=Director Notes= **ASIDES** ((MOVEMENT)) %%THOUGHTS%%
Stage directions: *
The timeline of the film is to be followed. As we have discussed at length, EVERY beat of every frame is significant. Every detail of every beat is open to comment. You can describe/ be the voice/ explain the presence/ post a picture of a blade of grass if it is relevant to that moment in time.
Only the Actors playing the characters can speak that character’s dialogue. You may wish to stick completely with the original script, or you may wish to be creative. You don’t have to say much, as long as you get your point across! Those without speaking parts may create extra roles should it be in keeping with the time line. For example; someone may decide that a muttering cleaner with a mop may be a necessary addition to the wedding scene to clean up the orange juice that cousin Fred’s bratty child spilt all over the floor.
Anyone may comment at anytime about the nuances of the current moment being played out in the timeline. All the threads that have been created over the past six months will come into play. You may wish to highlight the Ying and Yang of the moment, or the Lines Visualised. It may be an opportunity to halt proceedings to pay Cult homage to the presence of water, or the immaculate disappearance of a log of wood. Meryl and Celeste are on hand as the Grande Cult Poobears and Overseers. Perhaps you just want to add a time relevant inspired poem or picture or limerick or ABCs observation. Perhaps you might offer some trivia relating to Things you didn’t know about cowboys! Or maybe simply quote a passage from Annie’s book.
* All
ASIDE COMMENTS are to be enclosed in
** **. For example: Should Jack wish to comment on Alma’s frumpy dress upon meeting her, but doesn’t wish for her to hear and be offended, he might offer the audience
**That dress looks like it used to hold potatoes*** All
THOUGHTS are to be enclosed in
%% %%. For example: Should the other shoppers at Randle’s store wish to comment on their annoyance at Alma Jr smashing nuts all over the floor, they might offer
%% There’s a perfect example of the necessity of birth control! %%* All
MOVEMENTS are to be enclosed in
(( )). For example: Should Aguire be reaching for the telephone, the Actor, (StudDuck), might type
((Reaches with the hand adorned with big hideous blue ring to lift the phone receiver))*
All Director or Assistant Director notes are to be enclosed in
= =. For example: Should Lucise Indapaddock wish to tell one of her sheep that its guts is spread too far away from it’s (pretend) dead carcass, she might post
=Pull your gall bladder in about six inches= *NOTE: No animals will be hurt in the making of this production!*
The action cannot continue until the relevant lines have been delivered. For example: Should Earl want to show his ripped off dick as soon as possible, he must wait for that moment in the timeline. He cannot just go flashing it about willy nilly out of sequence. Should an Actor be away from the boards for a period of time and their line is next, we CANNOT proceed and must fill in the silence with relevant posts for that moment. Should said Actor chose to appoint an understudy, the proxy must note at the top of the post
{Today the part of blahblah will be played by ....} If no understudy is appointed, we may have to discuss the wind blowing outside the trailer until the actor returns and delivers their line or performs their gesture. Once a scene has been played out there’s no going back! Comments may be added, but you cannot then include a suddenly remembered tabogganing moment when the scene involves kicking a biker’s teeth in, unless you can make it relevant to THAT moment in time.
Everyone is encouraged to dress up and post a picture of the movement they are trying to portray, highlighting what WE have got that THEY haven’t got! Perhaps you just wish to post a picture of the original actors in that scene.
Have fun everyone! We all know this film back to front. Now act your arses off!