Wonder, any of you, if those drugs were maybe forced upon Heath?
Yes, forced?
Guess we will never know.
What I do know is that it is very easy to take ,accidentally too many Rx. meds.As I am having a rough time at the moment,I am on several meds.All prescribed by same phsician,sleeping tabs,anti depressants,pain killers.
Since the death of Heath I have started keeing a note of what I took and when.
It is so easy when you cant sleep,are depressed,manic and in pain,just to think oh,Ill just take a couple more.Anything to get rid of the pain,mental and physical,get some sleep.So I am much more careful than I used to be.
It at least acted as a bit of a wake up call to me.to be less cavalier about my meds.Now when it gets real bad I offload here at Better Most !!!!!!!!!