Author Topic: Straights Complain of Discrimination in Gay Resort Town  (Read 4137 times)

Offline David In Indy

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Straights Complain of Discrimination in Gay Resort Town
« on: July 27, 2006, 06:54:40 pm »
Oh Brother!

Check this out:,2933,205758,00.html

For once in my life, I am at a loss for words.   
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Re: Straights Complain of Discrimination in Gay Resort Town
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2006, 07:36:02 pm »
OK,  this is my own back yard, so I've been following the story.

Basically, it is a NON-Story.   I can't believe it was picked up by Fox news.  It must have been a slow news day.   ???

As the story indicates, PTown is a VERY small community off season.   These people starve all winter long, some barely able to heat their homes during the long cold New England winters.     Yet for the ten week peak summer season, the town comes to life with Gay Dollars!     $200 a night motels and even more expensive and lavish guest houses.    Real Estate values have jumped to San Fransisco style prices!    A small ranch or cape that is a "tear-down" sells for a Million Dollars!     

For years gay people have gone there and spent tons of money supporting the community.   And in the past there have been isolated incidents of the local "townies" calling out gay slurs.  But for the most part, 99% co-exist knowing if they alienate the market, the cash flow will dwindle.

So what is the fuss about?    Can you imagine a person standing in the middle of the Castro trying to get people to sign an Anti-Gay marriage petition?    No more than a Klu Klux Klan member in full robes at the Democratic National Convention!     That is just begging for trouble!

And dog poop on the curb next to your car?   Oh puleeez!   it must have been a gay dog obviously!     

I don't hear any complaining when these people sell their homes for Millions or have Celebrities like Rosie O'Donnell  or John Waters in their restaraunts.

As I said, one straight person complains and the media has a field day with it.    I wonder how many Gay or Lesbians have been mocked (or worse) without a National Press release?


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Re: Straights Complain of Discrimination in Gay Resort Town
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2006, 07:45:43 pm »
The very moment I saw the source I laughed this off. These people who are making these claims are being ridiculous. Discrimination?

"One woman who signed a petition against gay marriage says she was berated as a bigot by a gay man"

That's from the source. Wait a minute... she is being a bigot. That's just a fact. I don't see how these people think that equal rights or gay marriage is going to harm them in any way. And how dare they complain about discrimination?!?

But hey this is a ridiculous source based on a few interviews... Faux News..

"Locals say the intolerance from those who have long pleaded for tolerance has been stirred, in part, by the dispute over Massachusetts' becoming the first and only state to legalize gay marriage."

I love this typical conservative blabbering... how is complaining about discrimination and intolerance being intolerant? I'm sure this same idiotic logic could be used when talking about racism... well if you complain about racism you're a racist in some twisted form of the logic. This really pisses me off.

Oh wait... I think see what is happening here... the bigots complain that if they get criticized they are being discriminated against.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2006, 07:53:33 pm by Giancarlo »

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Re: Straights Complain of Discrimination in Gay Resort Town
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2006, 09:05:37 pm »
When I read this it reminded me of a joke that used to go around....

"A self righteous person said one day......there are only two things that I am against.....discriminationand gay people....I'm a fair person"

and talking of "joke"......this whole article fits into this category.....
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Offline Daniel

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Re: Straights Complain of Discrimination in Gay Resort Town
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2006, 09:19:35 pm »
Oh Brother!

Check this out:,2933,205758,00.html

For once in my life, I am at a loss for words.   

You should know better than to read or watch anything from Fox News. For a more egalitarian approach to the news, try The Daily Show and The Colbert Report
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Re: Straights Complain of Discrimination in Gay Resort Town
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2006, 09:37:07 pm »
And dog poop on the curb next to your car?   Oh puleeez!   it must have been a gay dog obviously!     

no kidding. if any one was going to leave dog poop for her, it wouldn't be on the curb. you better believe it'd be on top of the car, or worse in the vent grills.
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Offline silkncense

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Re: Straights Complain of Discrimination in Gay Resort Town
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2006, 10:17:57 pm »
And dog poop on the curb next to your car?   Oh puleeez!   it must have been a gay dog obviously!     

And how long did the owner make the dog stand there until it was ready to poop next to this particular vehicle?  Or...they must have searched for fingerprints & determined the poop was moved by human hands...

(This is not an endorsement of any type of asshole behavior if it occurs by anyone, however.)
« Last Edit: July 27, 2006, 10:21:34 pm by silkncense »
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Offline David In Indy

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Re: Straights Complain of Discrimination in Gay Resort Town
« Reply #7 on: July 27, 2006, 10:32:18 pm »
When I first heard about this, the only thing I could think was... WTF???

I figured you all would enjoy reading it.

Daniel, I normally watch MSNBC, but I occassionally turn on Fox because they have a couple of (in my opinion) very hot journalists... Shepard Smith and Bill Hemmer. YUM!!

Brit Hume actually reported this story on television late this afternoon. I couldn't believe it,  so I checked their website and sure enough, it was posted on there too.

Like I said, I'm at a loss for words.
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Offline JT

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Re: Straights Complain of Discrimination in Gay Resort Town
« Reply #8 on: July 28, 2006, 12:37:35 am »
It is true that no one is immune to prejudicism, but I just think some anti-gays are trying to stir up the gay marriage debate.  They're in desperate need for people to hear their anti-gay remarks and of course Fox bite the bait.  They want to make themselves seem like the victims to gain sympathy and make gays seem like the bad guys.  Just trouble makers if you ask me.

When I walk through a Wal-Mart the other day, I heard some Black kids use the term "faggots" freely.  Should I go and tell the news about?  Dumb ass bigots!