Hey there, Friends,
It's been noted that since being back in Boston, I've become a regular Dunkin Donut patron at the location next door to my hotel!
My donut habit is probably not really a surprise, I know, but
serious crayons had an idea for a poll about our favorite donuts!
She and Paul (
southendmd) have been making suggestions, and I'm trying something new almost every day...tomorrow is French Cruller Day.
So above is a listing of all the Dunkin Donut flavors that I found on their website:
https://www.dunkindonuts.com/aboutus/nutrition/ProductList.aspx?category=DonutsI know that DD isn't the only name in the donut business, but I think a lot of the flavors are close or similar.
For instance, Krispy Kreme is very big in the South - I liked their regular glazed and their lemon filled. So for the Jelly Filled Donut option, I ask you to specify the filling.
Another odd thing is that the DD site doesn't mention jimmies, so if you like yours with sprinkles, feel free to add comments and pictures.
Also Honey Dew seems to be another donut brand up here.
Have fun!
(Here's a cherry donut...wonder where you get those?!)