Mikaela, could we even say that Shepard Fairey subverted the (Jim Fitzpatrick/Alberto Korda/'Guerrillero Heroico') Che poster?? I sort of like that word in this context!
from injestFortunately this isn't Cuba...and there is already an underground insurgency growing up to fight him.
Yes, subverted could be used in this context, I agree. Though subverted has a "negative" sort of ring to it, as in "destroy, undermine and overthrow" - and this is overthrowing something to positive effect. Then again, it's overthrowing something that apparently has very negative connotations to some, so two negatives make a positive I suppose!
Uhm indeed.*Ennis face*
That doesn't sound at all patriotic to me. Those who want to oppose the president of the USA and his policies surely should make use of the means freely available to them in your modern democracy - open debate, freely expressed opinions, voting in the next election.....
Ted Rall
This one strikes me as prophetic. After all, one man can only do so much.