okay, i had to cheat, but here's the next part:
"the camps can be 3 or 4 miles from where we paster the woolies. bad predator loss when there's no one looking after them at night. now, what i want is the camp tender to stay at the main camp where the forrest service says, but the herder, he's gonna pitch a pup tent out on the q.t. with the sheep, and he's gonna sleep there. you eat your supper and breakfast at the camp, but you sleep with the sheep. 100%. no fire. don't leave no sign. you roll up that tent every morning in case the forrest service snoops around.
phone call: (yeah? no. no. not on your fucking life)
you got your dogs. your .30-30. you sleep there. last year i had nearly 25% loss...i don't want that again.
you, fridays at noon, be down at the bridge, with your grocery list and mules...somebody with supplies will be there in a pickup.
tomorrow mornin' we'll truck you up to the jump off.