OK, this is my own back yard, so I've been following the story.
Basically, it is a NON-Story. I can't believe it was picked up by Fox news. It must have been a slow news day.

As the story indicates, PTown is a VERY small community off season. These people starve all winter long, some barely able to heat their homes during the long cold New England winters. Yet for the ten week peak summer season, the town comes to life with Gay Dollars! $200 a night motels and even more expensive and lavish guest houses. Real Estate values have jumped to San Fransisco style prices! A small ranch or cape that is a "tear-down" sells for a Million Dollars!
For years gay people have gone there and spent tons of money supporting the community. And in the past there have been isolated incidents of the local "townies" calling out gay slurs. But for the most part, 99% co-exist knowing if they alienate the market, the cash flow will dwindle.
So what is the fuss about? Can you imagine a person standing in the middle of the Castro trying to get people to sign an Anti-Gay marriage petition? No more than a Klu Klux Klan member in full robes at the Democratic National Convention! That is just begging for trouble!
And dog poop on the curb next to your car? Oh puleeez! it must have been a gay dog obviously!
I don't hear any complaining when these people sell their homes for Millions or have Celebrities like Rosie O'Donnell or John Waters in their restaraunts.
As I said, one straight person complains and the media has a field day with it. I wonder how many Gay or Lesbians have been mocked (or worse) without a National Press release?