Yes, they do. (I never read the whole book myself. Dave Cullen did recently, and raved about it.)
I haven't seen Dave Cullen's posts much lately so I went to his FB page, didn't find the
Lolita reference but did catch up a bit on what up with him lately Apparently his book
Parkland is doing well, and he wrote a well-received article about Gabby Giffords for
Vanity Fair.
The last time I was on Route 66 was when I was taking my mother's ashes to be buried in Oklahoma City. No, wait: I travel a small part of it when I go to Payson, AZ, to friend EdelMar's winter house. It passes through Gallup, NM into Arizona, through Holbrook, Winslow, and westward to Flagstaff. Some of the old highway has been turned into almost a superhighway and has completely lost its character.
My then-husband and I drive around the Southwest once or twice, starting in Louisiana, through Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and possibly into California (though that might have been a different Phoenix-to-San Diego trip). So we traveled Route 66 and stayed in some of those motels with the '50s neon signs. Somewhere I probably have photos. I used to always take photos of vintage neon back then.
Oklahoma is, I think, one of only two or three states among the 48 contiguous that I've never been in!