Author Topic: If I Asked by Midwest-girl  (Read 60106 times)

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Re: If I Asked by Midwest-girl
« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2006, 04:54:45 am »
**slight spoilers**

I've read next to none BBM fanfics because I think the original story and film just don't invite fics. In a way the originals say it all and so perfectly. But I've had a huge, big craving for seeing Jack and Ennis find a happy ending so I've been following a couple of the highly recommended fics that give them that. (Jenna's "Somebody New" and Midwest_girl's "If I asked" among them.)

I can truthfully say that "If I asked" is the best BBM fic I've ever read. It hooked me completely.

Her unique and consistent writing style, her talented and fitting use of imagery, the insightful characterization of both her Jack and her Ennis, the happy ups and very painful downs of the relationship development, the joy and despair and fears.......the way she makes their love and passion virtually blaze from the page....... the smokin' hot sex. ......the wives! I liked the sympathetic and largely compassionate way she portrayed Alma and especially Lureen - Lureen close to how I see her myself. I loved the way she got across time and again that there are no easy solutions, no way that J&E being together after they've both married won't hurt people: Themselves, (ex-)wives and kids - and they have to live with that knowledge and with the consequences. The IMO relatively realistic portrayal of how J&E live at the end - having to take every care to keep their little bubble of happiness invisible, shielded from everyone. The OCs including the Summers are good and interesting or at least not detracting from the story. And on and on and on...

Anyway, some fics get to you and some don't. By the time I got as far as reading - "Every muscle, every fiber, every bone in Jack’s body screaming out with joy. Emotions Jack’d been sitting on for weeks, holding down tight with both hands and all his will, flooding out." - I had tears of happiness in my own eyes.

I know Amy (Midwest girl) is active over at the DC board. If she ever pops in here to read this thread, I'd like to say: Thank you, Amy.  :-*

« Last Edit: August 09, 2006, 06:05:53 am by Mikaela »


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Re: If I Asked by Midwest-girl
« Reply #11 on: August 09, 2006, 07:07:30 am »
**slight spoilers**

I can truthfully say that "If I asked" is the best BBM fic I've ever read. It hooked me completely.

God, yes, I completely agree with you, I haven't read many fanfics either, and there are a few that I really like, but this one also hooked me completely. It is often the dialogue that does it for me and in this story, it is so powerful, I love the dialogue in the last chapter in the alley behind the diner, Jack is so fed up and willing to risk it all to let Ennis see that they are meant to be together, I was on the edge of my seat!

Amy, if you read this, please continue writing!  ;)

Offline littleguitar

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Re: If I Asked by Midwest-girl
« Reply #12 on: August 09, 2006, 09:41:50 am »
God, yes, I completely agree with you, I haven't read many fanfics either, and there are a few that I really like, but this one also hooked me completely. It is often the dialogue that does it for me and in this story, it is so powerful, I love the dialogue in the last chapter in the alley behind the diner, Jack is so fed up and willing to risk it all to let Ennis see that they are meant to be together, I was on the edge of my seat!

Amy, if you read this, please continue writing!  ;)

I agree as well! The only one I would put next to it is Human Interest.  The dialogue is absolutely a seller for me.  From the very first chapter when I saw how well she had the dialogue down I was hooked.

*Slight SPOILER*

I also loved the scene where Jack says good bye to Bobby.  I think, because of the movie version of Bobby maybe, that a lot of us are harsh on Bobby.  We talk a lot about how much Ennis loved his girls and say very little about the way Jack loved Bobby.  Even though Jack says he never wanted a kid, I find it hard to believe that he wouldn't love Bobby and I really like it when stories explore the relationship Jack might have had with him.

I also wanted to say that I didn't have permission from Amy to post this here... I hope she doesn't mind!
‘cause the truth is, I already give him everythin’ I got to give, more than I ever even knew I had; ‘n it all for him, all of it, him who is my brother, my father, my child, my friend, my lover, my heart, my soul; my Ennis.

-- del Mar Painting, Ch. 48 by b73

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Re: If I Asked by Midwest-girl
« Reply #13 on: August 09, 2006, 11:46:42 pm »
Yes, I never read fanfic until Brokeback, and I found the overly-twangy dialogue in most fanfics badly done, distracting and annoying.  But Midwest-girl did it perfectly IMO.

What's the DC board ??


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Re: If I Asked by Midwest-girl
« Reply #14 on: August 10, 2006, 07:22:47 am »

What's the DC board ??

The Dave Cullen message board,!

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Re: If I Asked by Midwest-girl
« Reply #15 on: August 10, 2006, 07:51:23 pm »
DC = Dave Cullen!!  DUH.   :P  Sorry — I should have known this!  (I even wrote Dave a fan email several months ago.)

And I live in the Denver area too.  I'll have to check that out again . . .  thanks Mvansand.


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Re: If I Asked by Midwest-girl
« Reply #16 on: August 11, 2006, 11:14:17 am »
DC = Dave Cullen!!  DUH.   :P  Sorry — I should have known this!  (I even wrote Dave a fan email several months ago.)

And I live in the Denver area too.  I'll have to check that out again . . .  thanks Mvansand.

No problem!  ;D ;)

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Re: If I Asked by Midwest-girl
« Reply #17 on: August 14, 2006, 05:02:52 pm »
I just finished it and was quite impressed by the writing style. I, too, am distracted by the "accent" style of many fan fic stories because they are inconsistent, often hard to understand, not accurate and sometimes just downright stupid. Amy has done the best job of it that I've seen. The combo of If I Asked and Somebody New woud make the perfect man for me.  ;D



Offline littleguitar

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Re: If I Asked by Midwest-girl
« Reply #18 on: August 15, 2006, 01:26:21 pm »
The combo of If I Asked and Somebody New woud make the perfect man for me. 

You and me both Ruby!

I love the Jack of Somebody New... there is just something about him, it's like he's the Jack from the movie but he's regained his confidence and become much more comfortable with who he is.  That confidence is very sexy.  And I love that she keeps his moustache  ;)
‘cause the truth is, I already give him everythin’ I got to give, more than I ever even knew I had; ‘n it all for him, all of it, him who is my brother, my father, my child, my friend, my lover, my heart, my soul; my Ennis.

-- del Mar Painting, Ch. 48 by b73


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Re: If I Asked by Midwest-girl
« Reply #19 on: August 17, 2006, 03:08:27 pm »
You and me both Ruby!

I love the Jack of Somebody New... there is just something about him, it's like he's the Jack from the movie but he's regained his confidence and become much more comfortable with who he is.  That confidence is very sexy.  And I love that she keeps his moustache  ;)


I agree, that especially showed in the last chapter where he is talking to Ennis in the alley and kicks the wall and shouts No! when Ennis offers to try the fishing trips again. I really felt that and only the fact that I was on a train prevented me from shouting YEEEAAAAH! That was the best dialogue in the whole story. He is a slightly more confident and fearless Jack and I liked that a lot.