Some people are reporting problems with the slideshow on the news banner. If you see a white or black box instead of a slideshow, please try the following and report back if it solves or doesn't solve the problem for you. You may need to empty your temporary Internet cache (you can keep your cookies and forms, just delete the temporary web pages stored in your cache) and close and reopen your browser for the changes to become effective.
1. Please start by visiting
here and download and installing the latest Flash player. You may need to close your browser windows when the installation is complete for it to become effective.
2. If you are still seeing a blank box, can you let me know your browser and version (ex: Internet Explorer 7, etc.) and if you installed the latest version of the Flash player.
3. If you are at work, do you know if a firewall has been put in place at your job that would prevent Macromedia Flash applications from running? I can always convert the slideshow to an embedded video (assuming you can see that at work) and run that instead, but the slideshow is better for dial-up users.
I'd like to get this resolved for everyone so we can use this feature in other places as well. Thanks for your help!