That's exactly why I liked it and read the whole thing.

I guess we're just opposites in that way.
As far as girls driving the plot, that was kind of my point, however poorly expressed. (I also never watched Sex in the City
you could say for more or less the same reason.)
I understood your point. Mine was that if I let gender, sexual orientation, age and location determine my viewing choices I'd never turn the TV on.
I never watched SitC because a) at the time I didn't have HBO and b) it didn't sound that interesting. Even though the characters roughly matched me, demographically.
Girls was more interesting. I guess that's at least part of why they let Lena Dunham make an indie feature film when she was like 23.
When I finally did get HBO, the show I watched was
The Sopranos. I put it off for a long time, but once I started watching I was hooked and consumed an episode almost every night through five or six seasons or however many. I liked it a lot, even though I don't live in a wealthy New Jersey suburb and am not involved in organized crime. Hell, I've never even killed anybody!
Now the one that's hanging over me is
The Wire. I know I would like it once I got into it, even though I don't live in a gritty neighborhood in Baltimore. I'd probably wind up watching it like I did
The Sopranos. But it's many seasons, and I did watch the first episode or two and wasn't hooked. But I've semi-joked that it should be my project this winter.
That looked interesting to me, but there was certainly a reason I didn't/couldn't watch it. Possibly I didn't/don't get the channel/network it aired on. Or I may have watched something else in the same time slot.
Well, I highly recommend it -- all, I think, six or seven seasons? -- if you ever find yourself in a position to watch it.
And, please, let's not go back to the recording thing again.

As I've said before, many times, there are so many choices these days that there is always something to watch "live" instead of something recorded.
I'm pickier, I guess. I decide what I'm going to watch before I turn the TV on, based on what I already know or have read/heard about it. Then I watch that thing and afterward turn the TV off. So you can see why non-streaming wouldn't work for me.
Sometimes I like combining a heavy and a light and watching for 90 minutes, though. I think while I was watching
The Sopranos, I was lightening up afterward with
Curb Your Enthusiasm. That was a golden era.
Justified might have been on weekly in them days, too.
(I guess I was brought up to be brand loyal. A few weeks ago I was really pissed off that I had to buy Endust because the supermarket seems not to carry Lemon Pledge, my mother's preferred dusting product.
I can't remember what my mom had but here's a shocker: I don't think I have ever in my life purchased a dusting product of any brand.