Author Topic: The Brokeback Tarot Deck-Include Name of Card in Subject Line  (Read 93880 times)

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #10 on: December 15, 2007, 09:40:25 pm »
I really like the iron skillet replacing Pentangles. At first I didn't get it about the Rope, but now that you explain it, I do. However, I also like the idea of the harmonica replacing Swords. Hmmm, it's a conundrum...

Love your analogies, oilgun!

"chewing gum and duct tape"

Offline Meryl

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #11 on: December 15, 2007, 11:29:59 pm »
I get it now, I was too excited.  So it's Rifles for Wands then, since Wands represent Fire.

This is a great project.  Thanks for reviving it, Lee!  8)

I'm looking at my "Tarot Made Easy" by Nancy Garen, and she describes the four suits thus:

Wands = ideas, original thought, intention, growth, ambition, expansion
Cups = emotion, desire, inner experience, spirit
Swords = action, movement, struggle, keenness
Pentacles = manifestation, realization, proof, prosperity, end result, fruition

If Wands represent "seeds," growth and expansion, how about Trees as a symbol?

The film has so many good examples of containers, maybe we could call the Cups category Vessels, allowing for buckets, coffee cups and pots, whiskey bottles and bean cans to be featured.

Given these descriptions, I think it makes more sense to assign the rifles to Swords.  Maybe the suit could be called Tools, and could include the tire iron, shovel, rope, axe, spatula, frying pan, fishing rod, carving knife, etc., as well.

In thinking about Pentacles, it occurs to me that there is an example of a pentacle in the movie.  The combine harvester visible in the Twist ranch outbuilding is the right shape, and its function matches the meaning given to it above.

Photo taken at the Twist house location in Alberta:

So what I'm throwing into the mix for the four suits are:  Trees, Vessels, Tools and Reapers.
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #12 on: December 16, 2007, 01:11:33 am »
I'm looking at my "Tarot Made Easy" by Nancy Garen, and she describes the four suits thus:

I used to have a pack of Tarot cards a long time ago, but I don't remember much about them now. Apparently I need to get this book since people keep talking about it.

Offline oilgun

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #13 on: December 16, 2007, 01:57:44 am »
This is a great project.  Thanks for reviving it, Lee!  8)

I'm looking at my "Tarot Made Easy" by Nancy Garen, and she describes the four suits thus:

Wands = ideas, original thought, intention, growth, ambition, expansion
Cups = emotion, desire, inner experience, spirit
Swords = action, movement, struggle, keenness
Pentacles = manifestation, realization, proof, prosperity, end result, fruition

So what I'm throwing into the mix for the four suits are:  Trees, Vessels, Tools and Reapers.

That's very interesting!

Here's what Eden Gray says and it supports your choices I think:

Wands: (Fire) Energy, growth, enterprise, animation, glory. 
They are made of green wood that retains a few live twigs signifying growth. They are sometimes used as a club in fighting or as a staff to carry a victor's crown.  Wands are associated with the world of ideas and with creation and agriculture.

Cups: (Water) Love, happiness, emotions, fertility, beauty. 
They are associated with water, a symbol of the subconscious mind and the instincts, as opposed to the conscious mind and reason.

Swords: (Air) Agression, force, ambition, courage, strife, misfortune.  Many cards of this suit depict fightinmg or people who are bowed down with misfortune.  Swords represent the world of action, both contructive and destructive.

Pentacles: (Earth) Money, industry, material gain. Except for the 5 of pentacles these cards all depict people either working or enjoying the fruits of labour.  The coinlike disks are incribed with pentagrams - five pointed stars that are time homoured symbols of man.  In ancient days, people wore pentacles decorated with magic symbols as a protection from the evils of life.

Recap and additional suggestions:

Wood/Wands:   Trees, Cigarettes, Rifle (It has a wooden handle, lol!  I really think it should be in this suit because of the fire association)

Vessels/Cups:   Bucket, Coffee Cup, Whiskey &  Beer Bottle

Tools/Swords: Tire Iron, Shovel, Axe, Rope, carving knife (love that!)

Reapers/Pentacles:  Reaper,  Truck wheel (it has five lug nuts),  I think the Skillet should be in this suit, because of the shape and also because it represents enjoying the fruits, or bacon, of labour.  And why not actual Coins, money was often an issue.

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #14 on: December 16, 2007, 04:25:03 pm »
Wow, wow, wow!! (Apologies to Artiste for stealing his quote!) This is really coming together! I love all the ideas about the suit. Incredible!!

And Meryl, that is the first time I've seen a picture of the real swather!! Fantastic that you were able to get that!!

Travelling around Wyoming, I saw so many abandoned farm implements, as well as those in active use. Threshers, combines, swathers, tillers, reapers, binders, balers, separators...all these can go into our deck. Fortunately for us, it contains 78 cards!!
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Offline Meryl

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #15 on: December 16, 2007, 04:29:40 pm »
Lee, thanks so much for telling me the actual name of that thing!  I googled many a farm equipment site trying to find out what it was called.  8)
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #16 on: December 16, 2007, 09:23:26 pm »
Trouble is, I don't see many positive reading card members, but I see plenty of reverse-meaning cards:

Emperor - Mr. Newsome
Empress - Alma
Priestess - Mrs. Twist
Heirophant - Joe Aguirre
Devil - Mr. Twist
the World - Cassie
Death - postcard

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #17 on: December 17, 2007, 01:32:02 am »
Lee, thanks so much for telling me the actual name of that thing!  I googled many a farm equipment site trying to find out what it was called.  8)

It was our friend Fran who told me what it was.
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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #18 on: December 17, 2007, 11:24:43 am »
Shepherd's crook to add to the tools suit??

"chewing gum and duct tape"

Offline oilgun

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Re: The Brokeback Tarot Deck
« Reply #19 on: December 17, 2007, 11:46:28 am »
Trouble is, I don't see many positive reading card members, but I see plenty of reverse-meaning cards:

Emperor - Mr. Newsome
Empress - Alma
Priestess - Mrs. Twist
Heirophant - Joe Aguirre
Devil - Mr. Twist
the World - Cassie
Death - postcard

I agree with your suggestions for the emperor, empress and Priestess.

But I really think The World should be Brokeback Mountain.
As for Death what do you think of the Eviscerated Sheep?  It's such a wonderful foreshadowing image.