Leslie--wrote you some comments over on the Fanfiction board--and a little haiku right here, in my haiku column, that doesn't have anyone but me in it! (and encouragement, of course!). Just silly stuff...
It JUST occurred to me...when did "gay" become widely used to mean homosxexual? It's more recent than we think...you're probably safe with the '70s, even in Texas, but--I'd like to be sure. I noticed that the older guys on PT (45-50*) didn;t like the use of "queer" in Willie Nelson's song--you gotta be so careful about junk like that. My sister, every time she sees a period movie, or (mostly) when she reads a period book, finds about 1,000,000,000. anacronisms..drives me BONKERS!
I'm reading "Maurice," written in 1911, and published in '78...jeeez...
You know, in Lincoln's time--there WAS no word for homosesxuality at all.."for what it's worth"...
I like this one...(obviously!) CLICK TO ENLARGE