I had quite a night meeself. We are drying out after a full night of rain on Sunday, and I woke up with wet stuff coming out of my eyes. It felt good to have a good cry, even though most of it I did while I was asleep. Don't know if I was crying for Rodney, for other loved ones, for opportunities passed up or just for the world in general, but I feel better now. Less bottled up.
I also had two dreams, both of which are reoccurring. In the first, I was in the lobby of my college dorm room where the mailboxes are. I wanted to get into the mailbox and then go upstairs to my room, but I had lost the key to both, so I just went away. In the second dream, I got up the courage to go into the pool room of my dream home, the one I've told you about many times. I had neglected the pool room for months if not years, and I knew it was a big mess of rotted and dead plants. But when I walked in, I was amazed that everything was fine. The plants were healthy and there was even an orchid blooming. It was spotlessly clean and the water shimmered with reflected sunlight. It was cool and humid and lovely. Someone has been taking care of that grotto for me all this time. And that someone is...another aspect of me!