Ok since i know nothing about tarot cards.. i will step off the precipice since the response is low,\
Maybe it will give others incentive.
Here's where we are with the Major Arcana:
THE MAGICIAN: Ang Lee, Jack ------------------------------------------------- ANG LEE
THE HIGH PRIESTESS: Annie Proulx------------------------------------------------ ANNIE PROULX
THE EMPRESS: Lureen, Jack, the Wind--------------------------------------------- THE WIND
THE EMPEROR: The mountain, Aguirre, Monroe, Ennis------------------------- THE MOUNTAIN
THE HIEROPHANT: The mountain, Aguirre, Randall, Larry McMurtry, Jack----LARRY MCMURTRY
THE LOVERS: Jack and Ennis------------------------------------------------------------ J & E
THE CHARIOT: Pickup truck------------------------------------------------------------- PICKUP TRUCK
STRENGTH/ADJUSTMENT/JUSTICE: The parting----------------------------------THE AXE,SAW
THE HERMIT: Ennis's isolation, Ma Twist----------------------------------------------PA TWIST
THE WHEEL: Four years apart, Wedding rings--------------------------------------WEDDING RINGS OR SIESTA MOTEL
STRENGTH/LUSTCaution/JUSTICE: The mountain, the tent------------------ ----THE TENT........
Next we have some really fun cards!! THE HANGED MAN, DEATH, TEMPERANCE/ART, and THE DEVIL. Can't wait to hear your ideas about these!!
Also, stay tuned for a whilwind tour of Tarot card graphics styles, from the baroque to the mystical, to the absurd
THE HANGED MAN/DEATH.-----------------------------------------------------------------------TIRE IRON/EARL
TEMPERANCE/ART--------------------------------------------------------------------------POST CARD/HARMONICA
THE DEVIL-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AGUIRRE of course