The longest day of the year really did feel like it for me. I got up early, thanks to my feline alarm clock, and did some bill paying and other computer work until 8 am, then worked outside until it was too hot to, about 10 am. Coming in, I realized I had forgotten to have breakfast. After I'd fixed that, I did my Wordle game and sent some emails; then I went over to daughter's house to help her with child sitting. Really there's very little sitting involved. Child-running?
I did that until 3:30 pm. Midway through, I started to get light headed when getting up from the floor or a chair. The morning's work outside was catching up to me. Drinking copious amounts of water helped, but I wished I had brought over some vitamin water or tea to make it more palatable. Leaving daughter's, I ran errands until about 6 pm. When I got home, there were phone calls and emails to return. I then headed outside to do more yard work. I bundled up a large load of sticks and brush that I had cut over the spring and put them out for pick-up on Friday. I de-algaed the pond and refilled it as the heat had caused evaporation. I set out potted plants for the coming rain to water them. I tried to dump out buckets of standing water that were all over. I whacked some weeds and hand pulled some others. Checked the roses for Japanese beetles...not there yet. Added to the compost. And on and on. Somewhere in there, hopefully, I had some dinner. Collapsed around 9 pm as the sun finally went down. During the night, there was a heavy rain and everything is soaked this morning.