Tonight I was reading aloud to EDelMar about how the house in the Hitchcock movie Psycho echoes Edward Hopper's painting "House by the Railroad". He googled the painting on his phone and agreed with me that they had similarities. Later, when I scrolled through my Facebook newsfeed the photo almost at the top was of "House by the Railroad"! 
You mean it was in your FB newsfeed as an ad? (As opposed to EDelMar or someone else posting it?)
Facebook knows all. That's why some people are concerned.
Lots of people are concerned. Hasn't Zuckerberg testified before Congress about that? Or is that about Russian interference and fake news in FB posts?
I've seen ads pop up on FB after I mention the item in a post. Or when I do something online elsewhere -- buy a pair of shoes, make a hotel reservation -- and up comes an ad for those exact shoes or that exact hotel. Which strikes me as less than perfectly targeted; if you just bought those shoes, why would you want to buy them again? But I guess they figure it's more effective to remind you of the store or hotel than to randomly guess some other similar thing and hope for the best.
But rarest of all is what must have happened between you and EDelMar, where your phone "hears" a conversation and then FB posts an ad. A friend said she had that experience when she and her son were discussing a particular brand of breakfast cereal while the phone was sitting in the room, and right after that it was in an ad on FB.
To me, the scariest one is the fake news, though. It seems pretty undeniable that, collusion or not, those foreign-made fake news items -- Hillary Clinton is running a child sex ring out of a NYC pizza shop!! -- influenced the election.