It's funny how to a kid, the most dysfunctional thing is the most normal thing. I mean, it's all you know. When I was really young - between 3 and 5 - I have vague memories of my Mom making sugar cookies from scratch, rolling the dough out on waxed paper laid on the counter, letting me cut out the Santas and reindeer and trees. She also bought that doughy stuff that hardened into plaster, poured it in molds, and made ornaments my brothers and I then painted. She and my brothers picked out a real tree every year about two weeks before Christmas and we all decorated it together with entirely homemade ornaments.
By the time I was 6, that all had fallen by the wayside, and it was store-bought glass ornaments and a fake tree that looked really fake, and Banquet frozen fried chicken and Potato Buds potatoes for our Christmas dinner instead of the turkey and all the fixings she used to make. But I have wonderful Christmas memories from then on, too. Just different. The point was we were all together. Every year, she still managed to drive us around the local area the week of Christmas to look at all the outside decorations (we never put any up after I was about 5). I still very fondly remember a couple of those drives.