Maybe TNY has its own idiosyncratic definition of staff writer. In the little bio section I've seen Jill Lepore identified as a staff writer--I know I saw it because it so surprised me, because of what I would understand a staff writer to be. I would think of a staff writer as a person who gets a regular paycheck and a w2--like a newspaper reporter, maybe--but Jill Lepore holds an endowed chair at Harvard. Yet she's considered a staff writer.
I think she does both. Same as Nicholas Lemann, who TNY says has been a staff writer since 1999 and became dean of the Graduate School of Journalism at Columbia University in 2003 (thanks, Wikipedia!). Louis Menand has been a staff writer since 2001 and is also an English professor at Harvard. Atul Gawande was a staff writer until 2021 while also being a surgeon. Meanwhile, those people did all kinds of additional things, including writing bestselling books. Obviously they either have superpowers or they really made the most of their summers off!
There must be some kind of a paycheck/w2 situation for staffers or why would TNY distinguish between them, sometimes within the same person? For example, TNY calls Menand a contributor since 1991 and a staff writer since 2001.
If you google their pay, it gets complicated. says salaries range from $1 million to $1.3 million. Perhaps they accidentally added an extra digit. Meanwhile, Glassdoor, potentially somewhat more reliable because it's based on employee reporting, shows a range of salaries for various positions and says a journalist/reporter makes $91,000. That seems pretty low considering the job. Other staff salaries are definitely not enough to live comfortably in NYC; a fact checker, for instance, makes $63,000 according to Glassdoor. Maybe they work remotely from Wyoming or sumpn'. All the Glassdoor listings are based on one person's reporting their own salary, though.
I also happened across this NYT article about a union battle at TNY. Apparently, the magazine's "stars" did not join the union. As a union member and supporter, I'm not sure I want to read it.'ve been an editor and a copy editor in old-fashioned print media.
Oh really, where?