I can remember going to my grandmother's house, and among the stuff she had in her hoard was an old washing machine that had the two rollers that you fed the clothes through to get the excess water out.

It's called a wringer washer. My grandmother had one, too, and she was still using it when I was a child. My grandmother's looked a lot like your grandmother's except I think they were different brands. Those rollers were called wringers, hence the name "wringer washer." Once upon a time those wringers had to be turned by hand, with a crank, but from the photo, it appears this machine has powered wringers, as did my grandmother's.
Notice the machine is on casters so it can be moved to wherever it's water supply came from, or maybe that was because of the drain. I don't remember how the water was drained when the laundry was done.
There used to be a saying that went something like "See you in the wash if I don't get caught in the wringer." That saying was clearly inspired by the washing machine.
In my time I've probably known some speed queens. ...