvester visible in the Twist ranch outbuilding is the right shape, and its function matches the meaning given to it above.

Photo taken at the Twist house location in Alberta:

So what I'm throwing into the mix for the four suits are:  Trees, Vessels, Tools and Reapers.
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #12 on: December 16, 2007, 01:11:33 am »
I'm looking at my "Tarot Made Easy" by Nancy Garen, and she describes the four suits thus:

I used to have a pack of Tarot cards a long time ago, but I don't remember much about them now. Apparently I need to get this book since people keep talking about it.

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #13 on: December 16, 2007, 01:57:44 am »
This is a great project.  Thanks for reviving it, Lee!  8)

I'm looking at my "Tarot Made Easy" by Nancy Garen, and she describes the four suits thus:

Wands = ideas, original thought, intention, growth, ambition, expansion
Cups = emotion, desire, inner experience, spirit
Swords = action, movement, struggle, keenness
Pentacles = manifestation, realization, proof, prosperity, end result, fruition

So what I'm throwing into the mix for the four suits are:  Trees, Vessels, Tools and Reapers.

That's very interesting!

Here's what Eden Gray says and it supports your choices I think:

Wands: (Fire) Energy, growth, enterprise, animation, glory. 
They are made of green wood that retains a few live twigs signifying growth. They are sometimes used as a club in fighting or as a staff to carry a victor's crown.  Wands are associated with the world of ideas and with creation and agriculture.

Cups: (Water) Love, happiness, emotions, fertility, beauty. 
They are associated with water, a symbol of the subconscious mind and the instincts, as opposed to the conscious mind and reason.

Swords: (Air) Agression, force, ambition, courage, strife, misfortune.  Many cards of this suit depict fightinmg or people who are bowed down with misfortune.  Swords represent the world of action, both contructive and destructive.

Pentacles: (Earth) Money, industry, material gain. Except for the 5 of pentacles these cards all depict people either working or enjoying the fruits of labour.  The coinlike disks are incribed with pentagrams - five pointed stars that are time homoured symbols of man.  In ancient days, people wore pentacles decorated with magic symbols as a protection from the evils of life.

Recap and additional suggestions:

Wood/Wands:   Trees, Cigarettes, Rifle (It has a wooden handle, lol!  I really think it should be in this suit because of the fire association)

Vessels/Cups:   Bucket, Coffee Cup, Whiskey &  Beer Bottle

Tools/Swords: Tire Iron, Shovel, Axe, Rope, carving knife (love that!)

Reapers/Pentacles:  Reaper,  Truck wheel (it has five lug nuts),  I think the Skillet should be in this suit, because of the shape and also because it represents enjoying the fruits, or bacon, of labour.  And why not actual Coins, money was often an issue.

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #14 on: December 16, 2007, 04:25:03 pm »
Wow, wow, wow!! (Apologies to Artiste for stealing his quote!) This is really coming together! I love all the ideas about the suit. Incredible!!

And Meryl, that is the first time I've seen a picture of the real swather!! Fantastic that you were able to get that!!

Travelling around Wyoming, I saw so many abandoned farm implements, as well as those in active use. Threshers, combines, swathers, tillers, reapers, binders, balers, separators...all these can go into our deck. Fortunately for us, it contains 78 cards!!
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #15 on: December 16, 2007, 04:29:40 pm »
Lee, thanks so much for telling me the actual name of that thing!  I googled many a farm equipment site trying to find out what it was called.  8)
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #16 on: December 16, 2007, 09:23:26 pm »
Trouble is, I don't see many positive reading card members, but I see plenty of reverse-meaning cards:

Emperor - Mr. Newsome
Empress - Alma
Priestess - Mrs. Twist
Heirophant - Joe Aguirre
Devil - Mr. Twist
the World - Cassie
Death - postcard

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #17 on: December 17, 2007, 01:32:02 am »
Lee, thanks so much for telling me the actual name of that thing!  I googled many a farm equipment site trying to find out what it was called.  8)

It was our friend Fran who told me what it was.
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #18 on: December 17, 2007, 11:24:43 am »
Shepherd's crook to add to the tools suit??

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #19 on: December 17, 2007, 11:46:28 am »
Trouble is, I don't see many positive reading card members, but I see plenty of reverse-meaning cards:

Emperor - Mr. Newsome
Empress - Alma
Priestess - Mrs. Twist
Heirophant - Joe Aguirre
Devil - Mr. Twist
the World - Cassie
Death - postcard

I agree with your suggestions for the emperor, empress and Priestess.

But I really think The World should be Brokeback Mountain.
As for Death what do you think of the Eviscerated Sheep?  It's such a wonderful foreshadowing image.

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #20 on: December 17, 2007, 12:41:10 pm »
I agree with your suggestions for the emperor, empress and Priestess.

But I really think The World should be Brokeback Mountain.
As for Death what do you think of the Eviscerated Sheep?  It's such a wonderful foreshadowing image.

I agree on both of those...good suggestions, oilgun.
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #21 on: December 18, 2007, 07:07:40 pm »
Trouble is, I don't see many positive reading card members, but I see plenty of reverse-meaning cards:
I'm trying to bring myself up to speed on this by reading, and what I'm reading is that the cards signifiy aspects and their opposites, but it is not necessarily postiive and negative. For instance, Death could mean, well, death, or it could mean harvest.

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #22 on: December 18, 2007, 08:19:21 pm »

     Thats perfect Lee. 

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #23 on: December 19, 2007, 05:25:24 pm »
Thanks Janice. Here's that card, and you can see the scythe in Death's hands. According to the ancient legend, the sun was cut down on the winter solstice and there was merrymaking and a bountiful harvest, because the people understood the cycle of life. Death is a natural part of life and necessary to allow for the renewal of life in the spring.

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #24 on: December 19, 2007, 05:56:47 pm »
I managed to miss this thread when it began... As a collector and avid fan of the tarot symbolism. (I have just recently completed designs for a jewelry collection based on the major arcana). Also, since I believe my personal psychic gift is that of interpreter, I have devoted much of my time to the symbolic interpretation of the major arcana of the tarot and the ways in which that process (0 - XXI) manifest in the physical and fictional worlds.... 98% of the time in order

I believe it might be in my Memoirs of a Brokeback Mountain Priest or Meditations on Brokeback Mountain threads which really go into this process, or at least begin to.

0 - The Fool - Ennis

I know that Ennis has recently been lauded as the Magus, but in examining his character from the first time he appears with bag in hand, then pulling his coat on, I could tell that this story had much to say about the origins and destiny of this single character, who did not know what was about to happen to him, nor how it would come about.

I - The Magus or The Magician - Jack

The Magician is perceived as the one more in control of his environment - capable of basic survival among other skills (not to say that Ennis was not capable of survival skills, only that the particular skills that were to be used had previously been used efficiently by Jack). The Magician is a force of balance and equalization, demonstrating mastery of knowledge and environment, unlike the Fool who is often uncertain of his origins and his destination.

II - The High Priestess - Wind

This is a difficult one for me, since no female character exists this early in the film, but the high priestess represents intuition applied to a diversified world filled with fluctuations. In the film, we observed wind play across the screen in a variety of ways, engaging each character - guiding their vision and foretelling future events in subtle ways. A turn of a head to avoid harsh winds can reveal more to ourselves and those around us than we might otherwise have known was possible.

III - The Empress -  (Jack)???

Once again, no female character is present here to represent the Empress... but considering the fact that the Empress represents creativity and the ultimate of femininity, opposite and equal to the Emperor... perhaps the Empress and Emperor represent the creative force of Jack and Ennis again. Of course, nothing about Jack was feminine so this is a far stretch of the imagination.... though there is a role of submission and a role of agression - and I am speaking about an emotional perspective, instead of a sexual one.  Jack's intentional weakening and vulnerabalization of his own power in response to Ennis's presence (made more visible by the body language in the first few moments of their encounter) is perhaps a way in which the Empress's reality is brought into the picture.

IV - The Emperor - (Ennis)???

See above. In the almost exact opposite of Jack's opening stance, and supportive body language, Ennis closes up, crossing his legs at the heels and tilting his hat over his eyes, becoming firm and resolute in the face of all transforming principles, including the presence of Jack. This represents, I think, the masculine dominance that can be interpreted from the Emperor card.

V - The Hierophant - Aguirre

An embodiment of structured hierarchy and a representative of global order, Aguirre characterizes all of these forces into a single person. He who has power granted to him by a greater authority, and who is unafraid to use it. He imposes order and balances the Imperial Duo by providing the legal bonds for their unification.

( More to come....)
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #25 on: December 19, 2007, 09:33:29 pm »
I agree with your suggestions for the emperor, empress and Priestess.

But I really think The World should be Brokeback Mountain.
As for Death what do you think of the Eviscerated Sheep?  It's such a wonderful foreshadowing image.

Death doesn't necessarily mean death.  It usually means great changes.  The end of one thing and the beginning of another.  I thought instantly of the postcards because it began Ennis and Jack's relationship anew and it ended it as well.

Brokeback Mountain as The World is very good.  It can symbolize THEIR world.  But I chose Cassie, because Brokeback Mountain was too insular, too small.  Remember, Jack's words - "All we got is Brokeback Mountain, that's all we got..." (emphasis mine).  Brokeback Mountain was too small a place for Jack.  He wanted a life outside of Brokeback with Ennis.  So to me, Cassie represented the world, because she does represent marriage, new beginnings, opportunities, children, movement in society - IOW all that the world has to offer.

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #26 on: December 19, 2007, 09:34:54 pm »
I'm trying to bring myself up to speed on this by reading, and what I'm reading is that the cards signifiy aspects and their opposites, but it is not necessarily postiive and negative. For instance, Death could mean, well, death, or it could mean harvest.

You are right, not all reverse meanings are negative.  I didn't mean to imply that, my wording was bad.  But all the same, they can be negative, but not necessarily.

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #27 on: December 20, 2007, 01:30:23 am »
Death doesn't necessarily mean death.  It usually means great changes.  The end of one thing and the beginning of another.  I thought instantly of the postcards because it began Ennis and Jack's relationship anew and it ended it as well.

Brokeback Mountain as The World is very good.  It can symbolize THEIR world.  But I chose Cassie, because Brokeback Mountain was too insular, too small.  Remember, Jack's words - "All we got is Brokeback Mountain, that's all we got..." (emphasis mine).  Brokeback Mountain was too small a place for Jack.  He wanted a life outside of Brokeback with Ennis.  So to me, Cassie represented the world, because she does represent marriage, new beginnings, opportunities, children, movement in society - IOW all that the world has to offer.

For XXI - The World, I chose.... the window
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #28 on: December 20, 2007, 01:44:51 am »
I love all the different ideas about what symbols suit what card.  Just this one topic is like a mini-Open Forum.  8)
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #29 on: December 20, 2007, 02:17:30 am »
For XXI - The World, I chose.... the window

Good one.

Cassie by a window?

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #30 on: December 21, 2007, 06:08:35 am »

             I like the window as the world also.  But I also think the pickup truck.. It carried them out
into the world. Jack all the way to Childress, and brought Ennis's world back to him...  (Jack)

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #31 on: December 24, 2007, 05:57:25 pm »
While we mull over what to picture on the World card, here is a card of Swords--Knight. Your thoughts please!

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #32 on: December 28, 2007, 09:27:40 pm »
This topic is an outgrowth of Toycoon's craft corner. I don't know much about tarot, so I hope those who do will pitch in with ideas. My first question is, what should be the four suits? In the classic tarot deck, Cups is the water-oriented suit, Pentangles (disks) is the earth-oriented suit, Swords is air, and Wands is fire.

I definitely think Wands should be changed to Guns, and maybe Cups should stay the way it is. What say you? Any nominations for Swords and Pentangles?

Does a "Brokeback" themed deck of Tarot cards exist? If so I want some....I read cards, and the cards are amazingly accurate as predictors.

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #33 on: December 28, 2007, 09:51:10 pm »
Not yet, Brokeplex. We're designing it :)
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #34 on: December 29, 2007, 09:01:40 pm »
Not yet, Brokeplex. We're designing it :)

let me know when you have a model, I want to participate.

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #35 on: January 09, 2008, 07:30:23 pm »
Let's just go through the Major Arcana, card by card, okay? Then, I'll compile your thoughts and come up with some sketches.

We start with The Magician. On many tarot decks, the Magician is pictured as either a jester or wizard type of person, with a series of tools and symbols arrayed around him or her.

Some of these are the Eye of Horus, a wand, pentagram, knives, cups, herbs, trees, etc.

Who or what is the Magician in Brokeback Mountain and what tools or symbols should be included?

Daniel suggests Jack as the Magician, but oilgun thinks Jack should be the Fool. Also, what about the mountain itself as Magician? After all, it is mysterious and casts spells. But several people have suggested that the mountain should be The World.
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #36 on: January 09, 2008, 07:56:06 pm »

       Is the wizard supposed to be good or evil?  Or a combination of both...I am not too familiar
with all the tenants of Tarot cards.

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #37 on: January 09, 2008, 08:30:11 pm »
Maybe the Magician could be Annie Proulx.  Or is there another major card that she fits better?
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #38 on: January 09, 2008, 08:41:31 pm »

       Is the wizard supposed to be good or evil?  Or a combination of both...I am not too familiar
with all the tenants of Tarot cards.

Wizards are amoral.  Neither good nor bad.

Might I suggest Ang Lee?  Just a thought.  ;D

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #39 on: January 09, 2008, 09:07:30 pm »
Wizards are amoral.  Neither good nor bad.

Might I suggest Ang Lee?  Just a thought.  ;D

I like it!  8)  :)
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #40 on: January 09, 2008, 09:11:52 pm » what should be the tools or symbols around him. Definitely one should  be the yin/yang sign, don't you think?

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #41 on: January 09, 2008, 09:20:28 pm » what should be the tools or symbols around him. Definitely one should  be the yin/yang sign, don't you think?

Absolutely.  Usually a Magician has a coin or disk on the card, a yin/yang would be perfect.  What else are the tools of a director?  The old fashioned stereotyped director had a megaphone, modern directors go around with light detectors or what else?

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #42 on: January 09, 2008, 10:18:50 pm » what should be the tools or symbols around him. Definitely one should  be the yin/yang sign, don't you think?

Maybe a director's chair.  An eye.  Also a pair of scales, since he must weigh artistic decisions.  The actors also spoke of Ang's silence having a sword in it, so perhaps a sword.
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck: High Priestess
« Reply #43 on: January 10, 2008, 12:25:36 am »
These are excellent suggestions, High Priestess!! Okay, I will start working on this card, and if you have any good magician-like photots of Ang, please post them here. The next card is...the High Priestess! Speaking of the devil!! I don't think we'll have any trouble figuring out who this should be. "The first step is to recognize and name feelings, dreams, experiences and expectations," says Tarot Basics. It also says, "You must first understand and then choose between what is spiritual and what is empty, what is blasphemous and what is faithful, and what is stimulating and what is simply shocking."
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #44 on: January 10, 2008, 01:01:18 am »

Here's a photo plus a sepia treatment of it to look at.

Who are you thinking of for the High Priestess?  Daniel suggested the Wind; delalluvia suggested Mrs. Twist.  I think Annie Proulx might suit this as well.
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-HIGH PROULXTESS
« Reply #45 on: January 10, 2008, 11:22:56 am »
Does my subject line answer your question, Meryl??  8)

Considering the fact that you are the High Priestess of BetterMost and have an uncanny resemblance to our beloved Proulxlitzer Prizewinner, I might even put a picture of you bestowing your blessing on the gathered pilgrims in Alberta on the card, if you will give your permission!!

Here is an interesting quote from AP:

"...the images of an ideal and seemingly attainable world the characters cherish in their long views despite the rigid and difficult circumstances of their place and time. Those things interest me and are what I write about. I watch for the historical skew between what people have hoped for and who they thought they were and what befell them."
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-HIGH PROULXTESS
« Reply #46 on: January 10, 2008, 01:53:45 pm »
Does my subject line answer your question, Meryl??  8)

Considering the fact that you are the High Priestess of BetterMost and have an uncanny resemblance to our beloved Proulxlitzer Prizewinner, I might even put a picture of you bestowing your blessing on the gathered pilgrims in Alberta on the card, if you will give your permission!!

Aw, that's sweet of you FRiend, but if we start putting real life BetterMostians on the cards, I don't feel it would be universal enough.  However, a BetterMost Tarot Deck would be an interesting project on its own!  8)
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-THE EMPRESS
« Reply #47 on: January 10, 2008, 02:37:49 pm »
Okay, HP, I'll put that on my list!! Rite now I'm working on a Men and Women of BetterMost calendar, so don't know when I'll get to it!! If I had three hands heads I could!!

The next card is The Empress. This is described as Venus, alluring and iresistable. A union of heaven and earth, a crown of stars and material power. "Venus, the power of love, appears in the card independently by herself. . . .when you cling to another person because you aren't able to stand on your own two feet, the other person might be saving your life, but the relationship is not love. Paradoxically, the ability to be alone is a prerequisite of loving." Very interesting.
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Include Name of Card in Subject Line
« Reply #48 on: January 10, 2008, 03:45:22 pm »
Sounds like Lureen to me.  :)
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Include Name of Card in Subject Line
« Reply #49 on: January 10, 2008, 05:20:21 pm »

        I like the idea of Ang Lee as the Wizard.   Annie Proulx as the high priestess.

   I think Ennis should be the prince of swords.

   Jack should be the equivalent on a different suit.


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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-THE EMPEROR
« Reply #50 on: January 10, 2008, 11:30:39 pm »
Okay, great! I agree with you about Lureen as Venus, uh, The Empress. But I want you to promise to keep an open mind when we get to the Emperor. Janice, we are not quite ready for the Kings/Princes, but I will keep that in mind. The next card is The Emperor. We are cautioned not to think of the Emperor as the opposite of The Empress. On this card we see armor and a stone throne. The Waite deck calls this the card of possibility and a task or trial assigned while in the desert. This card is associated with Aries. It refers to the power we possess within ourselves, the potential to discover, and to achieve new possibilities in life and love. So, what should be pictured on the card The Emperor??
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Include Name of Card in Subject Line
« Reply #51 on: January 10, 2008, 11:48:10 pm »
On this card we see armor and a stone throne. The Waite deck calls this the card of possibility and a task or trial assigned while in the desert. This card is associated with Aries. It refers to the power we possess within ourselves, the potential to discover, and to achieve new possibilities in life and love. So, what should be pictured on the card The Emperor??

Sounds like Monroe to me.  Or if it doesn't have to be gender correct, Alma.
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-THE EMPEROR
« Reply #52 on: January 11, 2008, 01:54:00 am »
Okay, great! I agree with you about Lureen as Venus, uh, The Empress. But I want you to promise to keep an open mind when we get to the Emperor. Janice, we are not quite ready for the Kings/Princes, but I will keep that in mind. The next card is The Emperor. We are cautioned not to think of the Emperor as the opposite of The Empress. On this card we see armor and a stone throne. The Waite deck calls this the card of possibility and a task or trial assigned while in the desert. This card is associated with Aries. It refers to the power we possess within ourselves, the potential to discover, and to achieve new possibilities in life and love. So, what should be pictured on the card The Emperor??

         That sounds like Brokeback to me..Where they found all those possibilities playing out. Along with the weather, and the things that brought them together.   .Or does it have to be a person.  Could it be the spirit of the mountain.?

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Include Name of Card in Subject Line
« Reply #53 on: January 11, 2008, 03:27:51 am »
Aguirre as Emperor?

And in case I'm not back in time - Earl as Hierophant?

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck- RECAP
« Reply #54 on: January 11, 2008, 10:36:59 am »
Okay, here is what we've got so far. On some of these, we may have a poll shortly!

THE EMPRESS: Lureen, Jack, the Wind
THE EMPEROR: The mountain, Aguirre, Monroe

Also, I'd like to suggest Ennis here, because I like to think of him as The Emperor of Wyoming (song by Neil Young). The armor and stone throne also seem to fit him. Also he had all the possibilities before him...

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-THE LOVERS
« Reply #55 on: January 11, 2008, 03:48:14 pm »
My suggestion for this would be

Ennis and Jack


Here is some more info from Tarot Basics:

As long as you are searching for your "better half" you are in danger of being only half a person. Additionally, when two "halves" come together, love is only a half-hearted affair. You also need to find out how relevant the concept of "love between equals" is for you. Are you still searching for someone just like you? If you are looking for a person with whom you are in total agreement, who understands you completely, you will find only one person--yourself.

The more pronounced the differences, the more fruitful the relationship! As soon as we are able to love the differences between us, a new paradise opens its doors! Love based on the individuality and uniqueness of two human beings finds fulfullment ... in experiences that fo way beyond what a single individual can attain. Therefore, the mandate here is twofold: praise the differences and reach for new heights.
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-THE CHARIOT
« Reply #56 on: January 11, 2008, 06:52:03 pm »
The next card is ... THE CHARIOT!

The pickup truck has been nominated for this. Anybody disagree?

I just may happen to have a pic or two of this old jalopy around somewheres!!

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Include Name of Card in Subject Line
« Reply #57 on: January 12, 2008, 01:38:54 am »
Hey Lee, we've skipped a couple.  Typically, this is the order and numbering of the major arcana cards:

0      The Fool      
1      The Magician      
2      The High Priestess      
3      The Empress      
4      The Emperor      
5      The Hierophant      
6      The Lovers      
7      The Chariot      
8      Strength      
9      The Hermit      
10      The Wheel of Fortune      
11      Justice
12      The Hanged Man
13      Death
14      Temperance
15      The Devil
16      The Tower
17      The Star
18      The Moon
19      The Sun
20      Judgement
21      The World

So we're missing 0 and 5.  Also, could we wait on the poll til we have all the ideas submitted?

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-THE HIEROPHANT
« Reply #58 on: January 12, 2008, 10:15:41 am »
You're right, we missed the Hierophant. But in Tarot Basics, the Fool comes last. So, this post asks for ideas for THE HIEROPHANT.

Also called the High Priest, the person on this card has the ability to interpret the secrets of life and to organize the practice of rites and rituals. This card calls you to integrate your strengths and weaknesses to get in touch with your quintessential self. That's why the pentagram appears on the card and it is number V in the deck.
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-THE HIEROPHANT (HIGH PRIEST)
« Reply #59 on: January 12, 2008, 05:37:45 pm »
I would like this process to go faster. Just reply with whatever is on the tips of your fingers after you read the description. No instruction manual needed!!

I'm beginning to think it might be best to move this into Chez Tremblay.

Soliciting ideas for THE HIEROPHANT now. It's also called THE HIGH PRIEST.
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Include Name of Card in Subject Line
« Reply #60 on: January 12, 2008, 06:32:34 pm »
My deck's description for Hierophant says:  One who leads one away from too worldly concerns.  Possibility of marriage or alliance of some kind.

I suggest Randall.
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Include Name of Card in Subject Line
« Reply #61 on: January 12, 2008, 10:35:20 pm »
For the Hierophant, I suggested Aguirre. He also provides the "official" union between Jack and Ennis (via employment)
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck- The Hierophant
« Reply #62 on: January 13, 2008, 11:51:56 am »
What a fantastic idea - Brokeback Mountain is so rich with symbolism for this.  What did we decide which card the Mountain itself would be?  I see the mountain as setting everything in motion, making the beautiful relationship betweent Jack and Ennis possible, watching over them, blessing them, and a refuge for them.  That's like a High Priest, isn't it?  This card is the bridge between Heaven and Earth - I have always seen Jack as "the Sky" all in blue, and Ennis "the Earth" in earthy colors, and their natures fit that as well.  Just my first thoughts -

According to Wikipedia, Hierophant literally means "the one who teaches the holy things", and I can't think of anything more holy than bringing two souls together to love as Ennis and Jack were.

"Some authorities say that the Hierophant generally represents assistance, friendship, good advice, alliances (including marriages), and religious interests. Reversed; it often refers to bad advice, lies, and persecution.

Others say that it represents the first level of understanding. When it appears in a tarot spread, it is a warning to the Querant to reexamine his or her understanding of the meaning of things; of the structure of the world; of the powers that be. Watch out for hypocrisy."

Just some second thoughts!  :)

PC  :)
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-RECAP
« Reply #63 on: January 13, 2008, 12:05:42 pm »
Great ideas, everyone! Okay, time for a daily recap:

THE EMPRESS: Lureen, Jack, the Wind
THE EMPEROR: The mountain, Aguirre, Monroe, Ennis
THE HIEROPHANT: The mountain, Aguirre, Randall
THE LOVERS: Jack and Ennis
THE CHARIOT: Pickup truck

I would also like to make two suggestions for the Hierophant, Larry McMurtry and Jack. Next up is VIII/XI: Strength/Adjustment/Justice. But you can also make comments about earlier cards. Just put the name of the card you're addressing in the subject line so I can find it.

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck- The Chariot
« Reply #64 on: January 13, 2008, 12:11:22 pm »
I love the idea of the pickup truck as The Chariot!  :)

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Strength/Adjustment/Justice
« Reply #65 on: January 13, 2008, 01:46:31 pm »
Me, too, passionscowboys!!

A little more about the next card: It covers how we deal with right and wrong, what course we choose in dealing with the multitude of desires, goals, needs and expectations around us. Obstacles, barriers. Honesty. Careful investigation to reach better judgements.

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Include Name of Card in Subject Line
« Reply #66 on: January 13, 2008, 02:30:17 pm »
STRENGTH is often showing a woman holding a lion, taming the wild beast, we might say.  It is also one of the first cards of the major arcana to show an event, rather than focusing on a specific person.

In the film we see this event take place when Jack drives away from Ennis... It took an amazing amount of inner power to do that, and we see it play across his features in such a painful, poignant way that we offer wonder where that strength come from.

I think an image of Jack looking in the side rear-view mirror at Ennis as the two separate might be ideal.

Likewise we see this scene followed by Ennis's strong emotional reaction to Jack's departure.

THE HERMIT does focus upon a person, but I think this might be more of an event. Ennis's sudden loneliness and his emotional reaction are pivotal focal points of the Hermit Card: Isolation and Search For Truth.

THE WHEEL is often represented in the medium of film by a montage of events, usually, rapidly flowing through the seasons. Ennis's wedding and the following marital bliss (several years of adjustment in the long run), could very well fit this archetype. Symbolically, I would suggest the wedding ring as the focal point of the card, and perhaps a series of events around it. 
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-THE HERMIT
« Reply #67 on: January 14, 2008, 07:59:48 pm »
I like the way you think, Daniel!! Okay, let's move forward...

This is usually depicted as an old man holding a lantern.

The light heals and blesses the earth, bringing it to a state of innocence. We also need to remove the shadows of the past, present, and future.

This figure represents the person who solves the problem and finishes the task without sweeping anything under the rug, regardless of what the task is.

I would like to nominate Ma Twist for this card.

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck- RECAP
« Reply #68 on: January 16, 2008, 12:51:21 pm »
THE EMPRESS: Lureen, Jack, the Wind
THE EMPEROR: The mountain, Aguirre, Monroe, Ennis
THE HIEROPHANT: The mountain, Aguirre, Randall, Larry McMurtry, Jack
THE LOVERS: Jack and Ennis
THE CHARIOT: Pickup truck
THE HERMIT: Ennis's isolation, Ma Twist
THE WHEEL: Four years apart, Wedding rings

Okay, let's finish up the major arcana by tomorrow. Next up is STRENGTH/LUSTCaution/JUSTICE

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-STRENGTH/LUST/JUSTICE
« Reply #69 on: January 16, 2008, 02:45:27 pm »
This card deals with sexuality. The Waite deck depicts blue mountains for the marriage between heaven and earth. It has to do with energy, lust, and strength, the ability to focus personal energies and joys to live life to the fullest.

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Strength-Lust-Justice
« Reply #70 on: January 16, 2008, 07:08:28 pm »
That is a very beautiful description - maybe the mountain should be this card?  :)
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-STRENGTH/LUST/JUSTICE
« Reply #71 on: January 17, 2008, 10:26:16 am »
Sounds great to me!! Any other ideas??

Oh, yes, I had one...the tent!!
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Include Name of Card in Subject Line
« Reply #72 on: January 17, 2008, 11:00:36 am »

       With this list, i say the wind ,,,,,,,,Empress
                                the mountain,,,Emporer

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #73 on: January 17, 2008, 11:59:35 am »
Okay, Janice!!

Say, everyone, I've found an excellent tarot site. There are many many sites devoted to this, but check this one out. It has wonderful graphics, too!
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-RECAP
« Reply #74 on: January 17, 2008, 02:58:37 pm »
Here's where we are with the Major Arcana:

THE EMPRESS: Lureen, Jack, the Wind
THE EMPEROR: The mountain, Aguirre, Monroe, Ennis
THE HIEROPHANT: The mountain, Aguirre, Randall, Larry McMurtry, Jack
THE LOVERS: Jack and Ennis
THE CHARIOT: Pickup truck
THE HERMIT: Ennis's isolation, Ma Twist
THE WHEEL: Four years apart, Wedding rings
STRENGTH/LUSTCaution/JUSTICE: The mountain, the tent

Next we have some really fun cards!! THE HANGED MAN, DEATH, TEMPERANCE/ART, and THE DEVIL. Can't wait to hear your ideas about these!!
Also, stay tuned for a whilwind tour of Tarot card graphics styles, from the baroque to the mystical, to the absurd!!
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Include Name of Card in Subject Line
« Reply #75 on: January 18, 2008, 01:43:19 pm »
     Ok since i know nothing about tarot cards.. i will step off the precipice since the response is low,\
Maybe it will give others incentive.

Here's where we are with the Major Arcana:

THE MAGICIAN: Ang Lee, Jack      -------------------------------------------------  ANG LEE
THE HIGH PRIESTESS: Annie Proulx------------------------------------------------  ANNIE PROULX
THE EMPRESS: Lureen, Jack, the Wind--------------------------------------------- THE WIND
THE EMPEROR: The mountain, Aguirre, Monroe, Ennis------------------------- THE MOUNTAIN
THE HIEROPHANT: The mountain, Aguirre, Randall, Larry McMurtry, Jack----LARRY MCMURTRY
THE LOVERS: Jack and Ennis------------------------------------------------------------ J & E
THE CHARIOT: Pickup truck------------------------------------------------------------- PICKUP TRUCK
STRENGTH/ADJUSTMENT/JUSTICE: The parting----------------------------------THE AXE,SAW
THE HERMIT: Ennis's isolation, Ma Twist----------------------------------------------PA TWIST
THE WHEEL: Four years apart, Wedding rings--------------------------------------WEDDING RINGS OR SIESTA MOTEL
STRENGTH/LUSTCaution/JUSTICE: The mountain, the tent------------------ ----THE TENT........

Next we have some really fun cards!! THE HANGED MAN, DEATH, TEMPERANCE/ART, and THE DEVIL. Can't wait to hear your ideas about these!!
Also, stay tuned for a whilwind tour of Tarot card graphics styles, from the baroque to the mystical, to the absurd

THE HANGED MAN/DEATH.-----------------------------------------------------------------------TIRE IRON/EARL
TEMPERANCE/ART--------------------------------------------------------------------------POST CARD/HARMONICA
THE DEVIL-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AGUIRRE            of course

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-RECAP
« Reply #76 on: January 19, 2008, 11:29:32 am »
Next we have some really fun cards!! THE HANGED MAN, DEATH, TEMPERANCE/ART, and THE DEVIL. Can't wait to hear your ideas about these!!

The Death card is often thought to be a message that someone is about to die. It's regularly mentioned in the context of a belief that Tarot is "satanic." However, it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with physical death, though I seem to remember a Swords card that sometimes does.

Here's a good list of some of the interpretations of this card:

going through transition
changing status
moving from the known to the unknown
being cast adrift
waiting in an in-between state
being in the middle
eliminating excess
cutting out what isn't necessary
shedding old attitudes
getting down to bare bones
concentrating on essentials
getting back to basics
experiencing inexorable forces
being in the path of sweeping change
being caught in the inescapable
going through what cannot be avoided
being part of a powerful movement
riding your fate
accepting the inevitable

Would the 'inevitable force' be something connected with the first tent scene? Here's a short summary of what the Death card implies (from the same site):

In readings, Death often represents an important ending that will initiate great change. It signals the end of an era; a moment when a door is closing. At such times, there may be sadness and reluctance, but also relief and a sense of completion. Death also suggests getting down to basics. Dying has a way of making you concentrate on what's important. This card reminds you to cut out the unnecessary. Death can also mean you will experience an inexorable force. Death is inevitable, and sometimes there are events that are inescapable as well.

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Include Name of Card in Subject Line
« Reply #77 on: January 19, 2008, 11:41:29 am »

           Well Marcia, the way you describe inexoriable force, makes me think of the shirts!  Like the death of Ennis' denial.

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-RECAP
« Reply #78 on: January 20, 2008, 03:23:05 pm »
The Death card is often thought to be a message that someone is about to die. It's regularly mentioned in the context of a belief that Tarot is "satanic." However, it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with physical death, though I seem to remember a Swords card that sometimes does.

Here's a good list of some of the interpretations of this card:

going through transition
changing status
moving from the known to the unknown
being cast adrift
waiting in an in-between state
being in the middle
eliminating excess
cutting out what isn't necessary
shedding old attitudes
getting down to bare bones
concentrating on essentials
getting back to basics
experiencing inexorable forces
being in the path of sweeping change
being caught in the inescapable
going through what cannot be avoided
being part of a powerful movement
riding your fate
accepting the inevitable

Would the 'inevitable force' be something connected with the first tent scene? Here's a short summary of what the Death card implies (from the same site):

In readings, Death often represents an important ending that will initiate great change. It signals the end of an era; a moment when a door is closing. At such times, there may be sadness and reluctance, but also relief and a sense of completion. Death also suggests getting down to basics. Dying has a way of making you concentrate on what's important. This card reminds you to cut out the unnecessary. Death can also mean you will experience an inexorable force. Death is inevitable, and sometimes there are events that are inescapable as well.

Great information, Marcia! Based on what you write, I'd like to propose Old Man Twist for the Death card!!
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-TEMPERANCE/ART
« Reply #79 on: January 20, 2008, 07:51:47 pm »
Here's what Tarot Basics says about this card:

This is about the wisdom that resides in matter, in the earth. Alchemy endeavored to change coarse matter into precious matter. Alchemists understood what modern science has learned only recently: solid matter can be converted into an equal quantum of energy. This card encourages you to take the contraindications of your life into your own hands. It also includes fire, which is a cleansing process that burns waste products and allows true intentions to come to light. The gaps between desire and reality, between the conscioius and unconscioius will, can be bridged.

We see Ennis as an artist one time, where he is carving a wooden horse, and looks up at Jack on the mountain.

« Last Edit: March 09, 2008, 10:09:54 pm by Front-Ranger »
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-The Devil
« Reply #80 on: January 20, 2008, 09:23:20 pm »
Tarot Basics says some very interesting things about The Devil.

In addition to the unique gifts that each person brings to the world, we also bring characteristics that don't fit into the norm, and thus remain in the dark. But when The Devil card is drawn, the taboo is lifted and these characteristics are out in the open. The Devil can represent a vampire, or a heavy burden that has made life intolerable. Thus, you can now shed this shadow because you realise your true nature. The Devil also represents The Orphan, the part of you that you have ignored despite the fact that you secretly long to acknowledge it. Whenever you bring light into darkness, the vampire disintegrates into dust and the orphan gains form and color.
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck- Temperance/Art and Death Cards
« Reply #81 on: January 20, 2008, 10:10:43 pm »
Just a couple of thoughts off the top of my head -

 The Death Card - the last Postcard stamped with "Deceased"

 Temperance/Art - Ennis' night fire viewed by Jack from a distance - that beautiful scene in the film and the one so beautifully described by Annie Proulx in the short story as - "Jack, in his dark camp, saw Ennis as night fire, a red spark on the huge black mass of mountain."  This is one of my favorite lines fromt he story, and I always see it as when the "transformation" began, at least for Jack, when he may have first become aware of his feelings for Ennis.

 These are literal, but can represent the figurative too.  :)
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-The Devil
« Reply #82 on: January 20, 2008, 10:54:29 pm »
Those are great ideas, passions! What do you think about the Bikers for THE DEVIL??
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck- The Devil Card
« Reply #83 on: January 20, 2008, 11:01:13 pm »
Wow, great idea - I forgot about The Bikers!  Where there are two of them, it's especially good if it's a dual natured type card?  Ennis gave them what-for too, didn't he? ;)
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-THE DEVIL
« Reply #84 on: January 20, 2008, 11:05:10 pm »
Janice sees Aguirre as THE DEVIL and I can see that too.
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck- The Devil Card
« Reply #85 on: January 20, 2008, 11:27:05 pm »
Yes, I can definitely see Aguirre as that.   Or Old Man Newsome or Twist.  ;)
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Include Name of Card in Subject Line
« Reply #86 on: January 21, 2008, 12:26:03 am »
Ennis's father could be the DEVIL, too.  He certainly represents the dark side of man.
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-RECAP
« Reply #87 on: January 21, 2008, 10:49:48 am »
I'm loving all these ideas! Okay, here's a Monday morning recap:

THE EMPRESS: Lureen, Jack, the Wind
THE EMPEROR: The mountain, Aguirre, Monroe, Ennis
THE HIEROPHANT: The mountain, Aguirre, Randall, Larry McMurtry, Jack
THE LOVERS: Jack and Ennis
THE CHARIOT: Pickup truck
THE HERMIT: Ennis's isolation, Ma Twist
THE WHEEL: Four years apart, Wedding rings
STRENGTH/LUSTCaution/JUSTICE: The mountain, the tent
THE HANGED MAN: Tire iron/Earl
DEATH: The Last Postcard, Old Man Twist
TEMPERANCE/ART: Ennis's Night Fire,
THE DEVIL: Ennis's father, Aguirre, Old Man Twist, L.D. Newsome, The Bikers

The last few cards that we'll be discussing are THE TOWER, THE STAR, THE MOON, THE SUN, JUDGMENT/THE AEON, THE WORLD, and THE FOOL. As before, I'll write a little about each one to help us decide. Thank you for your thoughts! Also, don't forget to vote on Tarot card styles!!
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-THE TOWER
« Reply #88 on: January 21, 2008, 04:10:23 pm »
This is a really interesting card. It represents two distinct archetypes: the Tower of Babel and the Pentecost. The tower is the distinctively male capacity to use force and delusions of grandeur. Because of these traits, the tower was destroyed and a common language was lost. People no longer understand each other.

The Pentacost was the opposite: tongues of flame appeared, the disciples began to speak and all who heard them understood because they heard in their own language. When you draw this card, there is no middle of the road. A crisis may be near, as well as the opportunity to use all of our powerful energies to surmount the barriers. "The more deliberately you use these powerful energies, the better you protect yourself from forceful, unreasonable demands" says Tarot Basics.

This seems to be describing the scene at the Twist house where Ennis confronts Old Man Twist, is comforted and guided by Ma Twist, and finds the solace of the shirts.
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-THE STAR
« Reply #89 on: January 21, 2008, 10:39:24 pm »
The Star is another card that has a dual nature (in fact pretty much all of them do). It exhorts you to let go of false inhibitions in order to open yourself up to your own truth. But the card can also be a warning against brazenness. Water appears in some versions of the card, which symbolizes the soul. The water can either be lifting up the soul and carrying it with strength, or it can be shutting off, turning to ice. This is a danger when a person is suffering from narcissistic self-love or a long-lost love for a distant "star."

This card encourages you to melt your frozen feelings and keep the life of your soul flowing. Dispose of hopes AND fears, as the woman holding two pitchers illustrates on the card. Realize your dreams and deal with fears through conscious attention, letting it flow effortlessly through your whole being.

To me, this brings to mind LaShawn and Randall.
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-THE MOON
« Reply #90 on: January 21, 2008, 11:42:58 pm »
Card 18, the Moon, stands for the collective unconscious, bringing primaeval feelings and hidden omens to life. "The card shows heaven alive and churning, the journey of life, Providence, and many other layers of energy" says Tarot Basics. Just as on the night of the full moon emotions are easily stirred, when you see the Moon card, you are asked to confront some of your most overwhelming feelings.

In this state, you have several opportunities. Your heightened feelings mean that you can put yourself in the shoes of every living being. You will be equally at home in the past, the present, and the future. You can look upon others and see what is godly in them and what is private. The Moon card says to open your heart and let go of apprehension.

Something in this description reminds me of the opening scene, the truck that Ennis rides in coming over the layers of mountains, and the glimpses of him through the cars of the passing train.
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-THE SUN
« Reply #91 on: January 22, 2008, 01:20:26 am »
Being Aware is the subtitle of this card. It shows us a new day, a rebirth, a coming into life by ourselves, for ourselves. We replace conventions and what our parent dictated for a lifestyle that is true for us. We select our relationships independent of our blood relations. We apply our will to make decisions rather than living by the dictates of habit.

Does this describe Alma Jr. to you as it does to me? After all, Alma Jr. is Ennis's first-born son, the son he always wanted, even though he didn't recognize her as such. He even named her "Junior!" And with a smile like hers, she could be the sun!!

A clue: Alma Senior yells out to Ennis to wipe Alma Junior's runny nose. Who else has a runny nose in this story??????

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Include Name of Card in Subject Line
« Reply #92 on: January 23, 2008, 01:05:57 am »
Last nite I made my last post in this thread at about 10:30 pm, but after that I continued to read all about the tarot cards. Many of them reminded me so much of Ennis. And today, they remind me of Heath. He was a man who was like THE SUN card, very aware of his inner feelings. He had to be in order to bring so much to his roles (especially that of Ennis). But to be aware can cause pain. I've learned that in the two years I've been a Brokie. To be aware is to feel, and to feel is to hurt. You cannot escape it unless you grab a gun or a bottle and kill yourself quickly or slowly. That said, I do feel that Heath's death was accidental. He took sleeping pills and they can kill, especially in conjuntion with alcohol. But why was he taking the pills in the first place? I'm afraid he couldn't sleep because of the pain of awareness. That and being lost in the soup of celebrity, show business, the city. He needed, we all need, to get back to Brokeback Mountain, where the air is fresh, the winds are bracing, and we can see a long way. When the weather is fair, we can see all the way to the Tetons, way off in the distance, and to the east we gaze on Cloud Peak, with a notch to the north where we can see through to the plain. The grieving plain.
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-RECAP
« Reply #93 on: January 31, 2008, 11:14:38 am »
It's time to get back to creating our Brokeback Tarot Deck. Here's where we stand on the major Arcana:

THE EMPRESS: Lureen, Jack, the Wind
THE EMPEROR: The mountain, Aguirre, Monroe, Ennis
THE HIEROPHANT: The mountain, Aguirre, Randall, Larry McMurtry, Jack
THE LOVERS: Jack and Ennis
THE CHARIOT: Pickup truck
THE HERMIT: Ennis's isolation, Ma Twist
THE WHEEL: Four years apart, Wedding rings
STRENGTH/LUSTCaution/JUSTICE: The mountain, the tent
THE HANGED MAN: Tire iron/Earl
DEATH: The Last Postcard, Old Man Twist
TEMPERANCE/ART: Ennis's Night Fire,
THE DEVIL: Ennis's father, Aguirre, Old Man Twist, L.D. Newsome, The Bikers
THE TOWER: The Twist House
THE STAR: LaShawn and Randall
THE MOON: Passing train
THE SUN: Alma Jr.
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-RECAP
« Reply #94 on: February 10, 2008, 10:43:52 pm »
It's time to get back to creating our Brokeback Tarot Deck. Here's where we stand on the major Arcana:

THE EMPRESS: Lureen, Jack, the Wind
THE EMPEROR: The mountain, Aguirre, Monroe, Ennis
THE HIEROPHANT: The mountain, Aguirre, Randall, Larry McMurtry, Jack
THE LOVERS: Jack and Ennis
THE CHARIOT: Pickup truck
THE HERMIT: Ennis's isolation, Ma Twist
THE WHEEL: Four years apart, Wedding rings
STRENGTH/LUSTCaution/JUSTICE: The mountain, the tent
THE HANGED MAN: Tire iron/Earl
DEATH: The Last Postcard, Old Man Twist
TEMPERANCE/ART: Ennis's Night Fire,
THE DEVIL: Ennis's father, Aguirre, Old Man Twist, L.D. Newsome, The Bikers
THE TOWER: The Twist House
THE STAR: LaShawn and Randall
THE MOON: Passing train
THE SUN: Alma Jr.

This is so terrific, Front-Ranger! It's great to see all of the deck laid out.
Maybe all of BetterMost could all tackle the creation of the individual cards for the deck. LauraGigs is a fine artist and I'd love to make a few cards. Perhaps it could be a group project for all of the community. Send me a PM.
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-RECAP
« Reply #95 on: February 11, 2008, 05:09:46 pm »
This is so terrific, Front-Ranger! It's great to see all of the deck laid out.
Thank you Toy-c!!

Maybe all of BetterMost could all tackle the creation of the individual cards for the deck. LauraGigs is a fine artist and I'd love to make a few cards. Perhaps it could be a group project for all of the community.

Excellent idea! Right now, I am leaning towards using photography with BetterMost artist-designed borders. There's another thread here that invites people to vote on their favorite Tarot card styles, which are pictured. [/quote]

Send me a PM.

Will do!!
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Include Name of Card in Subject Line
« Reply #96 on: February 13, 2008, 11:33:42 pm »
The question at hand is what should be depicted in the cards JUDGMENT/THE AEON, THE WORLD, and THE FOOL??
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-The Joker
« Reply #97 on: February 13, 2008, 11:57:15 pm »
Here's what "Tarot Basics" says about The Fool or The Joker:

This is the bottom line, the starting point from which everything else flows. You must have the courage to face the future, to walk your own path and to be open, even if your back isn't covered. The word for "everything" in Greek is "pan." So "panic" means everything at once. Drawing the Fool says that you are perfectly happy. Fulfilling important desires and resolving obsessive fears are now your daily tasks.

Who comes to mind as you read this????
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Include Name of Card in Subject Line
« Reply #98 on: February 14, 2008, 12:12:53 am »
I would like to discuss the entire minor arcana in just a few posts. There are four suits: Wands, Cups, Swords, ande Pentacles or Disks. If we can decide the basic themes of the suits, the details of the individual cards can be decided later, don't you think?
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-RECAP
« Reply #99 on: February 16, 2008, 02:08:20 pm »
Great information, Marcia! Based on what you write, I'd like to propose Old Man Twist for the Death card!!

Not sure about that - the suggestions of the postcard or the shirts might be closer to the card's essential meaning. Or maybe the shirts and the postcard on the same card?

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-RECAP
« Reply #100 on: February 16, 2008, 02:44:27 pm »
Not sure about that - the suggestions of the postcard or the shirts might be closer to the card's essential meaning. Or maybe the shirts and the postcard on the same card?

Okay...what was on the face of that postcard anyway? As I recall, it was Ennis's own postcard being returned to him only with the addition of the word "Deceased" stamped across the text.
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Wands
« Reply #101 on: February 16, 2008, 07:04:26 pm »
Here's what Tarot Basics says about Wands:

Wands represent fire. Their key element is willpower...flames are constantly in motion when wood burns, and when you are in motion, you show the "fire" within you. Wands symbolize germination and growth because they are fuel, potential energy, and nourishment for the fire. Other associations include wood, the phallic symbol, children, roots or ancestors, vitality, fireworks, hellfire, male inheritance, the sun, and "knock on wood."

The Queen of Wands is the heart of the fire, representing your basic instincts. "The strength of your self-esteem and a lively sexuality guarantee your success and well-being." Walk your own path. Approach your tasks as steps and take every one of them with assurance.

The King of Wands is a "test by fire." It is drawn in a crucial moment when you should take action.

The Knight urges you to "show your colors." The horse stands for vitality and drive. It tells you to come out of your shell and express yourself. Keep moving and act. Meanings will become clear later. Trust your intuitions and follow them. Make sure that your goals are worthy of the energy you bring to them.

The Page/Princess of Wands represents a thirst for action and yearning for progress. Don't miss your chance. Rediscover life, greeting every new experience with enthusiasm.

The Ace means vitality. It tells us to renew our life energies by using them. Past experiences may teach us "once burned, twice shy" but we must heal those energies by mastering the fire. The will to live and the joy to grow are the two opposite poles of the fire wand. Embrace them.

II means trust in your own power. Divide large tasks into smaller more manageable ones. Don't follow another's rules, act with all your might when you have a clear picture.

III is enthusiasm. Your fire and ingenuity are most effective when making a virtue out of necessity. Focus your attention and you will find better solutions.

IV is the eye of the tiger, where power, spirituality, vitality, and light face the four directions in a circle of fire. You can find your source of power by recognizing the two genders within you. Learn to live with the contradictions of life. Find the courage to overcome contradictions and limitations so you can see the creative possibilities in them.
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Wands
« Reply #102 on: February 17, 2008, 06:10:59 pm »
More about the Wands suit:

V-Living Will. Only when many "fires" are burning can your personal will remain alive and renewed. When forces come together, your energies are vitalized and clarified. At the same time, let go of fierce determination and indecisiveness, maintaining your sense of playfulness. Test which part of your will pushes authentic desires and is able to put things in motion. What willful tactics are frivolous and used simply because you want to force something that has no merit?

This is illustrated in Brokeback Mountain when Ennis shoots an elk to satisfy Jack's desires. He finds a solution that involves less risk than flaunting authority by shooting a sheep. He is focused and brings the elk down with one shot, yet retains playfullness and tussles with Jack before beginning the task of field-dressing the elk. The wand in this case is the gun that makes it possible for Ennis to reach his goal through focused action.

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Wands
« Reply #103 on: February 17, 2008, 07:05:30 pm »
VI of Wands: Total Involvement. This card advises us to use both our strengths and our weaknesses to achieve our goals. Be fully engaged in whatever you do, then no matter what the outcome, you will win. Otherwise, you will only experience half a victory at best if you have to sacrifice part of your self. Those who ignore their weaknesses lose support, steadfastness, and self-respect. Don't let others discourage you. Trust your truth and stand by it. Then, nothing can stop you!

In the Fourth of July scene, Ennis, estranged from Jack, is angered by bikers with slopbucket mouths and he kicks one of them in a fit of fury. He could have used his anger to tell the truth to the world and stand up for what he knew was right: tolerance and respect for all people. Only later, much later, did he learn the lesson that the feelings of loved ones are more important than the dictates of a rigid and backwards society.

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Ennis' Wands
« Reply #104 on: February 17, 2008, 08:03:03 pm »
VII of Wands: Hard Work. Sharpen your energies. Get to know what you want to achieve. Get in touch with it. Take it in your hands. You must understand what you want to change. Any attempt at manipulation becomes superfluous or even a hindrance.

When you actively work with your will, you will gain advantage. Be open to growth and change. The way things are evolving gives you new power to stand up for those things that are closest to your heart. Make a new beginning.

VIII of Wands: Greater responsibilities. Your increasing energy makes more things possible than you ever imagined. Projects can fail if you lack the resolve to say good-bye to the old. Old habits can be like a wall. If you know what you really want, you are free from obstructions and limitations.

Your journey is now taking place on a new level where you will experience what you previously thought was not possible, widening your horizons and achieving new insights. Be open to new experiences and learn to assimilate them as you maintain your focus on your goal. You possess and need a greater measure of responsibility.

Ennis encountered the wall when he let Jack out of his sights and let him go away sad because of a misunderstanding. Later, he was not open to new experiences after his divorce from Alma, turning Jack away. He started to be more open later on, and reached out to Jack about spending more time together. But it was too late.

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Wands
« Reply #105 on: February 17, 2008, 08:46:35 pm »
I would like to discuss the entire minor arcana in just a few posts. There are four suits: Wands, Cups, Swords, ande Pentacles or Disks. If we can decide the basic themes of the suits, the details of the individual cards can be decided later, don't you think?

Okay, I lied. What do you all think about the addition of relevant BBM scenes to a discussion of each card?? Very soon, we'll be able to start doing tarot readings and you can post the results if you like, and we can all discuss them. I will start a new thread for this. I did my very first Tarot reading of my life on December 31, 2007, and wrote it down, and I'm looking forward to analyzing it as soon as we have enuf intelligence here. I was very happy with the results as they seem to say I am pointed in the right direction, no matter how fast or slow I might be going!!

IX of Wands: Undivided Attention. When the sun and moon are together, our conscious and unconscious desires are in alignment. But when the sun and moon are opposed, we can become agitated at night when the full moon reveals our unconscious desires. The one-sided focus on the conscious to the detriment of the subconscious can cause us injury. The wands are behind your back, many things are moving and developing, and the more wands are hidden, the more agitation can come about at the full moon.

X of Wands: Totally focused. Only after you have given a person or a subject your undivided attention will you understand the logic. You must bend, venture forward, immerse yourself. Always look forward. If you find that you are trying to get your way by force and self-denial, give up those futile efforts, let go, and unload the burden.

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Cups
« Reply #106 on: February 17, 2008, 09:25:55 pm »
Cups represent the element of water, and the concept of the soul. You can not grasp water, but a cup makes it possible. As water symbolizes our feelings, cups give form to the unfathomable power of our souls. The most important thing is to make sure our souls, our feelings, are “
, and the moon. Three-fourths of the earth and two-thirds of the human body are composed of water.

In Brokeback Mountain, many of these symbols are important, and an addition is the bucket. Of course, cups is the strong suit of Jack, as wands was the strong suit of Ennis.

There is a baptism scene in Brokeback Mountain. 'Member?? 
« Last Edit: February 25, 2008, 05:01:19 pm by Front-Ranger »
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Queen of Cups
« Reply #107 on: February 19, 2008, 11:50:12 pm »
According to Tarot Basics, only when we allow our feelings to flow, can we define the boundaries of our abilities. When that happens, the cup is covered and we are able to have relationships where being connected and alone, sharing a home and living by ourselves, and having compassion as well as self-awareness can coexist side by side.

The Queen of Cups depicts the soul as both open and self-contained. This is also illustrated occasionally in Brokeback Mountain. There are times when everything is in order, for instance, late in the movie, when Jack and Ennis are riding together, their horses wading a stream, and everything is in perfect balance.

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-King/Prince of Cups
« Reply #108 on: February 23, 2008, 01:33:20 am »
As long as you look for security from without, you will feel adrift. But when you are sure of your inner desires, you will find strength and inspiration. As soon as you are clear about your inner feelings, you will have a base on which to safely build. Strangely enuff, it is your desire that gives you a sense of security, even though your might be in a vast ocean without even a view of the shore. This desire is different from ordinary feelings because of the heightened sense of obligation and awe, intense longing and passion. Have the courage to find your true desire and express it.

Cellardwellar had some great thoughts along these lines. He wrote:
I'm getting the impression that you are looking for that missing piece.  The one who will complete the puzzle that is your life.

That is a recipe for failure.

You must learn to complete yourself first.  No one will show up with missing pieces to finish the puzzle that is your life.  No one will EVER know you better than you, so you need to finish for yourself what must be done, and once that happens, find someone that compliments you.  Learned this lesson first hand. 

This is excellent advice and reinforces what the King/Prince of Cups says to us!

Ennis and Jack expressed their true feelings and desire when they reunited over the laundromat in Riverton. For once, they were sure about their feelings. They'd had four long years to think about it.

« Last Edit: March 04, 2008, 02:33:16 pm by Front-Ranger »
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Knight of Cups
« Reply #109 on: February 24, 2008, 06:44:56 pm »
This card is called "Wings for the Soul." Belief goes beyond knowledge. Test your beliefs and then you can trust them. Have the courage to acknowledge your feelings and act on them.

Jack thought Ennis was finally ready to accept his feelings so he asked him, "Is there anything interesting up there in heaven?" And Ennis replied, promisingly, "I'm just sending up a prayer of thanks." Jack went further. "For what?" Ennis didn't take the bait. "For you not bringin that harmonica" he said to general laughter.

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Page/Princess of Cups
« Reply #110 on: February 28, 2008, 11:22:34 pm »
Spiritual Passion is the name of this card. When you crystallize your feelings, make sure you are not turning them into fixations. When isolated, feelings are like a fish out of water. Creative passions keep things moving, building lasting moments and treasures no matter what the changes.

Jack miscalculated when he jumped at the chance to run to Ennis when Ennis told him of his divorce. His feelings were as a fish out of water, and he had to turn tail and reline it back to Texas, or Mexico, where he ended up going.

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Ace of Cups
« Reply #111 on: March 02, 2008, 07:32:37 pm »
This card invites us to reenter the realm of water, dissolve the "I" and connect with primeval life. It is called the Rebirth of the Soul and gives us the feeling of liberation that we lost when taking on the yoke of the world, when we were first born. Ironically, by relinqueshing our fixation on the ego, we gain a better understanding of our individuality. Drawing this card is a gift, returning to us the richness of our inner personal life, reconnecting us to the source of life itself, and allows us to drink from the cup of fullfilment and satisfaction.

When did Ennis ever get to drink from his cup? It happened in the prelude of the story, which quixotically discusses the later events that happened after Jack died. " The liquid he drinks is leftover coffee, rewarmed on the stove over a flame swathed in blue. This is the ritual drink, along with whiskey, the drink of the reality-check. When you're living a leftover life, leftover coffee is your drink of choice (along with leftover cheap white wine for toasting, from Cassie!) Ennis also urinates, not in the bathroom, but in the sink in a pale echo of the way he and Jack would relieve themselves on the mountain in between campfire stories, songs, and whiskey-sipping. Ennis is content, he is actually "suffused with a sense of pleasure" because he has an inner life filled with the richness of Jack's presence. He has in a sense been born again, with the sacramental fluid sometimes wetting the pillow, sometimes the sheets. And his pleasure stokes the day, energizing him as long as he does not force his attention on it.

This scene appears in an oblique way in the movie, where we see Ennis' trailer, his bed (with a fan propped on it), the sink, and a collection of cups. After the visit from Alma, Jr., Ennis tenderly folds the sweater she left behind and puts it in the closet, pausing to look at the two shirts he keeps there along with a postcard of Brokeback Mountain. As he closes the closet door and moves away, the bleak ending scene comes into view. But wait, there is a ray of hope that Ang Lee catches at the very end. Have you seen it?

« Last Edit: March 03, 2008, 12:28:00 am by Front-Ranger »
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Cups
« Reply #112 on: March 02, 2008, 07:42:40 pm »
More instances of "Cups" moments in Brokeback Mountain:

Jack, ministering to Ennis:

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Include Name of Card in Subject Line
« Reply #113 on: March 02, 2008, 07:56:17 pm »
And, of course, there is Jack washing the shirts in the stream. Which cups cards do these scenes fit with??

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Include Name of Card in Subject Line
« Reply #114 on: March 03, 2008, 11:55:44 am »
Mustn't forget the "warshing everything I can reach" scene. I'll let you all figure out which cups cards these scenes go with. Let's see, we've discussed cups and wands. Which suit shall we discuss next?

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Swords
« Reply #115 on: March 05, 2008, 12:03:29 am »
The two suits that remain to be discussed are Swords and Pentacles (or discs). So, let's go with Swords, shall we? Swords are part of the element of air. So, naturally, they are in the realm of Jack (I assume knives are a subset of swords, don't you think?)

The key principle is the mind. The sword has always personified judgement and the ability to arrive at a decision and to carry it out. A sword assists in the act of Penetration, separation, and definition. In addition to the concept of war, think also about chivarlry, responsibility, and freedom, other attributes of the sword.

When a sword card is drawn, it is a signal that clarity is needed, good air, strong "breath", the human condition, stars, and (as Shakepeare said) "there are more things in heaven and earth than we can imagine." Between heaven and earth there is also open space, as Annie Proulx wrote.
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-King/Prince of Swords
« Reply #116 on: March 05, 2008, 10:46:10 pm »
This card is named "Pulling Strings." Seeing this card means that you are prone to keeping people and events on a string, preventing them from ever being totally free of your control. The line between operating by remote control and manipulating others is often very narrow. You risk manipulating yourself too and misunderstanding your own intentions. As long as you ignore the unconscious, you will miss out on the most important possibilities.

There is a tension and intellectual commitment in all you do. This signifies that you are a passionate person.. You must use the weapon that is your mind to uncover your passions and to fulfill your desires.

Jack said to Ennis, "You used to come away easy, now it's like seeing the Pope" and Ennis was being the Prince of Swords.

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #117 on: March 09, 2008, 09:37:59 am »
That's very interesting!

Here's what Eden Gray says and it supports your choices I think:

Wands: (Fire) Energy, growth, enterprise, animation, glory. 
They are made of green wood that retains a few live twigs signifying growth. They are sometimes used as a club in fighting or as a staff to carry a victor's crown.  Wands are associated with the world of ideas and with creation and agriculture.

Cups: (Water) Love, happiness, emotions, fertility, beauty. 
They are associated with water, a symbol of the subconscious mind and the instincts, as opposed to the conscious mind and reason.

Swords: (Air) Agression, force, ambition, courage, strife, misfortune.  Many cards of this suit depict fightinmg or people who are bowed down with misfortune.  Swords represent the world of action, both contructive and destructive.

Pentacles: (Earth) Money, industry, material gain. Except for the 5 of pentacles these cards all depict people either working or enjoying the fruits of labour.  The coinlike disks are incribed with pentagrams - five pointed stars that are time homoured symbols of man.  In ancient days, people wore pentacles decorated with magic symbols as a protection from the evils of life.

Recap and additional suggestions:

Wood/Wands:   Trees, Cigarettes, Rifle (It has a wooden handle, lol!  I really think it should be in this suit because of the fire association)

Vessels/Cups:   Bucket, Coffee Cup, Whiskey &  Beer Bottle

Tools/Swords: Tire Iron, Shovel, Axe, Rope, carving knife (love that!)

Reapers/Pentacles:  Reaper,  Truck wheel (it has five lug nuts),  I think the Skillet should be in this suit, because of the shape and also because it represents enjoying the fruits, or bacon, of labour.  And why not actual Coins, money was often an issue.

Just a reminder of oilgun's great post, that is guiding me in designing the tarot cards. So, we are gonna rename the swords suit tools. I am just using the swords name right now for reference. I am about ready to design the actual cards, and for this suit, I need more clip art of tools, particularly axes, ropes, knives, and farm equipment, big and small! I have Meryl's swather picture from the Twist house, and a thresher, but that's about it!!
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Knight of Swords (now Tools)
« Reply #118 on: March 09, 2008, 10:55:37 am »
This card is called "Racing Thoughts." It usually depicts the knight of swords moving or facing east, the direction of the unconscious. Unconscious thinking is wild and chaotic, but it is also more imaginative, quicker and livelier. Tarot Basics asks, "Are you someone who loves to go after the unconscious, who does battle with it, searching for a way to get a handle on things?" LOL, that describes Jack but not Ennis, at least not until late in their relationship.

Happiness and well-being depend on how we deal consciously with the unconscious, how we confront our shadow side so that a friendship can develop between the conscious and our whole existence.

I wanted to have a pic of Jack spreading his arms and saying "I was just thinkin out loud" but this was the closest I could find. In this scene, Ennis is beginning to connect the dots, but Jack is far ahead of him.

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Page/Princess of Swords (now Tools)
« Reply #119 on: March 09, 2008, 11:03:03 am »
"Adventure of the Mind." Get up off your pockets and into the control zone. Be inspired by the one mind that is omnipresent. Brainstorming, creativity, but also getting bogged down or tangled up in your thoughts can happen now. Don't allow yourself to be drawn into superficial confrontations. Live more consciously and life will be more stimulating not only for you but for the people around you.

Cassie may have been an airhead but she helped Ennis crystallize his thoughts. Here, she asks Alma Jr. if she thinks her daddy will ever want to settle down again.

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Ace of Swords (now Tools)
« Reply #120 on: March 09, 2008, 12:52:29 pm »
This card is called "The Crowning of the Mind."Human conscioiusness is the quintessential cowning of creation. The crown is a complete circle. Move toward oneness and unity. Life is offering you the sword, the air and awareness. Be the best combine salesman we have. You are your only combine salesman. Make the best of it, and make this a more humane world.

I can think of no better picture to illustrate this card than the crowning moment of Brokeback Mountain--the Dozy Embrace.

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-V of Swords (now tools)
« Reply #121 on: March 09, 2008, 01:09:34 pm »
This card often shows five bent, damaged swords and drops of blood in the shape of a pentangle. They are pointing down, to reconnect with the earth. A grounding of awareness is called for. We need to understand and forgive ourselves for difficulties, fears, and weaknesses. Move toward quintessential knowledge, which is knowing plus awareness and understanding. It is a personal clarity that is enriching and freeing.

It was this kind of clarity that Ennis was trying to find when he retreated to the hilltop and sat down on the earth, in the grass, and even chewed on a stalk of grass. Then followed in short order the lassoing, the rolling down the hill with Jack, and the drops of blood which appeared on his shirt sleeves. At that point he was truly wearing his heart on his sleeve.

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Disks
« Reply #122 on: March 09, 2008, 01:31:29 pm »
This is the last suit we'll explore. As oilgun said below, these cards address practical matters as befitting the earth, the physical body, and finances. Disks is often represented by mirrors, so everything here is pointing to Ennis. Disks refer to the constant interplay between what we accomplish and that which defines us. Sometimes what looks like a simple rock becomes hidden gold.

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Queen of Disks
« Reply #123 on: March 09, 2008, 01:42:08 pm »
"Recognizing the Essential." You possess the power to create peak experiences, by cherishing that within yourself that you most value. Guard against both self-importance and low self-esteem. Be in the moment, and you'll feel like you could paw the white out of the moon.

Ennis said Jack couldn't be no worse a cook than him, but he was a good cook, it's clear, since Jack relished the breakfast that Ennis was just finishing up as Jack rode into camp. Ennis weilded a fine iron skillet, and he was a good hand with the salt shaker too!

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-PRince of Disks
« Reply #124 on: March 09, 2008, 01:53:38 pm »
Sense and Sensability. THere is an affinity between work and pleasure, between sense and passion. On the mountain, Jack and Ennis worked very hard, but they looked forward to evenings around the campfire, swapping stories and whiskey. The whiskey (which means in Gaelic, "water of life") stands for the sweetness of life and its truths (and sometimes whiskey brings out the truth like nothing else can LOL)! Sometimes depicted on this card is a steer, aluding to the constellation of Taurus, which reigns in May. Everything is created anew in May, but the Taurean knows how much responsbility is hidden in the word "everything." How heavy the stones are that must be moved in the building of a life! But while we are absorbed in the work, we are content and focused!!

« Last Edit: March 09, 2008, 06:39:25 pm by Front-Ranger »
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Knight of Disks
« Reply #125 on: March 09, 2008, 02:11:48 pm »
"Chaff and Wheat." Stop sweeping the inevitable blunders in your life under the rug. Instead, use them to fertilize the fields and gardens of your life. Tarot Basics uses the example of the horse on which the knight rides. The horse's manure must be hauled out of the barn and spread on the fields, so the sweet grapes and golden wheat can grow. Likewise, I must stop sweeping my own shit under the rug but instead use it productively. I should not be afraid of disagreements or discomfort between me and my friends because that is how people grow by dealing with it, not just standing it. "If your own and other people's 'manure' is that useful, how much more beneficial will your talents be!"

Ennis dutifully fed the cows hay throughout the winter, and was comforted by the sounds and smells of fecundity and life's continuance, the moans of sleepy Alma and the sucking sounds of his baby daughters. It moved him to work hard all those years when his heart ached to be with Jack.

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-More about Disks
« Reply #126 on: March 09, 2008, 02:31:49 pm »
Princess of Disks: "Testing Your Talents" Remember, ashes and diamonds are made up of the same chemicals, but have undergone different processes.

Ace of Disks: "The Spirit of the Coin." Everything has two sides, which lends ambiguity to everything.

II of Disks: "Personal Connection." New facts, people, and values are now becoming known. You question old habits. Changes that happen are not coincidences or accidents. See the connection. Sort out those Chilean sheep!

III of Disks: "New Beliefs." Cultivate your talents. Let the light shine on new skills. Bury old, unporductive habits.

IV of Disks: Don't play the role of the hero or loser. Say goodbye to bragging and moral cowardice. The title of this card is "Understand Your Talents."
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-More about Disks
« Reply #127 on: March 09, 2008, 02:43:05 pm »
V of Disks: "A Knight in Shining Armour." Pain is often self-inflicted. If you want to change a bad situation (a GDBOAUS!) you simply need to accept certain things about yourself and others. Be considerate and remember that everyone grows at a different rate, and don't compare apples with oranges. You can remove personal pain by sharing it. By sharing the journey, we can cancel out our personal handicaps and multiply our strengths.

VI of Disks: "Realised Needs." Satisfy other people's needs thru the use of your talents.

VII of Disks: "Personal Standard." Trust actual experiences.

VIII of Disks: "Mastery." Each situation you master is like a mirror of the work you have done on yourself.

IX of Disks: "Necessities Understood." Be generous with the treasures you have to give, and remember that you yourself are a treasure. Make your own truth fruitful.

X of Disks: The ten coins are similar to the ten stations on the Tree of Life, and to the 10 constellations in the Zodiac. But what is missing is the connecting thread. Connect all that you are, and all your many talents, and there will still be a recognizable part of you in each individual thing. When you find the connection, lonlieness will disappear. Lonlieness is actually the shadow of missing individuality.

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Include Name of Card in Subject Line
« Reply #128 on: March 10, 2008, 12:24:19 am »
Daniel said:

THE WHEEL is often represented in the medium of film by a montage of events, usually, rapidly flowing through the seasons. Ennis's wedding and the following marital bliss (several years of adjustment in the long run), could very well fit this archetype. Symbolically, I would suggest the wedding ring as the focal point of the card, and perhaps a series of events around it.   

I think his words apply to disks in general.
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-The Sun
« Reply #129 on: March 11, 2008, 07:01:58 pm »
Here is the very first card in the Brokeback Mountain Tarot Deck!! The Sun!!

(Click to enlarge)

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-The Lovers
« Reply #130 on: March 11, 2008, 07:07:11 pm »
And here is The Lovers...

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-The Hierophant
« Reply #131 on: March 12, 2008, 04:06:12 pm »
Ta Da! The Hierophant!

(click to enlarge)
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-The Emperor
« Reply #132 on: March 13, 2008, 06:20:36 pm »
Here is The Emperor!!

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-The Devil
« Reply #133 on: March 14, 2008, 02:08:50 pm »
I had fun designing this one. The Devil!

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-The Empress
« Reply #134 on: March 14, 2008, 02:37:43 pm »
Okay, I know you all have been waiting for this one--The Empress. Your thoughts please?

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-The Magician (Ang Lee)
« Reply #135 on: March 16, 2008, 02:25:52 pm »
Here is the Magician, Ang Lee. Thanks to Meryl for the central image.

« Last Edit: March 17, 2008, 05:35:57 pm by Front-Ranger »
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-The Devil
« Reply #136 on: March 16, 2008, 02:56:09 pm »
That one is bizarre! It looks like an image from the Exorcist. Eeeccch!
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Include Name of Card in Subject Line
« Reply #137 on: March 16, 2008, 03:09:24 pm »
Why thanks, I think! That screen cap captures Ennis in mid-kick, dispatching one of those bikers! I also put in images of Aguirre, OMTwist, Ennis' dad (of course), and the crow from the post divorce scene.
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-The High Priestess
« Reply #138 on: March 16, 2008, 03:27:42 pm »
Here is the High Priestess (of the Tarot deck, not of BetterMost--that would be our friend Meryl), Ms. Annie Proulx, author of the story Brokeback Mountain, which first appeared in The New Yorker Magazine in the October 13, 1997, issue:

In addition to her portrait (taken by me at the October 2006 Literary Festival in Casper, Wyoming, there is a picture of the Mint Bar in Sheridan, Wyo, where she was first inspired to write the story, and two scenes from the story that I think are among her best: the Reunion and the Dozy Embrace. There is also a photo of Jack during the Lake Scene saying "I did once" and a photo of clouds, since her nature imagery is one of her hallmarks.
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-The Chariot
« Reply #139 on: March 17, 2008, 03:25:25 pm »
This card features the scene of Ennis' truck driving up to the Twist house in Lightning Flat. THere are also scenes of Ennis and Alma Jr. in the truck and of Ennis and Alma at the drive-in where Alma Jr. just starts to make her presence known by kicks, which Alma wants Ennis to feel. I also included a couple of pictures of the real-life truck taken in Estes Park, Colorado at the BBQ!!

(click to enlarge)
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Include Name of Card in Subject Line
« Reply #140 on: March 17, 2008, 03:31:16 pm »
Winding up the Higher Arcana, here is The Hermit, starring guess who! I wasn't quite sure which of Ennis's hermetic phases you wanted me to picture here, so I featured the last "Jack I swear" scene in the central position. THere's also a photo of Ennis at the bus station eating his humble pie and The scene where he pukes after leaving Jack for the first time. I also pictured Ma Twist, another significant hermit, as well as the coffeepot that symbolizes Ennis and his gun.

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Include Name of Card in Subject Line
« Reply #141 on: April 02, 2008, 03:07:08 pm »
If I could have a little more encouragement, I could finish up this deck. Man, there are a lot of cards in the Tarot!! I plan to make it available as one pdf file that can be printed all at one time, in addition to posting the individual cards here. A question: what should be on the reverse side? All of the cards will be the same, so I imagine a picture of Ennis and Jack, perhaps with Brokeback Mountain somewhere, should be the subject of the reverse??

Here is the book where I got most of my information: Burger, Evelin, Tarot basics

« Last Edit: April 03, 2008, 02:53:41 pm by Front-Ranger »
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Happy Birthday to the Emperor of Wyoming
« Reply #142 on: April 04, 2008, 09:43:07 am »
In honor of the Emperor of Wyoming (song by Neil Young) I give you the Emperor Card.

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Include Name of Card in Subject Line
« Reply #143 on: April 05, 2008, 01:00:50 am »
From The Secret Language of Birthdays:

The 4th card of the major arcana is The Emperor, who rules over concrete and worldly things whtough wisdom, the primary source of his power. The Emperor is stable and profound, the force of his authority can not be questioned. The positive associations of this card are strong willpower and steadfast energy, unfavorable qualities include willfulness, tyranny, and brutality. For those born on April 4, the Emperor's steadiness and determination can serve as a useful metaphor.
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Include Name of Card in Subject Line
« Reply #144 on: February 03, 2009, 01:16:34 am »
It's pretty obvious I've been out of the Bettermost loop for quite a while but I found this lil tarot project interesting.  Lee, have you dropped it? (considering  the  last reply was in April of last year)
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Include Name of Card in Subject Line
« Reply #145 on: February 03, 2009, 10:47:59 pm »
Thanks for your interest, friend horo! It's true that I haven't finished the Brokeback Tarot Deck, but I do have most of the major Arcana done. I just got tired of talking to myself on this thread. Lately I've been corresponding with a few Brokies who wanted to have New Year readings done over on this thread:,17656.0/all.html

If anyone's interested in providing thoughts and reactions, I'll be glad to finish this deck!
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Include Name of Card in Subject Line
« Reply #146 on: December 28, 2021, 02:33:17 pm »
Look what our High Priestess found! I wish it were a full deck devoted to Brokeback, but it appears to be just one card in a deck devoted to movies.
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Include Name of Card in Subject Line
« Reply #147 on: December 29, 2021, 12:44:10 pm »
Lee, I'm happy to see this thread again! I had completely forgotten about it. Good on you for creating a tarot deck based on Brokeback. I recently took a course in tarot reading, so this is really cool to see.

Here's a link to the movie tarot deck on Amazon that has the BBM card in it:
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Include Name of Card in Subject Line
« Reply #148 on: December 29, 2021, 01:18:29 pm »
How cool is that that you took a class. Fits right in with your High Priestess role.

Alas, the cards I designed are sort of buried and might be on a backup disk somewhere. I'll look for them.
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Include Name of Card in Subject Line
« Reply #149 on: December 29, 2021, 01:48:33 pm »

Alas, the cards I designed are sort of buried and might be on a backup disk somewhere. I'll look for them.

I would love to see them. Looks like they didn't survive being posted earlier on this thread.

I googled 'Brokeback Mountain tarot deck' and got nothing substantial. There's a need for a good one, I think. So many images, such richness of emotion and symbolism should be put to good use!  :-*
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Include Name of Card in Subject Line
« Reply #150 on: December 29, 2021, 02:41:37 pm »
Tarot isn't my thing, but I think a BBM deck is a very cool idea.  :)
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