From the link:
In researching our book "Eat This, Not That,"
LOL! I own this book!
It's not the kind of book I normally buy, but I saw it in the bookstore and got sucked in and couldn't resist. It's very colorful and theoretically useful, with photos of dishes from various places you might get food -- lots of restaurant chains, grocery store items, etc. -- telling you one reasonably healthy dish and one really unhealthy dish, and some other nutrition stuff that you hardly dare read.
Much of the advice is very counterintuitive; the grilled-chicken whatever turns out to be the really bad-for-you dish, while the cheeseburger is relatively low-fat and healthy. I'm too lazy to go upstairs and dig out the book and quote from it right now, but maybe later I will.
Anyway, I was sad to see the bad news about the onion blossom. Because although I've never had the one at Chili's, I have fond memories of the one at Copeland's (though I guess I never quite fooled myself into thinking that, as a vegetable, it was health food